Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1861 The Fourth Disaster 25

Let’s not talk about cleaning up Shangguan’s family, let’s just talk about becoming the emperor. It is not easy.

Although she is developing very well now, up to now, she has established two desolate towns on the border, which is completely incomparable to the power run by several other princes.

So Enron still needs to continue to develop.

In terms of development, the first thing is to have enough food and enough money. After all, build walls high, accumulate food widely, and slowly become king. If you have food and money, you will not be afraid of war.

So Enron increased the task requirements for growing food and sold a few more pieces of land.

Well, if you want to achieve something, you will definitely not be able to do it without food. If your life is in the hands of others, how can you achieve anything?

As for money, let alone money. Making weapons and raising soldiers, which one does not require money?

Yes, Enron has already started to raise troops.

Of course it's not a player, nor an NPC she bought, but one selected from the indigenous people.

The reason why soldiers cannot be players or NPCs is normal. After all, it is not impossible for players to treat them as soldiers when doing tasks, but players are uncertain. In case of future wars, which player they will count on will end up with the other party. When something happened and he was not online, Enron still tried his best to select indigenous people to form an army.

As for NPCs, An Ran never even considered it. Dozens of NPC guards would cost a lot of money. It would cost thousands of NPCs to form an army. How much would that cost? Anyway, he didn’t have that much money. Since In this case, it is better to recruit the natives directly, train them, and use them the same way.

Of course, as an exiled prince, An Ran cannot have private soldiers, so this army is currently under the name of a bandit suppressor leader in Wunan City. Needless to say, this bandit suppressor leader naturally It's a mission NPC, and it's a mission NPC she bought at a huge price. After all, as a bandit leader, he must be more powerful. Ordinary intelligent NPCs are definitely not enough. You must buy one with a certain force value and a higher level of intelligence. , can command the battle, which is naturally much more expensive.

So this private soldier, on the surface, is a bandit-suppression squad run by ordinary people, similar to the bandit-suppression squads run by many players, but in fact it is completely different.

And because it was clearly not An Ran's fault, Anyuan City's prefect did not know about it and only thought it was ordinary people like other anti-bandit squads.

But even if it was done by ordinary people, because these ordinary people were very obedient to the third prince, the prefect of Anyuan City still reported all these things to the second prince; of course, other spies also reported this matter to the second prince. The masters of each house.

However, because there had been many anti-bandit squads before, the princes in the capital did not doubt the origin of this new bandit squad. They just thought that it was built by ordinary people like other anti-bandit squads, so there was nothing to worry about.

Therefore, although they obtained the information, they did not become more wary of An Ran. They still had the previous idea, that is, the third prince had two small towns and some money, and they wanted to deal with him. As for An Ran's secret, they Not found at all.

After a lot of competition, the news that An Ran built two small towns on the border reached the ears of the emperor.

Emperor Yongfeng was startled when he heard that the three princes had been exiled to the border. Not only were they not dead, but they were still alive in such a situation within a year. He was startled and thought a lot.

After all, he was his own son, and he had done nothing to disgrace him. Emperor Yongfeng did not have much hatred towards the third prince.

It was just that under the operation of all the forces at that time, even if he felt that Lao San's mistake would not lead him to be exiled thousands of miles away, the situation was beyond his control, so he could only send him to the border.

Because he felt guilty in his heart, he took a thousand silver coins from the third prince and left. Emperor Yongfeng was not incited to take it away.

And this is also the reason why An Ran still had a thousand silver coins in her hand at that time. If Emperor Yongfeng didn't care, otherwise she would be an empty-handed pauper after entering the mission world. In that case, the mission would be even more difficult to complete. .

But Emperor Yongfeng never thought that Lao San could make such a big splash on the border with just one thousand silver coins.

As several princes heard about what the third prince had done, Emperor Yongfeng sent someone to investigate in person, and found that the third prince was really powerful. He could create such a big scene alone. Quite remarkable.

Emperor Yongfeng was proud of the performance of the third prince, and for the time being it had not threatened his status, so he was not afraid.

If this son shows such great ability in the capital, he will definitely be praised by the ministers. In that case, he may feel unhappy that the other party's achievements have shaken the master.

But this son was thousands of miles away in a cold and miserable land, and from time to time, people used eye drops on the third prince and said he was not good. The more this happened, the more rebellious Emperor Yongfeng felt, and the more proud he felt. On the contrary, , but there was no fear as those who took eye drops expected.

After all, Emperor Yongfeng was unwilling to send his son away under the pressure of all forces. So now that his son has done something, he is given eye drops. Not only is he not afraid of him , on the contrary, it is normal to feel rebellious.

After all, in his opinion, the third prince's petty quarrels could not be done to him at all. However, the several princes in the capital had more powerful mothers behind them, and he had to worry that these people would kill him and then ascend the throne.

So at this moment, several princes told Emperor Yongfeng about the movements of the third prince. They thought that Emperor Yongfeng would be afraid of An Ran, and then he would personally take action and push the third prince down. In the end, the emperor said nothing, nothing. Do, this made everyone look at each other and think, did they not pay enough attention to the eye drops? The third prince has developed so much, doesn't the emperor think he is scary, doesn't he fear him, doesn't he not deal with him?

They did not dare to ask Emperor Yongfeng why he had such a reaction, but they wanted to know the reason, so someone quietly sent a lower-status official to write a letter, claiming: The third prince did not work hard to reform in the place of exile, but he acted recklessly Those who manage power, violate the rules, and have disobedience will be severely punished by Your Majesty.

And this petition touched the back of Emperor Yongfeng, thinking that the third prince was framed by these people and exiled for thousands of miles, and the third prince's mother and concubine, because he had no choice but to listen to their opinions, was thrown into the cold palace. They were still not satisfied and wanted to kill him. Wasn't it because they saw that they could not fully control the government and did not take themselves seriously, so they challenged their authority again and again?

He can't cure those in high and powerful positions, so he can't cure this little seventh-grade official? !

Besides, if you can't even cure the little Qipin Yanguan, won't this group of people look down on you even more?

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