Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 235 A world with more men and fewer women 35

Of course, the Xiao family was not willing to exterminate the clan, but Xiao He requested it. After all, Xiao He was so promising now, how could the Xiao family be willing to exterminate him.

But, who is Xiao He, who can let the Xiao family disagree? If the Xiao family did not exterminate him, he said that he would resign and go into seclusion. He asked the Xiao family to think clearly whether it was better to have a chief minister who was exterminated but would still take care of the family, or to have no one in the court. Yes, although the Xiao family is a big family, at the time of the change from old to new, the only person with a higher status in the Xiao family who served as an official in the new dynasty was Xiao He. Although there were others, they were all low-level officials. Who made Xiao The family was not optimistic about An Ran, a female prince. Later, when it became clear that An Ran could aspire to become the world's leader, he had already lost the opportunity and could only sit in some middle- and low-level positions.

After hearing Xiao He's threat, the Xiao family had no choice but to agree to his request.

Xiao He knew why they agreed so happily. He just felt that this was a delaying tactic to allow Xiao He to successfully become the emperor's wife. When the opportunity is right in the future, it would not be difficult to return to the clan.

Imperial husband, this is a position that many families are eyeing. After all, the heirs born are the future descendants of each family. If the queen's power is unstable and she changes her name one day, her family may be in the Dragon Court. In this way No one is willing to let go of a good thing, so the Xiao family naturally keeps an eye on it, waiting for An Ran to relent, and then push people in. At this time, Xiao He is willing to go, and they are naturally willing, but Xiao He said that in order to prevent the courtiers from He stopped him and asked them to exterminate him. They gritted their teeth and agreed, thinking that this was just a show for outsiders to see. After all, if they really wanted to show off on the outside, they would still be the same on the inside, so they would not suffer.

Little did they know that Xiao He really wanted to eliminate the clan.

Xiao He is now in his thirties. He is not the youngest son of his parents, so Xiao's father and Xiao's mother are naturally not too young. They have passed away long ago. If his biological parents are still alive, Xiao He has to take care of his parents. It may not be good for them. To make such a request, after all, to sever the relationship between father and son in order to be with the person you like, it is so inhumane.

But after his parents passed away and cut off relations with other people, Xiao He didn't have much psychological burden. He couldn't even give up the people he liked for their benefit. Seeing the other person with others, he wasn't so He is great, so he can naturally break it off if he wants to, and he will not return to the clan to cause trouble for An Ran in the future.

An Ran saw that Xiao He had even considered this matter for her. This simply meant that she didn't have to worry about anything. This made An Ran feel a little touched. No matter who is worried about something, there is someone who can help you get everything done. , everyone will be moved. ——She is not a love brain. She will believe whatever Xiao He says. It’s just that she trusts Xiao He, so she will believe what he says. This is the case for someone who is very suspicious and doesn’t believe Xiao He’s words about eliminating the clan. Regarding the matter, I just think that he is delaying the attack. First, he will get rid of the family and get married. In the future, when her child takes the throne a hundred years later, if the child's surname is changed, the world will belong to the Xiao family, and maybe the royal family will still be there. Will be controlled by the Xiao family, after all, who makes the Xiao family a big family.

Of course, it's not all because of belief, but also because An Ran has enough ability to prevent this kind of thing - she has long been prepared for the establishment of a constitutional monarch, and the emperor will be a mascot in the future, so if Xiao He is really coaxing, the Xiao family will be If you really think about it, you won't get much benefit under the parliamentary system. Even if she fails to implement a constitutional monarchy and still has traditional imperial power, she will not pass on the throne again after a hundred years. She will pass it on when she is sixty years old. Based on her martial arts training, it would not be a problem for her to live to be eighty or ninety years old. By then, the position of the new emperor would have been stable, and it would be difficult for the Xiao family to do anything.

So when I heard Xiao He said that he was planning to exterminate the clan, An Ran believed it and couldn't help but asked with some worry: "Is this appropriate?"

Xiao He said disapprovingly: "What's inappropriate about this? Big families have a lot of trouble. In fact, I've wanted to set up another family for a long time. It's just that I never had a particularly good reason before, so I couldn't talk about it. Now that I have it, I can It would be best if we propose to set up another branch openly and honestly."

This is not a lie. Xiao He is a famous person, and he really doesn't like the strict and numerous rules of the big family. There are rules and etiquette for every little thing, and he will break it if he is not careful. He really doesn't like it - if An Ran hadn't been a A person with few rules would not want to marry An Ran if the previous dynasty had strict etiquette in the palace.

An Ran moved her lips and wanted to say that you wanted to start a new family. If you were with her now, there would be no family. However, she saw that Xiao He really wanted to eliminate the family and was not dissatisfied at all, so she stopped. , thinking that if Xiao He needs this in the future, just give some children his surname. They are their children, and she will not be so overbearing as to ask all the children to have her surname.

Xiao He naturally didn't know what An Ran was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely say it didn't matter. After all, he didn't plan to get married. How could a person who has been single all his life care about whether there is a child with his own surname? If he did, how could he find it? If you don't find the right person, you will be wronged and get married.

Since the two of them had reached an agreement in this way, the next step was how to get it passed at the court.

Fortunately, An Ran has conquered the world and has a good system. She has a very high reputation both in the court and among the people. Because of their good life, the common people even think that she is far superior to the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, because there is no other dynasty. The emperor of any generation did not collect taxes from farmers for farming, but An Ran did not collect taxes. For this reason alone, the people were eager to offer her up - plus Xiao He had been exterminated from the clan, and as the chief minister in the court, The power was huge, so even though some people murmured a few words, under the suppression of Enron's extremely high prestige and Xiao He's powerful power, the matter still passed.

Once it was approved in court, the matter would go quickly. After all, everyone was worried that An Ran was too old, so don't delay too long, and it would be difficult to have heirs.

But they were overly worried. An Ran practiced martial arts and was in good health, while Xiao He had always kept a clean mind. Both of them were in good health, so it was only half a year after An Ran and Xiao He got married that An Ran had the good news, and then successfully gave birth to the prince. , this made the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty feel relieved - although Enron was implementing a new system, before the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, these people still had old-fashioned thinking and believed that to be an emperor, he must have a dragon heir.

After the major marriage issue was resolved, the task was completed. After that, An Ran and Xiao He focused more on promoting An Ran's ideas.

Although Enron is still a novice in governing a country, fortunately, Enron has been a leader in the previous mission world and has been exposed to a lot of modern information, so he is quite qualified in managing a country and has made no mistakes - in fact, as long as Once the system is perfected, the country's machine will be able to run on its own, and Enron does not need to do everything personally like a traditional emperor.

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