Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2263 The divorced woman 15

An Ran said: "My subordinate is not afraid. Firstly, I didn't instigate her in the first place. Secondly, what the palace lady said is true. Even if someone instigated her, if Cai Nvshi didn't do that, she wouldn't be able to instigate her."

After hearing this, Li Dianbo nodded and said, "You are right, you are not afraid of shadows when you are upright. Just do your best. I am optimistic about you."

An Ran hurriedly bowed and said: "I will not let down the entrustment of the book."

Now that An Ran has been promoted to chief accountant, he continues to manage the accounts.

It should have been handed over to the female historian below, but both Li Dianbu and Zhang Sibu above said that An Ran could do the accounting quickly, so she was still responsible for this area.

So Enron continued to be responsible for accounting.

Of course, after becoming the bookkeeper, there were more affairs. In order not to affect the accounting, An Ran began to teach Wang Qingqing to do accounting. She asked Wang Qingqing to handle some simple accounts, so that she could free up time to do other things.

Wang Qingqing knew that An Ran was training her, so she naturally studied hard. She only waited for An Ran to continue to advance and gain power one day, so that she could be a female historian.

After An Ran was promoted again, he naturally wrote about his promotion to the eighth-grade chief administrator in his monthly letter to his family.

The Fang family also didn't expect that before the three-year selection period, their own girl would be promoted due to a vacancy.

It happened to be the Dragon Boat Festival, and when the Fang family was visiting relatives and friends, they couldn't help but proudly mention that their girl was already the eighth-rank headmaster in the palace, which attracted many people's admiration.

Even though he was only in the eighth rank, it was quite impressive for common people like them who were not officials in their families, so it was normal for them to admire him.

This matter naturally reached the ears of Mrs. Han, who had been paying attention to the situation of the Fang family.

Originally, Mrs. Han didn't care much about her former daughter-in-law's development after she returned. After all, her son drove her away. She felt a little guilty because she knew that her former daughter-in-law was driven away by her son for no reason without making any mistakes. In fact, she was She was opposed to it. After all, if she did this, she would be criticized in the local area. But because her son insisted, she had no choice but to do so.

Although there was nothing I could do, I felt guilty, so I never dared to ask about Fang An's future development.

As a result, after half a year, she heard that Fang Anran had entered the palace, became a female historian, and was doing well, so she naturally paid attention to her.

As a result, less than three years later, Fang Anran was promoted once again during the selection process and became the eighth-level master. This made Mrs. Han feel a little bit stunned.

You know, her son's business has been doing better and better recently. I don't know how many women have supported her son, telling her not to worry. No one will marry her son. She was proud of it at first, but now, her ex-daughter-in-law has sneaked out of the palace. She became famous as an eighth-level master, which greatly reduced her pride.

Not to mention that the position in the palace is nothing, and unlike the masters who are officials outside, you must know that the first-class maids in high-ranking families are existences that little people like them dare not offend, let alone the high-level female officials in the palace. Unless she doesn't come out, once she comes out, it's not a being that ordinary people dare to offend. Compared to her son, a merchant, his status is much higher. After all, the status of merchants in this dynasty is not high, and the rich are not as powerful as those with money. , and now, her ex-daughter-in-law seems to have become a powerful person. Can she not be stunned by this?

After all, the worse her ex-daughter-in-law gets, the worse she gets. She can still feel pity and guilt, but the better, the better. Once word spreads, and her relatives and friends know about it, wouldn’t she laugh at her son’s lack of vision? A capable daughter-in-law drove away?

After all, although there are many women who are cheating on her son now, in her opinion, they are all not very serious women. They are either brothel girls or little widows - this is also normal. After all, serious girls are usually seen at home. How could Yan be contacted by Han Feng - he was simply not as good as the Fang family. If his son couldn't marry a well-established daughter-in-law, wouldn't he be outclassed by the Fang family?

It was precisely because of this thought that Mrs. Han felt uncomfortable after knowing that An Ran was promoted again.

But no matter how uncomfortable she felt, there was nothing she could do against An Ran. After all, her family was just an ordinary small businessman. How could she reach out to interfere with the affairs of the palace? No matter how high Fang Anran rose, she couldn't control it. She could only watch her climb up.

——Actually, she can still manage it. When her son becomes richer, he can throw money into the palace and influence the palace, but he doesn’t have that ability yet. After all, no matter how Han Feng sells soaps and mirrors, he will always be able to influence the palace. It will take several years to develop and grow, and it is impossible to develop into a behemoth overnight.

The Fang family also heard about the Han family. After Han Feng made money last year, Mrs. Han said outside that her son was right to divorce. If her son was rich, he would be able to marry a daughter-in-law with better conditions in the future.

What happens now? The Fang family couldn't help but sneer. Their girl has become an eighth-grade female official in the palace. Unless her son can marry an official girl, otherwise he will be slapped in the face by their girl. After all, as long as he is not an official girl, It can't be said that the conditions are better than the current Enron situation.

The Fang family was not only happy, but the Cui family, who came to give gifts during the festival, heard that An Ran had become an eighth-grade female official, so they asked Mr. Fang to write a letter to An Ran and ask An Ran to go and see their daughter and see how she develops in the palace. How about.

But he said that concubines were different from palace maids. It was difficult for concubines to spread news to the outside world, and they were forbidden to make friends with foreign officials. Therefore, unlike the Fang family, the Cui family could always know the status of their daughter in the palace. When they heard that their niece was doing well, they So requested.

After listening to his sister's husband's request, Mr. Fang naturally told his daughter.

So An Ran saw that Mr. Fang asked her to take a look at her cousin's development and then write a letter to her family about it, and she immediately agreed.

An Ran had always planned to visit Cui Lanlan before, but after being promoted to female historian last year, she had to be busy adapting to her new position. She also had to do the accounting without Wu Nvshi's help. She had to take full responsibility and had many things to do, so she didn't go to visit her for a while. .

Later, things got back on track, but due to the death of the former boss, the company was in turmoil, and An Ran didn't have time to go. Of course, she was afraid of contacting Cui Lanlan. Don't implicate Cui Lanlan in her own affairs, and don't treat her inappropriately. A good thing, on the contrary, is also a bad thing, so I never went.

Now that she has become the treasurer, she has slowly adapted to her position. After all, it has not changed much from what she did before, so she naturally adapts quickly. When her family asked her to go and see Cui Lanlan, she planned to go there and have a look.

After An Ran became a female history officer, she could move around freely. Now that she has become an eighth-grade female official, she can move around even more freely.

Although she had never met Cui Lanlan, because she was in the Shang Palace Bureau and had access to palace information, she knew what Cui Lanlan was currently doing and where she lived. Knowing that she was currently living in Yonghe Palace where Concubine Shu was the head, she immediately took over the family After receiving the letter, I made some preparations and headed to Yonghe Palace.

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