Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2400 The maid who can’t help herself 5

The original family member did not go to Mrs. Wang to ask for mercy after the original person was beaten often. Firstly, they did not dare, for fear of offending their superiors; secondly, they still had hope, thinking that there might be a turn for the better in the future, as long as Young Master Wang would be kind to her in the future. Their girls have become more favored, and they have gained face, but if they leave Young Master Wang, they will have nothing. They are reluctant to part with this honor, and they dare not ask for it, so they did not ask Mrs. Wang for mercy. , let go and go home.

After finding out how much feelings the original person's mother's family had for the original person, An Ran came back.

As soon as he came back, Xiao Lu, who was left behind, told An Ran a big news.

"Grandma is pregnant!"

It turned out that after An Ran left just now, Grandma Wang felt uncomfortable in her stomach, so she went to ask the imperial doctor to check her, and then she found out that she was pregnant.

An Ran was startled after hearing the news.

Naturally, the original memory has the matter of Grandma Wang being pregnant, but the memory is vague and I have forgotten the specific time. I only remember that it was about four or five months after Grandma Wang entered the house. Now counting, it is indeed four months since Grandma Wang entered the house. It's been five months, counting now.

Thinking of this, An Ran couldn't help but frown, not for anything else, because as soon as Grandma Wang became pregnant, she would have to worry about having to serve Young Master Wang.

The reason why the original person gave birth to a child even though she was not favored was because during the pregnancy, in order to protect the fetus, Grandma Wang did not let Young Master Wang get close to her. How could Young Master Wang, an ancient man, be the wife of Grandma Wang? To keep himself safe, and he hadn't completely fallen in love with Grandma Wang at the moment, so in order to satisfy his physiological needs, he naturally went to find those concubines. He also found the original body twice, and he didn't know if he was lucky or not. Well, I got pregnant. Of course, she has become a thorn in Grandma Wang's side since then - she can't tolerate concubines, not to mention those concubines who have given birth to bastards and will share the property with her sons in the future. Then I can't tolerate it any more, so I fight my original self more often than before.

An Ran naturally didn't want to be pregnant with Master Wang's child, let alone sleep with him, so after Grandma Wang became pregnant, she had to hurry up and leave.

However, there is a good thing about Grandma Wang's pregnancy. Now everyone in the house has been given two months more monthly money, including concubines like An Ran, who have also been given two months more monthly money.

The original person in this world had a very hard life. I used to be a maid, and I could still get a lot of money and make a lot of money. Now I am a concubine. I am not a very favored concubine. Although the monthly money is more, on the contrary It's not as good as before, because the concubine who is not pampered can only get a dead salary and has no oil and water. As a result, the income level will naturally drop, so now she can get two more months of monthly payment, which is good for Enron , which is naturally a good thing. After all, if you need money one day, having more money is always a good thing.

Fortunately, the original person had saved a lot of money in the past and still had some money on hand. Otherwise, he would have been completely poor and his life would have been even worse.

Yes, although the original person was a wooden beauty, she was not a fool. Although she sometimes gave some money to her family, she did not hand over all the money to her family, and she still kept the bulk of it.

As mentioned before, her original parents treated her well, so even though they knew their daughter had left a lot of money, they did not ask her for it. You know, many parents in this era, if their daughter makes money, before getting married, usually All were required to be handed over, and the original parents did not ask for them. In this era, it was not bad.

Just as An Ran thought, after Grandma Wang became pregnant, she stopped sleeping with Young Master Wang in order to raise the baby. Young Master Wang didn't completely like Grandma Wang at the moment, but just had a good impression of her, so he couldn't see it. If you are in the same room with Grandma Wang, you will naturally not be as protective as a jade. When necessary, you will go to those concubines.

This naturally made the concubines in the backyard happy. They thought that this new grandma had a rich background and a bad temper. After she entered the house, they had to wait for Young Master Wang much less. If this continues, it will only take the years of the monkey and the horse to give birth to a boy and a half. Women, you have someone to rely on for the rest of your life.

Now that Grandma Wang is pregnant and can no longer serve the young master, they are naturally happy that the young master comes to see them.

But they never thought that they would be in bad luck soon. After all, Grandma Wang couldn't stand them. Seeing that she was pregnant and her husband went to find those vixens, Grandma Wang's anger level increased by an unknown amount than usual. Times, she didn't dare to cause trouble for Young Master Wang, so she could only take it out on these concubines, so naturally she couldn't stand these concubines even more, and wanted to cause trouble for them even more.

Among them, Aunt Fang is the most unlucky and the most thorn in Grandma Wang's side. After Grandma Wang can no longer serve, Young Master Wang looks for Concubine Ji to serve, mainly looking for Aunt Fang. After all, Young Master Wang used to like her the most. she.

Seeing that Young Master Wang often came to Aunt Fang, could Grandma Wang not be angry? Soon, Grandma Wang found an excuse and beat Aunt Fang to death.

Thinking of this, An Ran secretly thought that when she had time, she would observe that Aunt Fang to see if she had done anything to harm Grandma Wang. If she had done it, that would be it. She would not care about anything. If she does anything harmful, then she will see if she can save this woman.

It would be fine if she didn't see it, but if she saw it, she couldn't help but watch a human life disappear in front of her eyes.

Of course, she had to save her own life only when her own safety was guaranteed. She had nothing to do with Aunt Fang, so it was impossible for her to risk her life to save others.

However, according to her guess, this Aunt Fang should not have done anything harm to Grandma Wang, because everyone in the house knew that Grandma Wang had a good background, and she was a person that even Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang respected. How dare you harm your little concubine? It’s not like you have eaten the heart of a bear or the courage of a leopard.

Of course, this is just her guess and further observation is needed.

Fortunately, it was still some time before Grandma Wang beat Aunt Fang to death. She still had time to observe. The most important thing for her now was to see how she got out of this hellish place. After all, it was not far away from the first beating she received. She had to figure out a way to leave this place within three months, and the time was quite tight.

Yes, after Grandma Wang killed Aunt Fang, she also beat several other concubines, including the original body. The original body was beaten for the first time just three months later, and then less than a month later, she suffered the third beating. Two beatings.

Therefore, the maximum time she was given to leave how she wanted to leave was only four months. After four months, before she could figure it out, she would be beaten again. This was not what she wanted. The most she wanted was to be beaten. A beating would give her an excuse to deal with Grandma Wang in the future, but she didn't want to be beaten again and again.

But at present, it seems that it is not easy to leave on your own, unless the character is OOC, such as she mastered martial arts in four months, beat up Mrs. Wang and Young Master Wang, and forced them to write a concubine release letter , and took out her contract of betrayal, which would definitely not work, because the mission does not allow OOC characters.

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