Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2317 Who is the murderer 3

Li Benben saw that An Ran was leisurely strolling around every day and seemed to be in no hurry about finding a job. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "An Ran, have you found a job?"

"not yet."

"Then why are you not in a hurry?"

"There's no point in being anxious. Let's look for it slowly. How about you?" An Ran asked knowingly. The reason why she asked knowingly was because from her original memory, An Ran knew that because Li Benben was a local and her family had some connections in the local area, she had already arranged for her to do so. Joined a large local company.

Sure enough, after hearing An Ran's question, Li Benben flipped his hair and said with a slightly proud smile: "The work matter is almost settled."

"Oh, really? Congratulations on that."

"Thank you. You should look for it quickly. The dormitory is about to close. If you can't find it again, you will have to rent a house outside." Li Benn said.

He had already found a job, but Ye Anran couldn't find one, which made Li Bennan feel a sense of superiority.

An Ran looked at her sense of superiority and secretly thought that it was no wonder that she and Wang Qianjin couldn't get along, because essentially, they were the same type of people, the kind of people who looked at others who were worse off than themselves and had a sense of superiority. So people of the same sex are repelled, and in addition, she is in a worse condition than Wang Qianjin, so she can't show her superiority in front of Wang Qianjin, which is really annoying.

A typical hater who laughs at others, looks down on those who are worse than her, and hates those who are better than her.

At this time, An Ran heard her words full of superiority and said calmly: "It's okay, just rent it."

Li Benben thought that An Ran might not be able to find a house for a while and really wanted to rent a house. But on the third day, when she came to pack her things and was about to leave, she heard An Ran say that she had found a job. When she asked, it turned out to be the world of home. The Fortune 500 company was better than the local large company her family found for her, and the salary and benefits were better than hers. She couldn't help but look a little ugly for a moment.

After a while, Fang Qiang smiled and said: "An Ran, you are quite lucky. With our academic qualifications and your grades, you can find such a good job."

What does it mean? Does that mean she doesn't deserve such a job? If the original person listened, he would probably be half angry to death, but An Ran seemed not to hear it, smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes, I also think you are lucky. I hope you will have such good luck in the future."

Does this mean that Li Bennan is out of luck?

Being stabbed by An Ran in such a casual way, Li Benn's face turned even more ugly, but he couldn't say anything. After all, everyone was a civilized person, and they didn't curse directly without breaking out. They just became an onmyoji for a time. In this way, It's not easy for her to have seizures either.

But Li Benben knew that An Ran had ridiculed her, and since he couldn't fight back, he packed up his things angrily and left.

After Li Benben left, An Ran also started to move because his work was done.

Before that, she had already rented a house, and the house she rented was naturally the one in her memory, so as not to mess up the plot and find unexpected clues.

As a second-tier city developing into a new first-tier city, the rent is naturally not very cheap. I rented a small house with two bedrooms and one living room for a rent of 1,000 yuan a month. I lived in the second bedroom, and the master bedroom was larger. The price is also more expensive.

You can also rent a one-bedroom, one-living house, which has better privacy, but the price is 2,000 yuan a month.

If I were to switch to Enron, I would definitely rather rent a more expensive one-bedroom apartment instead of sharing it with others.

Now that Yuan Shen has chosen to share the house, An Ran will not change.

The couple who shared the apartment with An Ran were a young man and woman who had just graduated from college and had no money to buy a house yet. They planned to save money first. When they had almost saved, they got a marriage certificate and then asked their families for money to make a down payment for a house in this city.

From the perspective of dealing with them after An Ran moved in, there was nothing wrong with it. In this city, there are many hard-working young people who go to get off work every day and save money to buy a house.

The two of them had breakfast outside in the morning, had takeout at the company at noon, and cooked some food at home in the evening. Sometimes they worked overtime and would not come back to eat at night.

So most of the time, the kitchen is used safely.

Fortunately, everyone uses their own liquefied gas tanks in the kitchen, so there won't be any conflicts or disputes.

If you use electricity, you have to cook in your own room. Since the two of them have independent electricity meters, there will be no disputes. So looking around, An Ran doesn't think that the various accidents that happened to the original person have anything to do with it. The two are related.

After settling in, An Ran called her friend Zhang and told her that she had found a job and rented a house.

"Wow, it's great to be able to find a job with a salary of 6,000 yuan as soon as you graduate in City H. Congratulations." said my friend Zhang.

Yes, the original salary was 6,000 per month, and the internship period was 4,500. If nothing unexpected happened, he would become a full-time employee in three months. Unfortunately, he was gone before he became a full-time employee.

If the salary is 6,000, the rent is 1,000. I cook by myself, and I don’t like dressing up very much. I estimate that 2,000 a month is enough for expenses, and I can still save 3,000, which is not bad.

In two years, if my salary increases a little more, I should be able to pay a down payment for a house in this city with my parents' help.

"What about you, have you found a job?" An Ran asked.

Friend Zhang sighed and said, "Not yet. I've had a few interviews, but none of them are very satisfied. Either the salary is less, or the salary is okay, but I can't find cheap houses around, and the commute to cheap houses is too far." Well. City H is better, renting a single room only costs 1,000 yuan, it’s so expensive here.”

"Although the rent is expensive, wages in big cities are also high, and you can gain experience." An Ran said.

Friend Zhang nodded and said: "Yes! So although I haven't found a suitable job yet, I don't plan to leave."

After ending the video call with Friend Zhang, An Ran thought that there was nothing wrong with Friend Zhang.

As for the family, there is nothing wrong, because there cannot be anything wrong with the parents. As for the other people... The original person is not from a small mountain village like Chen Qinkui. The original person's parents are both working in the city, so the original person knows people There aren't many. Unlike a small mountain village, where there are a lot of neighbors, the people you know are much more complicated and difficult to identify.

Since he couldn't find a clue, Anron decided to take a look at the situation in the company tomorrow.

The Fortune 500 company that I applied for is an Internet company, and my job is related to the Internet. My job is in the public relations field, and I am mainly responsible for monitoring online public opinion. Once public opinion is found to be unfavorable to the company, , we must initiate public relations measures; if we find that our company has accidentally become a hot spot, and it is a positive hot spot, we must also add fuel to the flames to expand its popularity.

What can I say about this job? Most of the time, as long as there is nothing wrong with the company, it is not very busy. But if after a year, the company has neither negative news nor positive news, resulting in the company's reputation not improving, then it will not work. At this time, The public relations department needs to find ways to create some hot spots and expand the company's popularity.

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