Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2392 Substitute Marriage 52

Even later, because Mrs. Su said some disrespectful words to King Qi and An Ran, and was put under house arrest by several daughters-in-law, she became even more unhappy. She cursed people in the yard every day.

She used to be a kind person, but now she has become like this, which is not too much. After all, her daughter and grandson are dead, how can she not be sad? Can you stop swearing?

Although everyone understood her, they did not dare to let her go out and talk nonsense, lest it spread to the ears of King Qi and bring trouble to the Su family, so after discussion, the several daughters-in-law naturally agreed to She was placed under house arrest.

Several men of the Su family also agreed with this discussion result. They also did not want to lose their wealth because Mrs. Su's nonsense spread to the palace.

Although Su Xinran died, as brothers, they were also sad, but it was not the fourth son who killed Su Xinran, but the eldest prince, so naturally they would not hate An Ran.

As for Mrs. Su's statement that it was because An Ran didn't help Su Xinran and her son that they were killed by the eldest prince, this... what they said makes sense. King Qi is a member of the clan and cannot interfere in politics. There is no other way.

Anyway, the daughter of the Su family is still the queen, and their glory will continue. In this way, they will not hate Anron. If someone else comes to power due to Anron's reasons, and their glory is gone, then they may Will complain about Enron.

Now that they have no losses at all, they will naturally not complain.

People are very realistic.

In fact, Mrs. Su was also wrong. She only thought that An Ran and King Qi did not help Su Xinran and her grandson, which led to the two people being killed.

But they forgot that Su Xinran still had a love letter. Even if An Ran and King Qi helped them, if the love letter broke out one day, Su Xinran and even the Su family would be in trouble.

But the death of Su Xinran and her grandson made her forget that there was a time bomb on her daughter's head, and that her daughter would die in minutes.

It can be seen that people are not only realistic, but also like to selectively ignore things that are impossible for them to succeed. They only think that as long as so-and-so helps me, I will succeed; if I fail, it is because of so-and-so, but I forget that I have a dark history. , already on the impossible list.

Not talking about the situation of the Su family, but talking about the palace.

When I'm busy, time seems to be cast by magic and it passes by all of a sudden.

Not only was An Ran busy, but King Qi was even busier.

The late emperor was an expert in conquering the world, but not in governing the country.

After conquering the country, it is actually time to rest and recuperate. The late emperor was a little bit worse in this regard. He only knew how to deal with political affairs with drastic measures and did not know the peace and drizzle. Therefore, after the establishment of the dynasty, he actually made a lot of mistakes, but he was to conquer the world. The emperor's prestige was very high, and he had capable people under his command who made up for his mistakes, so nothing happened. In fact, his political level was not high.

The King of Qi is just the opposite. He does not act as boldly as the late emperor. He is the kind of sharp and careful person. He is also generous and has strong political abilities. He is quite suitable to be the second generation emperor after conquering the country. He can recuperate and serve. Some benevolent policies allow the people to live a good life.

So after King Qi took over, he quickly corrected some of the late emperor's wrong actions. In fact, when he was the prince, he had already discovered that the emperor had done many things wrong. He knew how to do some things, but he was a member of the clan. He couldn't interrupt, so even though he knew about it, he didn't dare to say anything for fear of making his brother unhappy.

Now that he is the emperor, he can naturally implement some of his ideas.

It has to be said that he has had experience in handling government affairs for a long time. Although he has not handled it in the past few years, after taking over, he still got on the road very quickly and in an orderly manner.

When it comes to the art of an emperor, the late emperor may have prestige and the power of an emperor, but in fact he does not have the art of an emperor, because he started from scratch and has no experience in this field. He figured out everything by himself by constantly making mistakes. On the contrary, King Qi handled government affairs early in the morning and accumulated a lot of experience. After that, he was free and had time to think about more aspects. Therefore, in fact, King Qi was better at the art of the emperor than the previous emperor.

This is also the reason why he handles government affairs in an orderly manner.

Of course, there are probably many people in the leadership who were promoted by him in the first place. He has used them before and knows their temperament and strengths. The reason why he is so comfortable using them now.

An Ran saw that King Qi was very organized, so he decided to help him and let him handle the government affairs by himself. He was happy to be an idler.

Yes, An Ran was originally worried that King Qi would not be able to take on this mess, so she planned to help him secretly. Now it seems that she is naturally happy to see things succeed without her help.

She is very free now. The task has been completed. After all, Su Xinran and her ex-husband who caused the original body's death have been dealt with. The original body's great revenge has been avenged. What she has to do now is to maintain her current happiness. In life, don't get into trouble, lest you collapse, have a hard time, feel that you don't like it, and don't think highly of you.

Fortunately, the King of Qi didn't like sex, so even after he became emperor, some ministers proposed a draft, but he refused, letting An Ran dominate the harem. In this situation, the original body should be very satisfied.

Of course, the reason why there was no draft was because King Qi was hurt by the situation in his eldest brother's family. He was afraid that there would be other women who gave birth to many children. In the end, in order to compete for the throne, he killed other brothers with a knife like the eldest prince did. That would be worse. As long as there is only one woman, at least the child will have the same father and mother. Even if he robs the throne, it will at least be better than the elder brother's child.

Besides, An Ran shouldn't have a problem with which one he chooses as a child of the same mother. They are all her children anyway, right? Unlike concubines from different mothers, there will be fights between concubines.

Even if there are opinions, they will not be bigger than the conflicts between different mothers.

Of course, with An Ran's temperament, he felt that she would not care about this matter, so he was relieved.

He thought well. After his eldest son turned eighteen, King Qi discovered that he was quite capable. After he was adopted by his elder brother and made the prince, An Ran did not raise any objections.

So unlike the late emperor's sons who killed each other, his sons had a pretty good relationship.

Probably because he had decided early on who would be the emperor and who would be the idle king in the future. Everyone no longer wanted to fight. When they got along with each other, they became harmonious as brothers.

Of course, the main reason was that King Qi said that he would become a Zen monk at the age of sixty, which made several children lose their desire to fight.

After all, if the emperor only succeeded to the throne after his death, there might be someone who could pull some tricks, but if the prince was not dead yet and the prince succeeded him, there would be no chance for him to pull any tricks.

The reason why King Qi planned to pass on the throne at the age of sixty was because the late emperor did not pass on the throne before his death, which caused trouble. He thought that while he was still alive, he would pass on the throne. The inheritance would always be smooth and smooth. , the things that happened at his eldest brother’s house will not happen.

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