Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2362 Substitute Marriage 22

Because of this, Aunt Li received the favor and became a fifth-grade pleasant person. Mrs. Su was not angry at all. Thinking that with such glory and wealth attracting her, Aunt Li would definitely become more and more her favorite. After all, everything If another woman comes to power in the future, and her daughter steps down, her glory and wealth may be gone. What's wrong with letting interests tie Aunt Li to herself?

So Su Xinran luckily didn't tell Mrs. Su that she couldn't bear to see Aunt Li getting the favor, otherwise her mother would probably think that she was mentally ill and why she wouldn't be happy as her family's power grew.

But Su Xinran couldn't understand Mrs. Su, so she just thought that her mother was a fool. Concubine Ji could still laugh after receiving a favor, but it was unlike her. As long as a woman in the palace was favored and her status was getting higher and higher, she would I'm so angry that I can't stand it.

If she hadn't been afraid of the emperor and didn't dare to cause trouble, fearing that the emperor would discover her troubles and offend the emperor, dethroning her as queen, and losing her glory and wealth, otherwise she would have made trouble long ago - the emperor in the previous life The rejection of her hookup made her fearful of the emperor. In addition, the emperor himself was very powerful and was not someone she could play with. She had always looked up to the emperor, so naturally she did not dare to cause trouble in front of the emperor. .

Otherwise, how could she be a queen with such a narrow mind? She is able to be a queen now without any trouble, all because of the emperor's majesty. In fact, in her original world, after the emperor passed away, she had no one to fear. After that, he revealed his true colors and began to deal with the concubines in the harem. As far as the original body knew, the fate of those concubines was very miserable, and even the fate of their children was miserable.

In fact, she is not causing trouble now. She also thinks that since she is much younger than the emperor, the emperor will definitely die before her. When the emperor dies, it will not be too late for her to deal with those women. Otherwise, if she doesn't know If I can take care of those women in the future, I don’t know if I can’t help but be jealous and cause trouble when the emperor is around.

Although she was too stupid to be angry with her mother, Su Xinran had nothing to do, because now she really couldn't find a reason to provoke her. If she said something bad about Aunt Li and her daughter, her mother would give her a scolding and let her Don't talk nonsense, let her be nice to An Ran and others, saying that in the future she will rely on An Ran to blow pillows in front of King Qi and ask King Qi to help her so that the emperor can make her son the prince.

Su Xinran did not deny that since King Qi married Su An, her son's decision to be the crown prince had been confirmed, and he was much more sure than before. After all, everyone knew that the emperor loved his younger brother the most, and now his younger brother married a daughter of the Su family. , how could it be possible for this prince to be the son of Queen Su in the future?

It helped her a lot to win over the Wang family and others.

Even though King Qi didn't say anything, he had such a huge influence. If King Qi expressed his support for them, then it would be 100% feasible for her son to become the prince.

However, even if Su Anran married King Qi, which really helped her a lot, Su Xinran still didn't like her at all. In fact, because the two often showed affection in front of her, she became more and more jealous of Su Anran. .

In fact, An Ran and King Qi really didn't show any affection. However, every time the emperor took his younger brother into the palace to attend a palace banquet, and the couple came together, King Qi and An Ran sat at the same table. Every time, he would help An Ran pick up the food. The food is delicious and it is served to her. In fact, it is an ordinary daily life between husband and wife. In Su Xinran's opinion, these are just a show of affection, which is very dazzling.

Because in comparison, the emperor's attitude towards her was average. Now that he has become emperor, he has chosen many beauties to enter the palace. Men are lustful, so they naturally like young girls more when they look at them. There are several young concubines in the palace who are as delicate as flowers. I usually only serve food to those beloved concubines, but I never thought of serving her food - although the emperor is too old, she doesn't care about her serving food at all. Ah - so An Ran was in harmony with King Qi's Jinse, which naturally made Su Xinran look particularly dazzling.

In addition, she also likes King Qi, which makes it even more dazzling.

Because looking at these things, she was so jealous that Su Xinran couldn't help but want to cause trouble. Even if it was about the love letter, it has not been found out yet. The big knife is still hanging above her head. Su Xinran also wanted to cause trouble. .

On this day, Su Xinran asked Anran if there was any movement in his stomach.

The reason why she asked this was because she thought that when Anron became pregnant, she would blow pillows in front of the emperor and ask the emperor to send some beautiful maids to serve King Qi, which would make Su Anran angry.

The reason why the emperor came forward instead of her in person was naturally because she didn't want to be scolded by her mother's family. After all, her mother's family naturally wanted An Ran to be the only one to favor her. King Qi would not favor other women. This was the best for the Su family. If she dared to get pregnant in An Ran, At that time, even if she gave a woman to King Qi, she wouldn't have to deal with her An Ran, her family would deal with her, so naturally she couldn't do such a thing.

But if it is given in the name of the emperor, the natal family has no choice. After all, the natal family cannot go against the emperor.

An Ran listened to Su Xinran's inquiry and didn't know what medicine she was selling in her gourd, but she still shook her head and said, "Not yet, how could it be so fast."

Su Xinran patted her hand pretending to be affectionate and said: "Then you have to hurry up. You also know that the emperor loves King Qi the most. If you don't get pregnant in a year and a half, I'm afraid. The emperor will send some beautiful maids to King Qi to help him flourish, which will be detrimental to you."

Su Xinran said this deliberately to hurt An Ran. After all, as long as she is a woman, hearing this will make her uncomfortable. After all, who wants her husband to be with another woman?

And the reason why she said this was because she had originally planned to ask the emperor to send some beautiful maids to serve the King of Qi on the pretext that there was no one to serve the King of Qi if An Ran was pregnant; There has been no movement in the palace for a long time, and the King of Qi is not young anymore. It is time to have children, so he asked the emperor to send some beautiful maids to let the King of Qi flourish. I believe that the emperor who loves his younger brother will also think so.

So whether Su Anran is pregnant or not, she has a reason to stuff a woman.

When the emperor agrees with her approach, the selection of people will definitely be left to her. At that time, she will select a few stunning beauties for King Qi, ensuring that King Qi will be tempted by those stunning beauties and will never like them again. Su Anran is gone.

Doesn’t she still know the bad nature of men? He can't walk when he sees beautiful people. Although Su Anran is not bad, she is not a stunning beauty. If King Qi gets a stunning beauty, what will happen to her?

For this goal, she has been selecting people recently. She plans to select and train them, and when Su Anran becomes pregnant or has not been pregnant for a long time, she will send them over to make Su Anran angry to death. Also get a taste of jealousy.

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