Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1883 The Fourth Disaster 47

Everyone in the Sang clan knew that the third prince's men were powerful, but they couldn't be this powerful, right? The warriors of their Sang tribe are very powerful. They beat the officers and soldiers of Daqi so hard that they fled. So what's going on now? Isn't it too fast to defeat a city in one day? It was even faster than when they attacked Daqi and destroyed the city! If we continue like this, even though the capital is thousands of miles away from the border, it will still be unbreakable. Wouldn't it be possible that the third prince will attack the capital in two or three months?

How does this work? They finally captured the capital, but they don't want to give it up!

So now the San people saw that those small towns were of no use, and they were afraid that the news from them would spread slowly. By the time it was sent to them, the unbroken cities had already been breached, so they ordered their subordinates to ignore those small towns and hurry up. Zhenbeiguan, the first important town at the border, has deployed heavy troops. They must guard this pass to buy time for the San court to quell the chaos and subdue the cities. When they pacify the cities that were previously conquered but still have some chaos, they will have supplies and personnel. Support the front line.

An Ran received intelligence and knew that Zhenbeiguan was deploying heavy troops, and knew that this battle might be difficult to fight.

Although they knew it would be difficult to fight, when the military personnel expressed that they wanted to continue to practice their siege warfare capabilities, they did not object. However, they also said: "Zhenbeiguan is different from ordinary small towns. The siege may not last for a while." It can be successful, so I will give you at most one day to attack the city. If you fail to capture it in one day, I will use explosives to breach the city the next day and then engage in close combat. The longer the delay, the more difficult it will be for the San tribe to pacify There is chaos everywhere, and it is not good for us to be able to use our hands to deal with it.”

The military representative expressed his understanding and immediately said: "One day is enough, as long as it allows us to exercise more, we will be satisfied."

After all, we can't delay the military affairs of the third prince, right?

However, Zhenbei Pass is indeed difficult to defeat. As one of the most powerful passes in the world, the Sang people were able to break through it because there was a traitor among the generals guarding the pass. The Sang people opened the way with a silver bullet and directly bribed a general with a lot of money. The enemy cooperated internally and externally, opened the city gate, and let the enemy in. The final barrier was broken. It was not the San people who broke through this great barrier.

Because it is not a pass that can be broken through by normal means, the city wall of Zhenbeiguan is still in good condition. It is very majestic, tall and thick, and it is difficult to break through at first glance.

Facing such a city wall, and the people inside the city wall are different from the inexperienced city defenders before. There are people inside this city wall who are skilled in city defense, so this city is not easy to break.

The person inside this city wall who is good at defending the city is General Cai, the Daqi general who was bribed by the Sang people before.

Since he was greedy for money, he took money from the Sang people, opened the city gates for the Sang people, and offended everyone in Daqi, so naturally he could not continue to stay in Daqi. In addition, the situation in Daqi was not good before, and he felt that he He wanted to be practical and join his master who had a more promising future, so he simply rebelled and joined the San tribe. Now he is still working as a general in Zhenbeiguan.

Because he is here, the San people have experience in how to defend the city. In addition, the pass is majestic, so it is really difficult for the players to attack.

Seeing the difficulty of attacking, the player cannot help but draw a villain for General Cai.

Some players gritted their teeth and said: "This traitor, he is dead! He killed me once, and he has to spend so much money to resurrect him!"

"He must be dead. This kind of person not only acts as a traitor, but also helps foreigners kill his own compatriots. He should be put to death!"

"What's going on officially? Stop attacking the city with manpower. How long will it take to attack the city? Just use explosives to blow it up. Although the city is very thick, more explosives will definitely blow it open. Once it explodes, it will be blown open. The one named Cai is good-looking."

There is a lot of abuse like this.

In fact, the military has done a very good job in siege, but the city is relatively high and the defender has experience in defending the city. It is difficult for the leading car to get close, so they can only shoot the defenders on the city with bows and arrows from a distance.

Even the movements of cooperating with the people attacking the city are more difficult than ordinary cities before, because the city is too high and requires a higher lead vehicle. In this way, this thing is heavier, and now there is no crane. Even if it can be transported in pieces and assembled in the military camp, it is very inconvenient to transport it to the front of the battle array. In addition, the enemy's trebuchet is probably huge, so its range is also longer. Not only can it hit the lead vehicle, He can shoot rockets and throw boulders, and it is also more difficult to cooperate with the attackers. In short, attacking this city is not an easy task.

This is normal. After all, as one of the most powerful gates in the world, it would be too exaggerated to be able to defeat the city in one day using traditional methods.

Fortunately, the enemy's giant trebuchets are obviously limited in number, while the military's leading vehicles have many, and occasionally they are damaged. They can be pushed away immediately before they can no longer be supported, discard the damaged parts, and replace them with good parts. , now all are produced on assembly lines, replacement is not difficult, and a new lead car will be launched soon to continue the battle.

Since the enemy's giant trebuchets were limited, the military quickly changed its combat strategy. Instead of just pulling out a few lead vehicles to allow the enemy to destroy all the lead vehicles, all the lead vehicles were pulled out to assist in the battle. , the attackers and the leading car were all scattered. Anyway, the town Beiguan is very large, so there are places to disperse.

In this way, the enemy's giant trebuchets are limited, and there will always be places where there are no such giant trebuchets. In this way, the archers on the leading vehicle can cooperate with the siegeers and send them to the top of the city.

So although the players felt that the siege was too slow, in fact, the defenders saw that An Ran had changed their siege measures. A bunch of leading vehicles appeared, and the siegeers were also spread out. The battle line was too long. , As a result, there were not enough trebuchets to defend all the places, and I was panicked.

At that moment, the generals of the San tribe on the city kept asking Cai, "General Cai, how are you going to defend the city in this situation?"

I really don’t know why the Third Prince and those people have so many cars! That thing was very heavy, how did they transport it? ! Even though this is a plain, it's too heavy to transport! ——Because they were assembled in the military camp, people outside didn’t know it and thought they were pulled over in a complete vehicle, so they were so surprised.

The man surnamed Cai couldn't help but look gloomy. After all, he didn't want the city to be broken, because he knew that once the city was broken, the Third Prince's people would definitely not let him, the traitor, go. So he immediately said: "Let the craftsmen in the army continue to fight." Make a trebuchet and take care of every place, otherwise they will attack sooner or later."

"This kind of thing can't be made immediately just by doing it!"

"Whether it's too late or not, let everyone rush to conquer the city day and night. These attackers cannot conquer the city in one day. As long as we hold on for a month or two, what we have done in the army, plus We can still hold on to what was sent from the rear!"

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