Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 236 A World with More Men and Fewer Women 36 (End)

In fact, after everything was on track, An Ran stopped worrying so much, and instead focused on developing industries that would replenish the national treasury - making glass, soap and other money-making things that she knew about but had not done before. All over the world, the national treasury was quickly filled, and patent rights were established, which not only protected the patents of these things, but also protected the patents of other inventions in the world, which was conducive to the development of science and technology.

And because her husband Xiao He is equally capable, unlike other emperors, the queen generally cannot help much in the affairs of the court, so Anron is equivalent to having two wise monarchs working at the same time, which naturally doubles the efficiency, so the couple will The governance of the country became more and more prosperous. By the time Enron abdicated at the age of sixty, the country had become a constitutional monarch according to her vision, and the people's lives were also quite prosperous. Women were also liberated according to Enron's vision - they could go to school and study. Being able to work also removes women's subordinate status and gives them the most basic human rights. Parents, brothers and even husband's family can no longer treat them as goods and sell them as they please.

As for the development of science and technology, although it has not yet reached the level of smartphones, electricity has been invented. By the time Enron is 100 years old, society has developed to the point where televisions have been invented. I believe that in time, computers, mobile phones, etc. will also be invented. Come out, after all, technology develops at a geometric speed. The further it develops into the modern era, the faster it will develop. Unlike in the agricultural era, there was not much progress in hundreds of years.

After returning this time, An Ran still completed the mission and received five-star praise from Make a Wish. There was still an unfinished plot, and An Ran spent one hundred life days clicking to watch it.

But it was said that not long after the original person passed away, the war burned down Qingshan Village.

Because there was no security cover, Qingshan Village suffered a disaster - the Ma family brothers were dragged to fight because of their tall size. Before the villagers could be happy and the scourge was gone, waves of officers, soldiers and rebels immediately came. They kept looting things, people and property from Qingshan Village. As long as they wanted, they robbed and ran away. People lost their money and food. Some people ran away to escape. Some people starved to death at home. The He family I chose to flee, but the world was in chaos, and where could I go? In the end, the He family did not persist until the new dynasty was established, and one or two of them died in the displacement. Although the Ma family brothers were in trouble in Qingshan Village, , but the battlefield was ruthless, and no one survived until the new dynasty and made achievements, but one or two died on the battlefield.

Until the He family and the Ma family related to the original body are finished, the establishment of the new dynasty is not mentioned in the unfinished plot. It seems that without An Ran, the world will be in chaos for a long time and many people will die, so An Ran Quickly unifying the country saved many lives. Unfortunately, her system does not count as a meritorious deed. Otherwise, her act of saving the world should have a lot of merit.

Because this mission was a bit tiring, after An Ran came back, he did not immediately enter the new mission world, but planned to rest for a while.

It is said to be resting, but it is actually practicing.

One hundred days passed in the blink of an eye. This time no one came to trouble her, which made her feel very relieved.

When it was almost time for the mandatory mission, An Ran chose a mission.

Because the last mission was a bit hard, An Ran decided to relax for herself. This time she chose a green mission.

But it’s not without purpose. This time she chose an interstellar world with spiritual power. She wanted to understand what spiritual power is. In addition, she also wanted to get in touch with the future world. She might have to do modern tasks in the future. It would be better if we could steal some technology from there and bring it back.

Missions involving spiritual power, cultivation, magic, etc. are generally considered difficult tasks, and they should basically be blue or above. Such a green mission world is obviously the kind with lower risk. Otherwise it wouldn’t be a green mission.

And such a world is just right for An Ran who wants to understand interstellar and spiritual power.


When An Ran woke up, he saw that he was lying on the grass, surrounded by the fragrance of earth, and the blue sky and white clouds above his head made An Ran couldn't help but sigh, the environment here is so good, God knows that in the real world, he lives in a city and watches every day. In the gray weather, she hadn't seen such clean blue sky and white clouds in a long time.

With no one around to disturb her, An Ran could safely receive her original body's memories.

At this sight, I couldn't help but feel excited.

The setting of this mission world is very grand. Human beings can already travel among the stars and have a basic understanding of the universe. Judging from the memory of the original body, there are millions of planets under the jurisdiction of the Yanhuang Alliance where the original body is currently located. , among which there are hundreds of habitable planets. Although others are not habitable, they also have various minerals. They are one of the best alliances in the universe.

Maybe human beings subconsciously yearn for the stars and the sea, so seeing so many planets to go to, and those beautiful spaceships and starships, etc., makes people feel excited. It's strange that An Ran is not in a excited mood.

——As for the fact that many people have spiritual power, powerful enough to control the wind and rain, and even destroy a city, An Ran is not very excited. After all, the combat effectiveness displayed by these spiritual powers is, to be honest, no different from cultivation. After seeing the monks, After seeing their methods, she felt numb to the performance of spiritual power users. In her opinion, mental power and cultivation are actually just a way to use energy. Similar things include internal power and magic. She I think they're all pretty much the same.

However, no matter how good or grand the universe is, it is useless to the original Xiao Anran.

The original person, Xiao Anran, was originally a person with mental talent, and he was also a genius with S-level potential.

The setting of this interstellar world is that not everyone has mental talent. Only one person in 10,000 people has mental talent. The minimum is G-level potential. Every time the potential increases by one level, the ratio increases tenfold, such as F-level potential. There is only one in a hundred thousand people, and with S-level potential like the original, only one in a hundred billion people.

However, the Yanhuang Alliance has a large number of people, hundreds of planets, and hundreds of billions of people. Therefore, although there are people above S level in the entire alliance who are geniuses, they are not without them. When this range is expanded to trillions of people in the entire universe, it is nothing. , because there are also SS-level, SSS-level amazing geniuses.

However, although the S-level potential is not unique in the universe, it is still one in a hundred billion, so it is very powerful. The original person became a well-known news figure because she detected such a good potential when she was a child. After that, she She has always attracted much attention during her schooling and training. Because of her good academic performance and her talent in training, which is worthy of the S-level potential, she has made rapid progress, so she has become more and more famous in the Yanhuang Alliance.

Although the halo of genius is very beautiful, it is also very stressful.

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