Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2146 Wasteland World 28 (End)

An Ran was afraid that after he left, these people would have no restraint and would rebound and become less peaceful. Then the world would be devastated, so he said this. He only said that he would no longer help people remove radiation, and He didn't say he was leaving.

Not to mention, after An Ran said this, many people really listened. They were afraid that without the old immortal, they would do bad things. If the immortal is needed again in the future, they would do too many bad things. If the gods don't help you, that's not good. After all, there are many evil people in this world who didn't get help from the old gods. In the end, they got radiation sickness and died miserably. They don't want to need the gods one day in the future. At that time, he also fell into such an end.

Therefore, after An Ran left, although the world environment was not as harmonious as when An Ran was around, there was not much turmoil, and the people could still live their lives.

After An Ran returned, he felt relieved after observing that the tasks and evaluations were as good as ever.

In fact, in this mission, the most difficult thing is not to clean up Goofy's gang, but to save the world in the end. Fortunately, she has advanced computer skills and built such a website. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to do it. At least one, how can she know all of them? People, let the game system include it. Without this, there will be no way to help people clear negative statuses in the future.

There is an unfinished story in this world. An Ran was curious and spent some life points to buy it and read it.

But it was said that after the original body was killed by Gao Fei, because Gao Fei knew how to get the game system, he killed the original body in a secret room with no one else around, so he lost the host's system. In order to survive, he followed Gao Fei It was bound, allowing Gao Fei to successfully obtain the game system.

But will Gao Fei be more powerful and more dominant than when his original body was still there? The answer is, not really.

Gao Fei was not the only one to know that there was a game system in his original body. At least, the researchers who were studying how to snatch the system knew about it.

The three of them kept the secret secret, and soon, many people knew about the game system.

Who can not covet such a good thing? After all, as long as you get this thing in your hands, you can use the excuse of helping others to remove radiation to gather greater power.

So soon, Gao Fei was killed.

Although Gao Fei's power was already very strong at this time, there were mountains outside the mountains and there were people outside the people. Naturally, there were more powerful forces that could deal with him, so if he could kill him and take away the system, it would be very easy. Normal.

If Gao Fei had known such a result, he might not have grabbed the system in the first place. After all, the system was in his original hands. Although it was not as convenient to use as his own, without the system, he would not have been killed.

After the game system was in the hands of new people, the killing did not stop. After all, the coveting would not stop.

After that, every time the game system comes into the hands of someone, that person will soon be killed by someone else. Not only is there no peace in the world, but there is also a greater bloody storm. In the past, because nuclear war was so powerful, it was difficult for the planet to survive. , so the war that had stopped started again because of the robbery of this treasure.

Finally, a nuclear war broke out again, and the war got bigger and bigger. There was no way. After knowing that there was such a treasure, everyone thought that it would be okay to fight a nuclear war. At worst, they could seize the game system and clean it up for those who had the radiation. Wouldn’t radiation contamination be enough? So what’s so scary about nuclear war?

Not only did the treasure not bring benefits to the world, on the contrary, it also broke people's fear that nuclear war would destroy the world. They felt that nuclear war was no longer a problem, and the war became more and more serious.

Because the fighting becomes more severe, more and more people die, and the world becomes less and less suitable for human survival.

Finally, the system disappears.

To be precise, it is not disappearing, but killing and killing. Sometimes there is no chance for the person to be killed to be alone in a place, such as being killed in a crowded place. Who is bound to the system in the end? , I can’t figure it out.

In the end, I don’t know who got it, but the person who got it knew that no one should know about it, lest his life be in danger, so he concealed it so that no one would know who got it.

Although the system has lost traces, people are still searching, fighting while searching. There is no way. The war that happened again before caused more hatred among people, which cannot be eliminated for a while. Even if the game system is lost, radiation pollution has caused many People who get radiation sickness cannot stop like last time, so it is normal that the war will continue.

Because the war has never stopped, and the game system has lost its trace, it is unable to help people who have been contaminated by radiation eliminate radiation. In addition, a nuclear war has occurred in this world since then. Not only has the radiation not decreased over time, but it has also increased. The more severe the disease, the more and more people in the world are suffering from radiation sickness, and through genetic inheritance, many of the descendants of the few people left due to the war are still deformed.

In addition to more and more people getting radiation sickness, the dust on the surface is getting heavier and heavier, making it impossible for humans to survive.

Human beings have become more and more depressed after living underground for a long time. Coupled with the numerous deformities, human resources have become less and less. In order to compete for resources, wars have become more and more continuous, and wars have led to fewer and fewer normal humans.

And technology is slowly regressing due to the reduction of human beings and the inability to connect civilizations.

Such a vicious cycle gradually led to human civilization not only regressing significantly after one or two hundred years, but also reducing the number of humans to a dangerous level.

With such a small number of people, human beings should not continue to fight. Unfortunately, resources are getting less and less, and the radiation has not retreated for a while. In order to fight for the resources to survive, people have to fight, although smarter people know that they cannot continue to fight. But unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to turn the tide.

So An Ran was stunned to see that human beings had perished because of this.

She also didn't expect that just because Gao Fei and others stole the original game system, the human race would be destroyed. This was really something that no one could have imagined.

However, from a development perspective, it is normal for it to become like this.

Therefore, Enron did not test human nature, find a large base to cooperate with, and tell the story about the game system, but secretly helped people. This was the right approach.

Never test human nature, because human nature cannot stand the test.

After watching the unfinished plot, An Ran continued to practice.

At this moment, Chu Fei from the Beijing Cultivation Alliance contacted her and said, "Do you remember what I told you more than two years ago, that we discovered a new secret realm?"

An Ran nodded and said, "Remember."

Chu Fei said: "Shortly after I told you, the Cultivation Alliance sent people to go in and explore, but they never came out. I know that your cultivation level is good now, and I want to ask if you can help. Go in and have a look. The reward is good."

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