Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2316 Who is the murderer 2

While investigating these people, An Ran inquired about more information.

Fortunately, the car accident in the original memory was still some time away, so An Ran didn't have to worry yet and could investigate slowly. The most important thing right now was to pack up and leave school.

I have an ordinary appearance, average grades, ordinary personality, and everything is ordinary, so I am not a popular figure in school. I usually work in the dormitory, classroom, and cafeteria. I don’t have many friends, and I don’t know many people, so There are not many people that An Ran needs to pay close attention to, mainly the other three people in the same dormitory.

Of these three people, one is local, surnamed Li, we call her Li Benben; one is from out of town but has a good family background, surnamed Wang, we call her Wang Qianjin; and the other one, who has the worst conditions in the entire dormitory, comes from a Xiaoshancun, she is introverted and frugal, but very diligent. She has been doing work-study studies for four years in college. Her surname is Chen, and we call her Chen Qinkui.

Not only does the original person have an ordinary personality, but his relationship with these three people is also very ordinary. He is not the best with anyone, nor does he have any quarrels with anyone. Unlike Li Benben, who has always hated Wang Qianjin for having a few "stinky money" in the family. (Li's native language) He is aloof, so he has always had a good relationship with Chen Qinqi, who probably has the same idea.

Although Wang Qianjin was isolated by these two people, she did not win over the original person, because Wang Qianjin was indeed as high-ranking as Li Benben said, so she was not afraid of being isolated by these two people, so she did not intend to win over the original person.

As for Li Bendi and Chen Qinkui, they have no intention of winning over the original person, because the original person has a very boring personality and only reads novels and plays games all day long, so they can't talk together.

So the small dormitory was actually divided into three factions, Yuan Shen was alone, Wang Qianjin was a faction, and Li Benben and Chen Qinkuai were a faction.

In addition to these three people who need attention, the other person who needs attention is the original person's only friend. Although he is not in the same dormitory, he is his classmate Zhang's friend.

In fact, Zhang's friend has a completely different personality from the original person. He is an outgoing person and is good at making boyfriends. Somehow, he chatted with the original person and became good friends.

Apart from these four people, the original person has no other close relationships with anyone, including the opposite sex.

Because of my ordinary appearance and ordinary personality, I didn’t talk about a boyfriend during my four years in college, so I naturally didn’t have any close friends of the opposite sex.

An Ran took the time to use IT technology to conduct a thorough investigation of these four people, but found that no one had any information against the original person.

Of course, this is all superficial information. Whether it is really the case requires long-term observation. After all, what if the murderer does not take action for the time being and only waits for time to act again? Still have to continue to observe.

After observing the people in the school, An Ran said goodbye to everyone and packed his things.

Friend Zhang asked An Ran, "Are you going to find a job here?"

An Ran nodded and said: "Yes, H City is developing well now. You should be able to find a job if you stay here. I won't go to big cities. I don't dare to go there if I am not familiar with the place, so I will stay here." Come here, at least it’s familiar here.”

Of course, this was the original idea, and An Ran was just applying it. After all, An Ran was not afraid to go to big cities.

City H, where I originally went to school, is developing from a second-tier city to a new first-tier city. The salary may be a little lower, but job opportunities are still easy to find.

Friend Zhang nodded and said: "That's what you said, but I still plan to go to S city. I want to see the scenery of the big city and have a long experience there. A person can't never be in a big city in his life. I have lived in the city, but I have never lived in a big city. I will never know how good a big city is."

An Ran nodded and said: "You are outgoing and suitable for a place like that. With your personality, you will definitely be able to find a good job."

"Well, it would be nice if you wanted to go, but it's a pity that you don't want to go. Just go, I will take care of you and won't let you feel uneasy going to a new city. I go alone, and I always feel a bit lonely." Friend Zhang advised An Ran that she really wanted to explore the big city with a friend.

If An Ran had a mission, there was nothing wrong with going to City S. But since he had a mission, he naturally couldn't accept Zhang's friend's proposal, so he said regretfully: "I'm sorry, I'm really scared. Go somewhere unfamiliar.”

Friend Zhang hugged An Ran and said with a smile: "It's okay, there's no need to tell me you're sorry."

"When you get settled there, call me." An Ran said.

"Yes. The same goes for you. If you find a good job, give me a call." Zhang Youyi said.

"Okay." An Ran agreed, and then the two waved goodbye. Friend Zhang picked up his simple luggage and boarded the train to the big city.

An Ran believed that her relationship with the original person was sincere, because when her friend Zhang said goodbye to An Ran and turned around to walk into the station, An Ran saw her eyes turn red. She was obviously reluctant to say goodbye to her friend and cried.

An Ran didn't believe that someone who was so reluctant to say goodbye to his friend would kill the original person soon.

If it is true, then this person is too scheming, and An Ran, it is really hard to believe that a newcomer to society who has just stepped out of college can be so scheming.

After seeing off my friend Zhang and going back safely, I said goodbye to Li Benben and others.

These people An Ran did not send them to the station, but said goodbye to them in the dormitory.

As a local, Li Benben doesn't plan to go out of town and plans to stay and develop locally; Wang Qianjin comes from a good family and plans to go back to take the civil service exam; Chen Qinkui plans to go to Xuancheng, which is also a big city, to try his luck.

It's normal for Chen Qinqi to want to develop in a big city. After all, her hometown is in the countryside, and she doesn't have much development prospects when she goes back. As for staying in the local area... Chen Qinqi probably thinks this city isn't big enough, so she doesn't plan to stay, or I want to go to big cities more, so like my friend Zhang, I plan to visit big cities.

Since Wang Qianjin and Chen Qinkui were going out of town, they left soon. Only An Ran and Li Benben, who were still staying in the local area, had not left. Anyway, the school would be closed for a few days, so they could still find jobs slowly. After you have found a job, you can then look for a place to rent a house. It is just right, in case you haven’t found a job yet and don’t know where to rent a house better.

Although Li is a local, H City, as a new first-tier city, is still very big. If the job he is looking for is not close to home, he still has to rent an apartment.

Because of this, the two of them haven't left yet, and are planning to wait until they find a job before leaving.

An Ran knew when the original person would be able to find a job, so he was not in a hurry. He just followed the original person's route and submitted resumes every day. He did not intend to settle the work in advance, so as not to change the plot and miss any important mission clues.

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