Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2393 Substitute Marriage 53 (End)

It has to be said that King Qi was frightened by the fact that the late emperor's sons killed each other. He didn't want his own son to do the same, so he made these changes. This was indeed a good thing for the succession of the throne.

Soon, Enron passed through this world.

King Qi is quite a good person. He probably had a conversation with An Ran about social injustice (including unfairness for women, of course) before. Later, during his rule, he always promoted social equality (within the scope of what he could think of). Of course However, he only dared to make small changes within his capabilities for this kind of change. He still did not dare to blatantly propose the kind of big revolutionary or destiny-style changes, such as promoting democracy and equality between men and women.

Even so, he at least suppressed the development of dogmas that were becoming more and more restrictive towards women, such as those who should die if touched by a man, bound feet, not allowing widows to remarry, advocating chastity and sending chastity memorials, etc. He fully criticized and did not allow these This momentum is getting crazier and crazier.

Another thing is to do your best to abolish the humble status. Everyone, except those who have broken the law, can take part in the imperial examination as long as they are able.

Although this was difficult to implement, with success, he also attracted more talents for the country.

He also advocated that women could freely go to the streets and work, that women could take part in imperial examinations, and that women could serve as officials. Unfortunately, the resistance was too great and the implementation was not successful. In the end, at most, some girls' schools were opened and women were hired as officers. Teacher etc.

Although he failed to successfully promote women to participate in the imperial examination and women can serve as officials at that time, due to Enron's secret promotion, the girls' school set up mathematics, physics and chemistry courses such as external arithmetic and economics that the imperial examination scholars disdained, although not all Women are all inventors, but over time, the base has increased, and there are always one or two geniuses who can explore the mysteries of the world, so there are still women who have invented many things. Scientists in this early period of time and space can be compared with those in the West. , in the East, they are all women.

Although many of his measures were as non-radical as possible, they were still criticized by some so-called great Confucianists at the time, saying that he had lost moral integrity and violated the rules of his ancestors. However, in later generations of civilization, his reputation has increased one hundred and eighty times. Many people after archaeological research said that he was the founder of modern civilization, the morning star, and the gravedigger of backward and decadent civilization. However, those great scholars who criticized him at that time were pinned to the ground and rubbed, saying They are rats in the gutter and bugs in the dunghill.

After An Ran returned to the real world, she discovered that this mission had unfinished plot.

But it was said that after Su Xinran and her son sent King Qi away with a glass of poisonous wine, they did have a wonderful taste of being in power for a few days at first.

However, Su Xinran's son was not capable of controlling the court at all. In addition, people who were loyal to King Qi were extremely angry when they found out that King Qi had been killed by Su Xinran's mother and son. Soon someone launched a palace coup and brought about a coup. Su Xinran's mother and son were poisoned to death, and the late emperor's youngest son was made a puppet, and the powerful ministers were in power.

Su Xinran never thought that after killing King Qi, she would only be a fun queen mother for a few days and then be reimbursed.

The Su family was also implicated along with Su Xinran - the fact that Su Xinran poisoned King Qi was known to the world. Naturally, the Su family was also ordered to be executed by the new puppet emperor because of this incident (of course, this was not a puppet. The meaning of the emperor, but the meaning of the people behind him).

Everyone in the Su family saw that they had ended up like this for no reason. Before their death, everyone complained and abused Su Xinran.

——If in this world, the original mother and daughter were tragically harmed by Su Xinran, and King Qi was also poisoned to death by Su Xinran, otherwise Su Xinran's end in this world would be okay.

Then, just like in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, these young puppet emperors came and went, and so did the powerful ministers. Soon the situation in the court became chaotic. It didn't take long for the empire that the emperor had conquered to suffer another military disaster.

Unlike in the Enron world, King Qi handed over power early and nothing happened. An Ran and King Qi's son managed the country well. At least when An Ran passed away at the age of ninety, the country was still fine. But in the original world , this time it was once again in turmoil.

After reading these contents, An Ran practiced for a while and stabilized her cultivation. Then she asked Chu Fei if she had time to go to the secret realm now, saying that she had time.

Seeing that An Ran had time, Chu Fei naturally said that he had time and could leave at any time.

Now that Chu Fei had time, An Ran started preparing to leave.

First, he said goodbye to his wife Qiao and said that he was going on a long journey.

Of course, he was afraid that if she left and didn't come back for a while, no one would take care of Grandpa Qiao, and Grandpa Qiao would be bullied by his uncle, aunt and others, so An Ran entrusted Grandpa Qiao to Lu Zhanxing and asked him to help send someone to take care of him. Lu Zhanxing naturally promise.

As for Grandpa Qiao's health, there is no need to worry. Over the years, An Ran has been helping him wash with spiritual energy from time to time. His body is well maintained. As long as someone takes care of him, there is no problem in living for more than a hundred years. It should not be a problem when she leaves. Something happened, after all, she couldn't be gone for decades.

In fact, if Chu Fei hadn't repeatedly begged her to take action, saying that the world of cultivation had lost many elites and asked her for help, she wouldn't be able to let go of her grandfather, so she actually didn't want to go.

The second is to go to Xuancheng and make arrangements with Lu Zhanxing. She gave him a lot of goods and asked him to sell them casually, because she didn't know when she would be back after leaving.

When Lu Zhanxing heard that she had accepted a mission from the Cultivation Alliance, she was going to explore an unknown secret realm. It was said that the risk was extremely high. He didn't know when he would be able to come back. He was reluctant because he was afraid that An Ran would never return. The thigh is gone.

But because An Ran had promised to others, he couldn't object and could only forget it.

An Ran also made arrangements for Grandpa Qiao and Lu Zhanxing. As for the Jin family and An's mother, An Ran didn't leave any words. Anyway, they basically didn't have much contact in these years, so there was no news from her. I don't think those people would notice.

After explaining the matter and preparing a lot of things, An Ran met Chu Fei and went to the place where the secret realm was.

The place where the secret realm is located is not on the border, but in a deep mountain and old forest.

Soon An Ran saw that there was a dazzling barrier in front of him, just like the dungeon in the game. This barrier could only be seen by monks. In the eyes of ordinary people, this was just a mountain forest, which was not far from here. There are villages everywhere, and there are even villagers who have picked mushrooms and cut down trees here, but no one has mistakenly entered this secret realm, because only monks with cultivation can discover it and enter it.

I don’t know which monk discovered such a remote place and such a barrier. You know, the world is so big, there are so many deep mountains and old forests, but there are so few monks. How can you find a secret realm in such an ordinary forest? , more exaggerated than finding a needle in a haystack.

An Ran looked at it and said, "Everyone just entered here and never came out?"

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