Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2361 Substitute Marriage 21

At this time, Wang Shangshu felt a trace of regret in his heart, thinking that even if he adopts a son from the clan, it would be better than guarding this trash. Although the children of the clan are a bit far away from his own blood, at least, He wouldn't let the family fortune he earned throughout his life go to waste, would he? ——Wang Shangshu saw that the emperor was angry, and he already knew that the emperor might not let him go easily. Even if he didn't behead himself, he would definitely have his house confiscated. In this way, he would not let the family fortune he earned in his life be destroyed. Flooded?

Wang Shangshu's guess was correct. When the emperor saw that Mr. Wang had killed so many girls and beat so many girls, many girls became crazy. Long Yan was really furious and had no intention of hunting anymore, so he went back immediately. , put the whole Wang family in prison, and asked Dali Temple and other three departments to investigate the Wang family's affairs.

The Third Division quickly investigated and found out that Mr. Wang not only killed and injured many girls in Zhuangzi, but also committed evil deeds in the Wang family.

So the emperor quickly approved it and ordered the "human devil" - a title issued by the emperor himself - Mr. Wang to be executed Lingchi. He also gave justice to the girls who had been abused or even beaten to death, and then ransacked the Wang family's home. , and punished all the people who had concealed Wang Gongzi, including Wang Shangshu and others. Although Wang Shangshu's head was not chopped off, the official was lost, the family was confiscated, the heirs were cut off, and they were imprisoned. It was probably more uncomfortable than beheading Wang Shangshu.

After this appalling incident came out, people applauded the emperor's handling of the Wang family, which made the emperor's reputation better among the people. At the same time, it also made the matter spread in the capital. This was the first time people knew about it, and they still There is such a violent person who killed so many people before he was twenty years old.

Of course, there are also many people who feel lucky and think that they were lucky not to marry the Wang family. Otherwise, if their own girl had married, she would have been in trouble.

An Ran couldn't help but be happy when she saw that the Wang family ended up like this. She didn't know what kind of end Mr. Wang would have had in the world before Su Xinran was reborn. But in the original world, because Su Xinran wanted to cooperate with the Wang family, it was impossible for him to return to the original world. Before death, this beast was still alive. Even if the original body died and what he did was exposed and he died, it would be an advantage for him to live for so many more years and kill so many people, so Now that she had exposed it one day earlier, she should be considered to have saved many people's lives, and helped some girls who might be married to Wang to escape disaster, and she couldn't help but feel very good.

When she was in a good mood, Su Xinran was not in a good mood, thinking about how the Wang family fell early? You know, she had previously established relations with the Wang family in order to allocate Su Anran to Mr. Wang. Now the Wang family is basically on her side and will be a major force in helping her son ascend the throne in the future. They fell down so quickly. Now, can Su Xinran be in a wonderful mood?

However, she did not become suspicious. She only thought that she had robbed Su Weiran of her marriage. After that, many things changed, causing the affairs of the Wang family to be exposed in advance. Although she did not know that there was such a thing as the butterfly effect in the world, it was Think so.

Although she didn't doubt it, Su Xinran couldn't help but feel that she had been very unlucky recently when she saw the result of the Wang family. She wanted to arrange Su Anran's marriage and cause trouble for her, but the emperor got the better of her and failed; Su Weiran's trouble, but her love letter came out, leaving her with no time and energy to continue to cause trouble for Su Weiran, so that Su Weiran, whom she hated, escaped, and she also let herself be blamed for the love letter. She started worrying; the matter of the love letter has not been resolved yet, and the Wang family, which was a big help to her, has also fallen. All in all, there is bad news everywhere, which is annoying, but she has not been able to get some good news out. .

Not only could she not get good news, in fact, when she thought that Su Anran was about to marry King Qi, she felt that she would see more and more unpleasant news in the near future.

Just as she thought, An Ran married King Qi soon, and then she saw more news that made her unhappy.

First, the emperor watched King Qi's wedding and gave King Qi more official houses and gold and silver jewelry, just to make his only younger brother not feel wronged. Su Xinran was so angry when he saw this, thinking that the emperor was really annoying, with all this Wouldn't it be better to leave the money to her son? That's a younger brother, not a son. Why give him so many things? You must know that although the emperor is rich all over the world, there is actually a limit to the money he can use. It does not mean that the emperor can take as much as the national treasury has. All the emperor can use is the money from internal funds. However, today's emperor is born as a commoner and has a natural temperament. He was frugal and never allowed the treasury to give too much money to the palace, so he didn't save much money at all. As a result, the emperor took out all the money and gave it to his younger brother. Does this make Su Xinran happy? After all, in her opinion, those are her son's future.

Thinking about it, even if the emperor wants to reward King Qi, can't he use the money from the treasury? What to do with internal funds, that is, from her and her son's money?

Second, after Su Anran's wedding, her family came together to visit her. Seeing Anran smiling happily, and then seeing Su Weiran smiling happily too, made Su Xinran very angry, but she didn't seem to be happy. After breaking up with the two of them, even if I felt unhappy, I couldn't say it out loud, I could only get angry to death.

There was something that made her even more angry.

Because the emperor loved his younger brother and his family, he granted Su Anran's biological mother, Aunt Li, the rank of fifth-grade pleasant person.

Title concubine was something that was done in this dynasty and in previous dynasties. Now that Su Anran has become the princess, we should title her biological mother so that she can have a certain status in her comings and goings, so that others will not laugh at Su Anran for being the daughter of a maid. It's also normal.

But Su Xinran didn't want to see it. She hated Aunt Li's family and wanted them to suffer misfortune. So seeing that Aunt Li also entered the palace because of her rank, just to thank her, she couldn't The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

But she came to thank her sincerely, and there were many palace maids and eunuchs watching. She couldn't get angry at all, so she still smiled and pretended to her, which really pissed her off.

She was so angry, but her idiot mother looked at her with a smile on her face. She was obviously happy for Aunt Li. She was so angry that she wondered how she could have such an idiot mother.

In fact, it is normal for Mrs. Su to be happy for Aunt Li, because Aunt Li is her best confidant, and her status as a close confidant has increased. Why should she be unhappy? Anyway, Aunt Li has never been favored by Mr. Su, so she What she hates is only the spoiled concubines in the backyard, and she never hates the unfavored Aunt Li; secondly, she also wants Su Anran to help her daughter and grandson in the future, so seeing that Aunt Li has received the favor, there is no need to dislike her. After all, Aunt Li should understand that if she wants to continue to have such glory and wealth in the future, she must let her daughter support her daughter and grandson. In this way, when her daughter and grandson come to power, Aunt Li may be even more prosperous.

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