Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2262 The divorced woman 14

Han Nu Shi did not expect that she would help her friend. As a result, Fang Anran was not persecuted, but her friend was persecuted. Seeing that her friend was going to jail, she naturally couldn't bear it, so she went to beg her aunt, but her aunt looked at Cai After the incident involving the female historian, I told her not to interfere anymore. The evidence of the crime committed by the other party was conclusive. If I continued to interfere, the imperial concubine would be implicated, which would be bad.

Although Concubine Wang is favored, she will naturally become a thorn in the eyes of others, just waiting for her to make a mistake. If it is reported that her people are covering up a maid who has committed an offense and sue the emperor, I am afraid that she will be left with nothing. .

So now Han Nu Shi figured this out and had to stop the rescue activities. She thought that she could only ask someone to help her and look after her friends in prison. In the future, if the imperial concubine gave birth to a prince, the prince became the emperor and the imperial concubine became the emperor. Queen Mother, since her aunt has a higher status, she will have a chance to make a comeback.

Until this time, Han Nvshi didn't think her friend had done anything wrong. In her opinion, whether it was embezzling public funds or accepting bribes, it was a common thing in officialdom. Since officialdom was prevalent, what did Cai Nvshi do when she did this?

After Cai Nvshi was dealt with, not only did it mean that the competitive pressure of Song Nvshi and others was reduced, but it also meant that the positions of two female historians would be vacated. Suddenly, the maids of the Secretary's Office and even other departments were active. He got up and wanted to grab the seats of these two female historians.

Then some people came to An Ran, thinking that once An Ran came to power, he could help them say something and let them become women's history.

An Ran did not accept anything given by these people, but said that he would tell her if there was a chance.

Although there was one less person to compete, An Ran was the one who finally became the manager.

In addition to Li Dianbo nominating An Ran because he admired An Ran, many people in the Shang Palace Bureau agreed that An Ran should be the chief secretary.

The reason is also very simple. When I asked others to do the accounting, these people always delayed giving money for a while, or if they gave it, they always had to pay for it. The only difference was Enron, which allowed them to get the money quickly. Those who stuffed money were not opposed to Enron doing the accounting, because although Enron didn't charge money, so they couldn't jump in line, it was faster for them to get the money than those who did, because Enron did the accounting faster.

It allows them to receive money faster than when they used to give money to people to jump in line. They don't have to spend money now, so they will naturally be willing to be the bookkeeper An Ran. In the future, whether she does the accounting directly or not, she will be in charge anyway. If they pay the bills, they can spend less money and get the money faster. In this way, why not let An Ran go up.

Therefore, when the Shang Palace Bureau was discussing who should be the treasurer, many people recommended An Ran. So, although An Ran had only been in the palace for more than a year and had been a female history officer for less than a year, she still succeeded in becoming the treasurer.

Of course, it was mainly because of her outstanding abilities that everyone recommended her. If it were someone like Ms. Cai who was greedy for money and slow in accounting, no one would recommend her.

An Ran became the director, which naturally made Han Nu Shi, Song Nu Shi and others angry, especially Han Nu Shi. Seeing that his friend Cai Nu Shi was punished, and then his relationship with Song Nu Shi and others was normal, he thought that anyway, he would have free time. If you have a seat, you can sit on it yourself, which is better than Song Nu Shi and others sitting on it.

Moreover, he has become the boss, and Fang Anran has become his subordinate. Then he can cause trouble for her and avenge his friends.

After all, she had some background in the palace, but who didn't have a backer? So many people recommended An Ran, but she was still better than her aunt recommended her, so she naturally lost the election. .

And when she lost the election, not only did she not become Enron's boss, but she also made Anron her boss, which didn't make her angry.

Song Nvshi and Peng Nvshi were also unhappy. After all, except for the usual three-year election in the year after next, there was a possibility of promotion. Usually there were not many opportunities for such promotion. Every time they failed, it meant that their hope of promotion was slim again. , does this make them happy?

But it's useless for them to be unhappy. Now that An Ran has become their boss, they don't dare to say anything.

After An Ran became the director, she nominated Wang Qingqing's name as she had agreed with Wang Qingqing.

However, asking Wang Qingqing to be a female historian failed. Firstly, Wang Qingqing was too young. Secondly, Wang Qingqing was not as outstanding as An Ran. Thirdly, although Wang Qingqing was bullied by Cai Nvshi, Cai Nvshi should not, but Wang Qingqing betrayed the master and stabbed Cai Nvshi in the back, but it also made some people feel that Wang Qingqing's virtue was lacking, and they did not want to have such a person under their command. After all, who dares to say that he is clean, in case this person is also staring at them? , check your own details, hold it in your hand, and take it out to betray the Lord one day, what should you do? Therefore, no one was willing to promote her, so the promotion of Wang Qingqing was shelved, and two new female historians were promoted.

An Ran told Wang Qingqing about this situation.

Although Wang Qingqing was a little sad, she accepted it.

"At that time Cai Nvshi said that she was betraying the master. Then no one would dare to use me. I knew that this day would come. It's okay. If you can't take it, then you can't take it."

An Ran continued: "Now that I have been promoted to the position of Commander-in-Chief, I can have two maids under my command. I had one before, and now there is still a vacancy. I have mentioned it to the superiors and asked you to follow me, so that at least you will not be I don’t know if you are willing to be bullied.”

Although Wang Qingqing was a bit naive when she first entered the palace and liked to talk, she offended Cai Nvshi and asked Cai Nvshi to punish her.

But since then, she has learned her lesson, and nothing has happened to her since. In addition, Wang Qingqing is pretty good to her, and she knows her well, and knows that she is still a good person. Now is the time to train her own people. So An Ran naturally mentioned this matter.

When Wang Qingqing heard what An Ran said, she was naturally willing, and immediately said that she wanted to go there. After all, it would be much better to follow An Ran, an acquaintance, than to follow a new female history who didn't know the other person's situation.

Yes, if Wang Qingqing didn't follow An Ran, she would have to follow the new female history. Because Cai female history is gone, she would naturally have to follow someone else.

But the new female historian didn't seem to be interested in her. Probably because she stabbed female historian Cai in the back, she didn't dare to ask for her. This put Wang Qingqing in a very unfavorable situation. Now that An Ran is willing to ask for her, she will naturally follow An Ran's attitude towards her. Nice people are better.

Moreover, An Ran is now the chief of staff and has a higher status than the female historian. It is naturally more honorable to follow her, and Wang Qingqing is naturally more willing.

An Ran recommended Wang Qingqing to be a female historian, but it was unsuccessful, but she wanted Wang Qingqing to be her maid, so there was no objection from the superiors. Since no one else wanted Wang Qingqing anyway, An Ran wanted her to solve this problem, so it was naturally the best.

On the other hand, Li Dianbu, who promoted An Ran, gave An Ran a few words of encouragement and said: "The palace maid overthrew Cai Nushi at that time. Now that you have taken her under your banner and used her, I'm afraid someone with intentions will say that you were the instigator of what happened in the first place. "

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