Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1853 The Fourth Disaster 17

Not to mention that the Anyuan City magistrate wanted to win the title of Conglong, but also did not want to wade into troubled waters, so as not to get into trouble, but said that Huangsha City has now become famous in this area since the black wind sand bandits were annihilated. Almost all the sand bandits on the road Everyone heard the news about Huangsha City, saying that all the people in Huangsha City are crazy and not afraid of death.

For this reason, the sand thieves on the road began to dare not wander around Huangsha City.

If there are no sand pirates around, these adventurous players will stop playing. After all, they will have no income and no passion for life. Although there are sand pirates in the distance, they are too far away from the offline road. , it’s really inconvenient to come and go.

So players have asked Anron to expand the distance for internal testing and set up another offline point near the Black Wind Sand Pirates' lair, so that they can log off near the Black Wind Sand Pirates' lair without having to travel such a long distance to the Third Prince's Mansion to log off. If you go offline over there, you can deal with more sand thieves around the Black Wind Sand Thief's lair. After all, the Black Wind Sand Thief's lair is a bit far away from Huangsha City. Although the people there know that there are many lunatics in Huangsha City, they don't want to It's far away, so they have nothing to do there. It happened that the Black Wind Sand Bandit was crippled. Now this area of ​​influence is vacant. Naturally, new sand bandits want to come and fill it. In this way, the sand bandits here can't Less is where they can move their hands and feet.

However, some people have raised objections.

"Now everyone knows that we are powerful, so what if the official opens a offline point in Heifeng? Once the people there know that we are coming, they will stay far away."

"That's right, they are afraid of us."

"Then what do you think we should do? We can't fight without monsters, right? It's boring to just build things without fighting monsters! I'm not one of those life players!"

"We should try our best to disguise ourselves and don't let the natives find out that we are from Huangsha City. Then we will cause trouble to those people."

"It can only be the."

"Don't worry, there will be a war in the future. Think about it. This game is called "The King". The third prince is still huddled in the desolate frontier. In the future, in order to seize the throne, he will definitely fight. Even if there is no war, with the few in Beijing, When the princes fight, I'm afraid there will be assassins and the like who attack the third prince. Then there will definitely be the task of protecting the third prince and killing the assassins, which will be very exciting."

"That's true."

"Even so, it's best to open a offline point in Heifeng so that we can fight against the sand bandits and log off."

"Yes, otherwise it would be too troublesome to run around."

An Ran read this discussion and thought that what these people said was true. These people went to the territory of the Black Wind Sand Bandits. It was really inconvenient to have no offline point. In addition, since they had stolen the Black Wind Sand Bandits' hometown, they could not use the acquired territory again. Let it go, so it is right and necessary to take the territory of the Black Wind Sand Pirates as your own.

But it is not easy to build an offline point at the Black Wind Sand Pirates' lair. After all, it is not a territory that you control. You can't worry about it. Although the Black Wind Sand Pirates' lair has been destroyed, it stands to reason that this is yours, but you don't have actual control. Not yet.

Although a player going offline is like a player sleeping. Even if someone discovers it, it won't make people feel strange. However, there are other things that make people feel strange. For example, if a player is sleeping, others cannot touch him or steal him. If someone discovers something, it will still feel strange, so you have to be careful.

After thinking about it, An Ran immediately spent money to buy more than a dozen guard NPCs and asked them to go to Wunan City, where the Black Wind Sand Bandits' stronghold is, to take over the Wunan City Palace, which was the former residence of the Black Wind Sand Bandits leader, so that the rest could not wait. Re-enter, and at the same time, change the previous meeting hall to the new offline location.

The conference hall is large and can accommodate thousands of people without any problem.

There were guard NPCs guarding it, so it was unlikely that anyone would be able to break into the meeting hall and realize something was wrong.

Fortunately, I have money now, otherwise I would really not be able to afford a guard NPC, because this kind of guard NPC is not an ordinary NPC, and the price of an NPC with force value is much higher.

At the same time, she brought Wunan City under her control and issued missions for the players to guard. In fact, she should have bought some NPC soldiers to guard the city, but she really had no money, so she could only issue missions for the players to guard.

She is not afraid that the players will capture Wunan City and then be unable to defend it. At most, the guards will be lax and unsightly. This is not a problem. Anyway, she did not intend to develop into Wunan City, but this time the Black Wind Sand Bandits attacked this place. On the other side, she took advantage of the situation to counterattack and took over the control of Wunan City, so she could just defend it casually, and there was no need to manage it as carefully as she did with Huangsha City.

When there is more money and Huangsha City is fixed, it will not be too late to run Wunan City. After all, we have to take one step at a time, and we cannot just hammer here and there, and end up not taking care of everything.

The players couldn't help but be happy to see that the game official accepted their suggestion and built a offline area in the Black Wind Sand Bandit City. They hurriedly took advantage of the sand bandits around them not knowing that they were coming, and attacked everywhere to fight against the sand bandits, and gained a lot.

Slowly, the new city of Wunan City was also on the right track. At this time, the second prince of the capital had once again received the news from the prefect of Anyuan City that the third prince had wiped out the Black Wind Sand Bandit Group. He asked the second prince what to do next. .

The second prince saw it and couldn't help but feel extremely angry.

Not long ago, he received a letter from the Anyuan City magistrate. It was said that the third prince had made many small moves and had built a Huangsha City on the border. Now he came to Wunan City and already owned two cities, which was considered a privilege. Although these two cities, according to the magistrate of Anyuan Prefecture, are covered with yellow sand and are so poor that there is no hair, the industry of the two cities may not be as good as that of a prosperous county in the mainland, but no matter what, the third prince It has developed power. If this continues, it is hard to say what will happen in the future.

Thinking of this, the second prince was extremely angry. Thinking that he finally defeated the third son in a fight and had his father send him to the border, how could he stand up? No, we must not let him turn over!

However...it might not be appropriate for him to take action directly. It is better to talk about this matter with several other brothers and see how they plan to deal with it. If no one takes action, it will not be too late for him to take action again, lest he is a mantis stalking a cicada. Others are left behind.

Because the second prince refused to suffer losses and fight with others, he delayed taking action against An Ran, which bought An Ran time to continue to develop.

And just when the second prince was still there and felt that he could not suffer any loss and wanted to see how the other princes would react, An Ran began to deal with the real affairs of his original body.

But how does the game legitimize Enron’s real money? It's just to make others think that she earned it by playing games. Anyway, the officials can't find out what happened in the game.

Nowadays, many people have made a lot of money by playing this game, so it is also normal for a college student to make money through this game.

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