Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 234 A world with more men and fewer women 34

When Xiao He saw An Ran asking him for his opinion on this matter, he couldn't help but lick his lips that were a little dry due to nervousness - God knows he has never been so nervous after living for more than thirty years - and said with his tongue tied: " Look, how am I doing?"

It's not surprising that Xiao He recommended himself like this. He liked An Ran before, and since she wasn't married, he could still keep silently.

It’s not to blame that he didn’t take action and chose to have a crush on her because he had his own ambitions and was with An Ran. He was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to fulfill his ambitions, so no matter how much he liked An Ran, he didn’t dare to say that. Anyway, An Ran Not married, but with him staying like that, it felt no different from being with An Ran.

But now, An Ran is getting married, and Xiao He can't stand it.

Xiao He also noticed the urging of the ministers in the past few days. Not only was Anran anxious, he was also worried.

Naturally, he didn't want An Ran to be a bachelor for the rest of his life. However, if he wanted to get married, he wanted to be with An Ran. However, when he thought of becoming the royal wife, he would probably have nothing to do with his ambition, and he couldn't bear to part with it. Being in a dilemma, he was naturally worried and panicked, probably even more worried than An Ran.

In the end, I decided to give it a try and see if An Ran can accept him. Then, I can still have both careers. Although I feel that I am asking too much and others may not agree, but how will you know if you don’t try? No matter what, Always gotta try it.

Xiao He's words were like a thunder, which made An Ran stunned.

Although An Ran has improved over the years and is good at observing words and emotions, firstly, Xiao He is not an ordinary person and is very good at hiding his true emotions, so it is normal for Anran not to notice; secondly, she and Xiao He spend too long doing things together. It's not an enemy. She hasn't paid special attention to it. As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed with it. It's normal that she didn't notice it. So when she suddenly heard Xiao He say that he was interested in her, she was not stunned.

She still trusts Xiao He very much, so she knows that Xiao He probably has no ulterior motives and wants to gain some benefits from this marriage, but really likes her and wants to be with her. But just like this, An Ran He was even more stunned. You must know that in the real world that promotes equality between men and women, most men will not like women who are stronger than themselves. What's more, in this ancient world where men are respected, there are actually men who really like women who are so powerful that they even become The Emperor himself is as amazing as the sun rising from the west.

You know, what worried her about getting married before was not only the interests that needed to be considered, but also the fact that she couldn't find a suitable partner.

It's not that no one wants to be the emperor's wife. As long as she agrees with the ministers' opinions and prepares to get married, she dares to say that there will be no fewer people preparing to apply for the imperial husband than the women who apply for the male emperor's harem.

But I'm afraid these people are basically here for profit, and those who are here for profit will be disgusted if they ask her to marry him.

But she found it difficult to find someone who really wanted to marry her. After all, many men didn't want to marry a strong woman like herself, and she didn't want to force anyone she liked to marry her, so she chose She was also worried about the problem.

Now there is someone who sincerely wants to marry her, and he is also pleasing to her eyes. He has solved her immediate troubles and makes An Ran naturally happy. But while she is happy, she can't help but ask: "Are you really willing to marry me?"

In fact, being with her should be said to be marriage, but An Ran feels that if she is willing, there is no need to mince words at this time, and she has to say marry her. Even if Xiao He doesn't seem to care about this kind of thing, but Just because someone doesn't care doesn't mean she can have no scruples. It's better to be considerate than not at all.

"Of course." Xiao He expressed his position, but then he asked a little coyly: "Just...I want to ask, if I want to marry...if I get married to you, can I still continue to work?"

As long as An Ran can agree to let him continue to do things, then even if the court objects, he is sure to be able to handle it. But if An Ran doesn't let him do things, then he has no choice.

The reason why he asked this was because, in his opinion, An Ran didn't seem to say that the emperor's husband could not do anything in the future and would definitely have to stay in the palace, so he put it to the test.

An Ran heard that he was worried about this and couldn't help but smile: "Of course, you are not my concubine. You are a free man. Of course you can do whatever you want."

In fact, she plans to slowly promote women's liberation. In the future, women can work, and there is no reason why men can't.

When Xiao He heard that An Ran allowed him to continue working in the court, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Then there will be no problem for me. I have been fond of you for a long time, but I am just afraid that you will look down on me and I am afraid of marrying you." After we got together, I couldn't do the things I like to do, so I never dared to mention it. Now the ministers are urging you to get married. I'm a little anxious. I'm afraid that if I don't say anything, you will marry someone else, so I must be brave. I came here to mention it. I originally thought that if it didn’t work, forget it, but I didn’t expect you to agree. I’m very happy.”

After speaking, Xiao He also relaxed and was no longer nervous. He even started talking because he was happy.

——If he knew that An Ran was planning to promote women's liberation, he would never let others do things just because they were his royal wives. He would probably regret that he had not mentioned this matter to An Ran a few years ago, and that he had wasted his youth. .

Then Xiao He said again: "You don't have to worry about the family behind me becoming relatives. I have already discussed it with my family. If you are willing, they will let me get rid of the family."

As An Ran's confidant, Xiao He knew An Ran's concerns. After all, they had talked about this issue a few days ago. They were afraid that An Ran would worry about her relatives, so they said this now with An Ran's heart.

As early as a few years ago, after Enron's territory expanded and its intelligence system became stronger, they knew Xiao He's origins and that he was a son of a big family in Beijing. However, he was different from other sons of aristocratic families in Beijing. His hobby was He traveled around and was also very interested in the struggle for hegemony in the world. Zhang Wentian's tribe happened to be nearby at that time. He wanted to come over to see the situation of Zhang Wentian's tribe, so he appeared in Lijiacun at that time. He only took a glance at Lijiacun and found that I found An Ran, a new star, and found that she did things completely different from other princes. I was attracted by her and stayed here. I never went to other princes' territories to continue to observe.

But it is said that since the Xiao family is called a big family, there are naturally many children in the family. Although there are many children, Xiao He is undoubtedly the best one among them. Especially after the establishment of the new dynasty, Xiao He was young because of his ability to follow the dragon. , is the chief minister of the cabinet, which naturally brings the power of the Xiao family to a higher level. If An Ran marries Xiao He again, the Xiao family will be like a raging fire cooking oil. No wonder Xiao He said this at this time.

Xiao He had already made plans when he was preparing to mention this matter to An Ran.

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