Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1878 The Fourth Disaster 42

The reason why players gain a lot of money is because if they catch illegal traders, Enron will give them a certain percentage of the materials as a reward. This makes players naturally make a lot of money. After all, Who knows, there are always some businessmen who can't stand it due to the unsafe environment outside. They will take chances and take risks to enter the country, and then they will always be caught by the players and make money.

Players don’t have to worry that after catching these merchants, other merchants will not come after hearing about it. At most, these merchants themselves will not dare to come again, but other merchants will definitely come because these people are selfish. How could it be possible to tell other colleagues about players patrolling and arresting people on the border? On the contrary, I hope that other people will also suffer and be deceived, and they cannot be the only ones who are unlucky.

Therefore, for a long period of time, there have been traders at the border, allowing players to make a lot of money.

Even those merchants who have been caught, because it is not safe to walk outside, are robbed from time to time, and lose their goods, they will still take the risk and sneak into the country again, hoping that they will not be discovered by the players. As long as they are not discovered by the players, it is worthwhile for them to enter the country secretly. After all, it is so unsafe outside. If they can make a safe trip successfully, they can make back all their previous losses. After all, the San tribe is in urgent need of supplies now, so the reward is Extremely high.

It is normal for the San tribe to be in urgent need of supplies. After all, the San tribe is still smaller than the Upper Central Plains, and the proportion of material consumption will be faster than that of Qi. When Anron did not cut off Hongshang before, it was safe for Hongshang to supply the San tribe through Anron's territory. In this way, there will be a lot of supplies, so that the San people will not be short of supplies.

Since Anron banned merchants from selling things to the San people and disobedient merchants were not allowed to cross the border, it has become increasingly difficult for the San tribe to obtain supplies, and supplies are gradually becoming scarce.

Due to Enron's interference, many merchants stopped planning to buy and sell supplies to the San from abroad, and instead bought and sold supplies to the San from the mainland.

However, in the mainland, food and clothing can be bought, but weapons and horses are difficult to buy. After all, such things are controlled items and are not available to ordinary people. Only those military generals have them. But if you have the opportunity to talk to military generals, There are some who cooperate and resell these materials to the San people, but not many. Anyway, it is more troublesome than getting them from abroad. After all, as long as you have money, you can buy them abroad.

When there are fewer suppliers, things become more expensive when they are scarce, and the selling price will be higher, which is unacceptable to the San people.

All in all, since Anran got involved, it has been difficult for the San tribe to buy a lot of supplies with a small amount of money like before, so they also hated Anran. Some San tribe generals suggested that Anran be eliminated. , the San tribe will take over the rule of An Ran, so that they don’t have to worry about material issues.

In fact, if this place was not controlled by An Ran, the original world would still be in chaos because the Shangguan family doesn't care about the war and is too lazy to run the city in the game, let alone send players to ensure the safety of the territory. The merchants who supply supplies to the San people are just as troublesome as supplying supplies outside now. At most, they don't have to go around so long and take less time. This can not only save some freight, but also make it a little safer because the distance is short, but it doesn't matter. Much more. The San people could bear it then, so why can’t the San people now? After all, it is still difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. I used to enjoy buying things at low prices, but now the prices have become higher and things have become less. No one can stand it, so someone suggested that Enron be used, which is normal.

However, the San tribe has more people than the Kun tribe, and naturally has more capable people. Someone immediately stopped this proposal.

"Da Qi has not been able to deal with the Kun tribe for so many years. The third prince has only been in the border area for more than a year and wiped out the Kun tribe. It can be seen that the third prince's ability is much more powerful than that of the people in the Da Qi court. Since he has not provoked him for the time being, We, let’s not provoke him for the time being, deal with Da Qi first, then deal with him before it’s too late, and don’t engage in a two-front war.”

This statement was approved by the vast majority of people.

They also felt that they would not be able to defeat Da Qi and the Third Prince at the same time, but once Da Qi was eliminated and they had the support of Da Qi's vast and abundant resources, it would not be difficult to defeat the Third Prince.

So Enron narrowly escaped a war.

You know, with Anron's current strength, it is not difficult to defeat the Kun tribe, but if you want to defeat the Kun tribe, which has more people, richer materials, has established a country, and has a more systematic Sang tribe, even if it is not necessarily possible, it will not be defeated. But it will definitely be difficult to fight and there will be great losses.

Although the San tribe doesn't want to fight with An Ran now and wants to grow up first, the same goes for An Ran. She hasn't grown to the point where she's not afraid of others yet.

While the San tribe continued to fight with Daqi in full swing, An Ran began to think about the next development direction.

Now, from the former territory of the Kun tribe to Anyuan City, it is all occupied by Anron. If we want to develop further, we have to think about whether to develop horizontally or vertically.

Horizontal development means that it is constantly expanding to both sides between Anyuan City and the Kun people. Many places on both sides are deserts, so there is still room for expansion.

Vertical development is easy to understand, either moving towards Anyuan City or developing deep in the desert.

As for the former, An Ran doesn't want to attack Anyuan City for the time being, lest the distance between her and the Sang tribe gets closer and closer, which is not conducive to buffering. Since she doesn't plan to attack the Sang tribe now, she naturally doesn't want to get too close to them; the latter If you go further from the Kun tribe's territory, there are quite a few empty areas. Of course, it goes without saying that most of the uninhabited areas are deserts, otherwise there would be no unoccupied areas.

In other words, except for developing forward, otherwise, no matter whether you go left, right or backward, it will be a desert.

In the end, Anron decided to move to the right for the time being - to the left, it would be easier to get closer to the San people; if she moved forward, her territory would be in a straight line, and her body would be too thin and easily cut off, which was not good, so she planned to go to the right. Developing on the right side, it does not touch the San clan, but also makes the body a little rounder and less likely to be cut off.

Now that the direction of development has been determined, how to develop is not a problem. After all, there are several successful examples in the past, so it will not be difficult to continue. Anyway, just copy the previous model. Zhongyuan may not be able to copy it exactly. After all, there have been This development model will not work in the owner-occupied places, but outside the customs, in these long stretches of yellow sand and ownerless places, it is not difficult to arrange the development according to whatever needs to be developed.

While Anron was developing his own territory, and recruiting several more players as the territory expanded, he was keeping an eye on the Sanqi War in order to find opportunities to enter the market.

If Da Qi can't withstand it and falls apart, it's her turn, otherwise, Da Qi can't really die.

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