Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1852 The Fourth Disaster 16

Now that the main force of the Black Wind Sand Bandits has been wiped out, the good stuff from the Black Wind Sand Bandits' lair must be taken over by players, lest it fall into the hands of other Sand Bandits, strengthen them, and allow them to continue harming the area. That's why Enron will Publish the task of destroying the Black Wind Sand Pirates' lair.

The player received the task of destroying the lair of the Black Wind Sand Bandits and set off quickly.

In order to understand the situation of the Black Wind Sand Bandits' departure, they had already sent people to guard the Black Wind Sand Bandits, so they still knew the situation there and knew that the Black Wind Sand Bandits had a lot of wealth. Soon I received the task of destroying the lair of the Black Wind Sand Bandits. I was afraid that others would walk too fast and snatch everything away, so I hurriedly set off one or two.

There are thousands of members of the Black Wind Sand Bandits, but among them are not only the Sand Bandits, but also their wives and children.

After the Black Wind Sand Bandit Group grows, the leaders will naturally marry wives and have children. Of course, many of the so-called wives are stolen. After all, normal people, who will marry a bandit? Most of those who are willing to marry will The origin is not very bright either. She is either the daughter of another sand bandit leader, or she is a female sand bandit herself.

For these people, An Ran naturally let the omnipotent system show their attributes - those who have killed people naturally have red names; those who have not killed people have green names.

An Ran asked the players to destroy the Sand Pirates' lair, but did not intend for them to kill everyone, so it was displayed like this.

As for the wealth of the sand bandits, An Ran also issued a task to confiscate the ill-gotten wealth of those bandits. As for the wealth distributed to each family, unless there is no one with a bad name in that family, the house can be ransacked, otherwise there is a bad name. Yes, don't worry about it.

In fact, what is distributed to each family is also ill-gotten wealth, but if there are people with bad reputations, they must be left with living expenses, but how much should be left and broken down is a bit troublesome, so An Ran only asked everyone to confiscate the sand bandit gang's Public property, private property, forget it.

Soon the players caught up to the Black Wind Sand Bandits' lair.

Seeing a bunch of people breaking in, the people in the Black Wind Sand Bandits' lair couldn't help but panic.

Previously, the regiment said that they wanted to loot Huangsha City. Those who stayed in their old nest naturally knew it, but their skills were not as good as those who went out, so they did not get the quota to go out. At that time, they were not happy. After all, they all knew There is money in Huangsha City, and those who are qualified to go out will make a fortune.

Unexpectedly, none of those people came back, but this group of ferocious spirits came. When they saw the people from Huangsha City appearing in their lair, the Black Wind Sand Bandits naturally knew that those who went out were probably in trouble. Such a situation I wonder if I can stop panicking.

In fact, to be honest, most of the members of the Black Wind Sand Bandits' lair, except for the women who were robbed, and the children who have not yet gone out to rob, are not clean. Even if they have not actually been robbed, they are still behind. Helping sell stolen goods, providing logistics, and maintaining the operation of the entire sand bandit gang are similar in nature to those who invade other countries with their whole country and stay behind to provide supplies. Although they do not personally participate in the killing, they are also assisting in the killing.

In fact, even those children who didn't go out to rob them can't be said to be truly innocent. After all, their food, clothing, and supplies were all stolen by their parents who killed others.

When it comes to evil, no snowflake is ever innocent.

It's just that An Ran is too lazy to distinguish them one by one, so he asks players to only deal with the red names, and the green names who have never killed anyone and are only engaged in logistics. Enron forgets it. Unless these people can't think about it and actively attack the players, then the players can naturally fight back.

Although there are thousands of people in the Sand Pirates' lair, they include the old, the weak, women and children, and the remaining people are obviously not as good at fighting as those who went out, so it is easy for the players to clean them up.

During this period, players naturally wanted to kill those red names, and the family members of those red names and green names wanted to protect the red names. No matter how the players explained that this person had killed people, they were doing justice for God, and they just would not let the players kill them. For these people, if they don't bother the player much, the player will be fine. But if the malicious intent is too great and they insist on chasing the player to kill them, the player will naturally not let them kill them, and they will fight back.

Soon, this group of players successfully destroyed the Black Wind Sand Bandits' lair and transported away a large amount of supplies.

There are a thousand people capable of fighting, and thousands of gang members, a sand bandit gang with a size of nearly tens of thousands. In this place, in this era, it goes without saying that it is naturally very large - in fact, according to According to the people of the Central Plains, Black Wind here is equivalent to a small prince. After all, it has thousands of combat forces and tens of thousands of members. It may not be enough to see in the Central Plains, but in this sparsely populated desert place, it is very powerful, and it is not considered a party. Are you a small prince?

Since it is a very large one, it is natural that a lot of wealth has been accumulated.

Although the Black Wind Sand Bandits covet the wealth of Huangsha City, in fact, the Black Wind Sand Bandits have a lot of things, and they are also coveted by others, but they are very powerful and no one can deal with them, so they can only watch.

But it's different now. In one day, Huangsha City cleaned up the Black Wind Sand Bandits that they didn't dare to touch. This shocked everyone who knew about it and gave them a new understanding of Huangsha City. , thinking about Huangsha City, does it actually have the ability to subvert a small prince in the desert? Unfortunately, I heard that the people from Huangsha City went to Heifeng's side and confiscated all the things in Heifeng's side. Otherwise, if Heifeng fell, it would be great if they snatched those things.

Naturally, these shocked people included the prefect of Anyuan City.

He also received the news that the Black Wind Sand Bandits were going to deal with Huangsha City. He was originally worried that Huangsha City might not be able to withstand it. In the end, those good things would fall into the hands of the Black Wind Sand Bandits. He also coveted them and was naturally unwilling to give in. He also organized government soldiers to prepare for the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind them. He felt that if he could defeat Heifeng and Huangshacheng in one fell swoop, he would be prosperous.

Especially if you grab those good things from Huangsha City and take out one or two to please the second prince, he might be able to be transferred from here and return to the capital to be promoted and make a fortune.

Who would have thought that the Black Wind Sand Bandits didn't win the battle, so they let the people of Huangsha City take care of them. Even the property of the Black Wind Sand Bandits belonged to Huangsha City. This made the Anyuan City prefect feel heartbroken. There is always a feeling of his own. It feels like something has been robbed.

But even though he was heartbroken, he didn't dare to cause trouble in Huangsha City now. After all, he could cripple the Black Wind Sand Bandits in one day. With such strength, his soldiers might not be able to deal with it.

Thinking of this, the Anyuan City magistrate thought that it would be better to wait for the news from the second prince to see how the second prince would deal with it. He might as well sit on the sidelines and watch, lest someone else would let him take the responsibility if something went wrong in the future.

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