Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2145 Wasteland World 27

In fact, most places have returned to peace. These few places should not cause any trouble. After all, as long as people in most places send troops, people in a very small number of places will definitely not be able to withstand it. However, this is not an old god. Now, everyone is afraid that if they attack the few places that are unwilling to unify, the old gods will think they are not good, so they dare not attack, resulting in some places that are not unified.

Therefore, Enron's pretending to exist as an old god has both advantages and disadvantages. Needless to say, the advantages are that the world will be more peaceful.

But the disadvantages are also obvious. Some people are afraid of launching a unification war, which will be regarded as a bad thing by the old gods, so they dare not launch it.

This is not only the case in N country, but also in many places abroad. Some people relied on the existence of the old god and felt that others did not dare to launch a unification war against him, so many places took the opportunity to divide, split, or cause trouble.

And this is naturally not what An Ran wants to see.

At that moment, An Ran took advantage of the opportunity to divide, divide, or cause trouble. At the same time, the character value was negative, and the negative was very serious. It was obvious that he had done a lot of bad things, and he brushed some negative status, and made the other person die of the disease - from the outside Get up, this kind of negative status is not killed instantly by using attack skills, it's like being sick or dying of illness.

The state of these people is also normal. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, they have done a lot of bad things. It is estimated that the old gods did not clean up the radiation pollution for them. As a result, over time, they suffered from radiation sickness and died. It's normal. No one noticed that An Ran killed him.

So after several people died like this, those who wanted to be emperors found that radiation pollution could really take away their lives. No matter how they didn't believe in evil, they still cherished their lives. After all, they had made such a big business through troubled times. It's for enjoyment, rather than hanging up quickly and letting others enjoy it. So soon, many people are willing to return to the unified system.

Soon, most countries were restored to unity, divisions and divisions disappeared, and the world became increasingly peaceful.

Although this is due to the old gods, the false peace that exists is caused by the suppression of the ambitions of some careerists, but for ordinary people, peace is a good thing. As for the future if the old gods leave, these careerists What to do if trouble starts again... That is a matter of the future. After all, when there were no old gods, there were also careerists. What are you afraid of? It is unprecedented to have such a peaceful time in the world. People secretly enjoyed themselves.

An Ran is quite happy in this world. Firstly, it's not the ancient times, so she doesn't have to worry about not marrying. Secondly, without her parents around to urge her to get married, she can stay married as long as she wants, and live as she pleases.

She only needs to do her tasks every day, and she doesn't have to worry about other things.

Although she had many suitors because of her good looks and excellent medical skills, she didn't need to pay any attention to her, and it didn't cause her any trouble.

The only thing she needs to worry about is hoping that the radiation will pass one day soon, so that she can relax.

Although just a little bit, you can complete the task of clearing people of radiation pollution, but because there are too many people, it is quite boring and tiring to keep doing this.

Not to mention that all the radiation disappears, it may take many, many years, but it is better to at least reduce it. When the radiation drops even lower, people will be contaminated with a lot less radiation. In this way, she will It can be a lot easier. After all, people who have only been exposed to a little bit can be left alone for the time being, and only the more dangerous people can be taken care of first. As long as the amount of radiation in the surrounding environment is greatly reduced, the number of people she needs to take care of will definitely increase. The amplitude will be reduced, and then she will be able to relax.

Therefore, An Ran does not encourage people to emerge from the ground and live on the ground. After all, living on the ground will lead to faster pollution, which will naturally increase her workload.

But people no longer wanted to live underground, and she couldn't force them to continue living underground, so she could only follow everyone back to the surface.

Fortunately, except for the center of the explosion, the amount of radiation in other places was not that outrageous. At least it was not like what she had done when she lived in a prison or prison near the center of the explosion. Because the amount of radiation was too high, she would lose blood in a short time. People who return to the surface from the underground still cherish their lives, so no one is stupid enough to live near the center of the explosion. After all, even if there are old gods who can help them clear their negative states, it is not good to bother them all the time, so they should leave. The radiation point is further away and the number of cleaning operations is smaller.

Moreover, it has been some time since An Ran entered this world, so the amount of radiation in various places has also dropped, making everyone less exposed to radiation.

In addition, many people were severely radiated in the beginning, and Enron was busy because those people had accumulated the amount of radiation in the past few years, so many people were severely irradiated, and these radiation contaminations were the most severe. Once the person is cleared, the newly infected radiation will not reach dangerous levels so quickly, which also makes Enron feel more relaxed.

Since then, Enron has been busy cleaning up the radiation contamination of people all over the world.

As time went by, although there were no wars after people returned to the ground, the world became peaceful, the birth rate increased, and the population increased, this did not increase Enron's burden much, because although the population increased, at the same time, radiation levels around the world The level is also weakening year by year, so people who are contaminated to a dangerous level and need to clear their negative states immediately have longer and longer intervals.

If we say that when we first emerge from the ground, we may need Enron to help people clear negative states once a year. After ten years, they will be able to clear them once every two years.

In ten years, the world's population cannot double. This will virtually reduce Enron's workload.

Although the radiation is decreasing, it will not completely disappear until you safely leave this world. The amount is just reduced to the point that even if people inhale it for a lifetime, it will be difficult to reach dangerous levels.

Although it was not dangerous, Enron still helped everyone remove the radiation before leaving the world.

In this way, these people will not have any radiation on their bodies, and even if they absorb radiation in the future, they will be fine. After all, in a few decades, the radiation should be less, and it will not cause any harm to people.

To this extent, An Ran felt that the task should have been completed.

Before An Ran left, he asked the system to send a notice to everyone, saying that the radiation on their bodies would not be a big problem and that they would not help remove the radiation in the future, but he asked them to maintain the tradition of continuing to do good things. After all, who Who knows if there will be a god coming again one day, and whoever has done the most good deeds will be rewarded?

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