Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1884 The Fourth Disaster 48

If the players want to know what General Cai said, they probably want to tell him, what the hell are they thinking? If they can't conquer this city in a month or two, why don't they want to be laughed to death? In three days at most, they will take Zhenbeiguan and then continue to advance towards the capital!

The player's idea is not groundless, because An Ran will not keep delaying the game. After all, as she said, if the delay is too long, the San clan will calm down the chaos of all parties, and then they will have the energy to beat her. , then of course she can't do this, so she has to take advantage of the fact that the Sang tribe has not settled the chaos among all parties, and rush to the capital. When the time comes to fight against the Sang tribe, it will be faster and the losses will be smaller.

But after the military adjusted its offensive, the defender at Zhenbei Pass was obviously unable to withstand the attack.

Previously, the number of leading vehicles provided by the military was limited, so each one was taken care of by Zhenbeiguan, resulting in none of them being able to support the siege.

But things are different now. After the military deployed more than 20 trebuchets in a row, Zhenbeiguan only had more than a dozen giant trebuchets, and there was still a gap of more than ten.

And it was this gap that was quickly breached by the military.

As soon as the military saw that the enemy did not have trebuchets, they asked the siegemen to go to those places where there were no trebuchets. Soon those places were attacked by the military.

Of course, in addition to trebuchets, Zhenbeiguan also has other powerful defensive tools, but when military players are not afraid of death, they are all useless.

General Cai did have two brushes. Seeing that there were too many cars in Anran, some areas could not be taken care of, so he sent more guards to those areas that could not be taken care of, firstly to prevent people from climbing up, and secondly. Even if the opponent climbs up, because there are more people at the top of the city, the enemy can be easily eliminated without causing a problem.

This method is still good, but it can't handle the large number of people on An Ran's side.

The players attacking Anron's city include not only military players but also ordinary players this time.

Seeing that the city was too big to attack, An Ran ordered the siege mission in order to attack the city quickly. If you climbed to the top of the city, you would be rewarded. If you killed the enemy, there would be another reward. If you died, you would get a resurrection gold subsidy. Such generous siege rewards caused ordinary players who were just watching the show to follow the military players who had already climbed up the city wall.

Anyway, the road above has been cleared by military players. All they have to do is keep climbing up. There will be rewards for climbing up. Who wouldn't want to do this?

So the defenders of the city discovered that An Ran's 40,000-strong army (An Ran's private soldiers had not joined for the time being, after all, they could not be resurrected. If too many died if they joined, the losses would be too great) rushed forward.

As long as someone successfully reaches the top, something will happen there, because there will be a steady stream of soldiers climbing up from behind, one or two of them not afraid of death.

Seeing this, General Cai's face turned pale. He quietly retreated, summoned his own soldiers and confidants, and gave some instructions.

The Sang people were still fighting with the Third Prince's people there, but General Cai knew that the city could not be defended and could not wait any longer, so he summoned his own soldiers and confidants and prepared to escape.

As a person who is good at observing the situation, he thought that Daqi might not be able to survive before, so he took refuge with the Sang people. If An Ran hadn't appeared, his observation would have been correct, and he would have gone to the Sang people. It was the same this time, he saw that An Ran could capture this city, so he took advantage of the opportunity and prepared to escape.

But how could he escape? ! An Ran issued a beheading mission against him. His appearance was carefully listed on the player's mission list and also appeared on the player's map. Therefore, as soon as those players boarded the city, they rushed to General Cai. Everyone wanted to Kill General Cai and get that generous reward.

So, just when General Cai thought he had a plan and thought he was smart, he knew how to escape when the San tribe didn't even know the danger. However, they didn't expect that the player could see him on the map. When he saw him going down to the city, he followed his relatives. The soldiers walked sneakily out of the city together, knowing that this old boy was preparing to escape. How could they let him go? The players who boarded the city immediately threw away the Sang people as quickly as possible and began to rush towards General Cai.

The players outside the door also saw General Cai's movements, and quickly guarded the door, waiting for General Cai to open the city gate. They swarmed up, killed General Cai, and then entered the city.

In the end, the player who was guarding the door succeeded, because the players in the city were tripped by the Sang people and couldn't get away for a while, so they could only watch General Cai open the city gate, and then Cai, who had been seen long ago, The general made a move, so the player who was guarding the door caught him.

General Cai never thought that there would be so many players outside the city gate. After all, he was on the city wall just now, but he specifically asked his soldiers to inquire about it. He said that this gate had the least number of people guarding it. How could he know that at this moment? How could there be so many people? I couldn't help but feel angry at that moment, so I asked my close confidant, "Didn't you say that there are the fewest people here? Then what is going on now, so many?"

The soldier couldn't help but sweat profusely when he heard his superior's question, and said: "It was true that there were very few before, and I don't know why there are suddenly many now."

The players listened to the conversation between them but laughed.

They did not guard the city gate much before. After all, the map showed that no generals ran towards the city gate, so their focus was still on attacking the city.

But wasn't General Cai moving towards the city gate? Naturally, they attracted their attention and followed him.

General Cai also knew that this was not the time to talk, so he quickly led his troops to rush through the pass.

But where to escape, more and more players saw General Cai running away from here, so more and more players ran over.

Soon, the player named Cai was trapped and killed by a certain team of players. The other players saw that the target player was killed and did not take it seriously. They quickly took advantage of this opportunity, rushed into the city gate, and began to attack the soldiers in the city. .

Although the one with the surname Cai is valuable, these soldiers are also valuable. If you kill one more, you will get more rewards.

Then I thought, it's really good. We can capture this city without using advanced explosives. The ability of military players is really beyond compare - if the military hadn't captured the city, neither would the one named Cai. As for escaping, if they didn't run away, they wouldn't have opened the city gate to let them in, so the credit goes to the military.

And because of the player's crazy reputation, the soldiers in the city would not dare to fight the player once they saw the player's morale. Often the player was still killing them from behind. When the soldiers in front saw it, they ran away quickly. They were afraid of being caught up and killed, so they did not fight at all. , but fled into the wind.

Looking at several city gates, one of them was wide open, and the Third Prince's men came in continuously. Finally, they learned that it was Cai who was preparing to escape and opened the city gate. The Sang people couldn't help but get angry.

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