Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2401 The maid who can’t help herself 6

Of course, you can also spend some health points to buy shopping mall props, such as fantasy props, control the consciousness of Young Master Wang and Mrs. Wang, and obtain the concubine release letter and the deed of sale.

This doesn't work, because the original person probably doesn't want to see her leave like this, because she can't do it herself, because she can't have any props provided by the system mall. Leaving like this, she doesn't have the feeling of substitution, and her mission will probably be judged. Failure.

In the more difficult tasks, she needs to spend a lot of life points and purchase props from the system mall to complete the task, which is indeed difficult to complete.

But it's not difficult on the surface like this, but because the original body requires you to perform close to yourself, it's actually not easy to grasp. Because of one bad thing, the original body feels that you are too open-minded, and she can't do it, and feels that your task has not been completed. There are some too.

Otherwise, why would such a mission be purple? It is probably because it cannot be cheated too much and it is difficult to complete, so it is purple.

While An Ran was thinking about what kind of opportunity to leave Cheng'en Palace, he also collected information about other similar people who had the experience of leaving freely.

She has never been anyone's concubine before, especially one who wants to leave, so she is not familiar with or understands this aspect, so now she naturally has to collect some precedents in this area.

As a housewife, it is naturally difficult for her to pry. Of course, if she has good martial arts skills, she can sneak out and pry. But isn't it true that she has just started practicing martial arts, so she can't escape even if she sneaks out alone? So An Ran asked Xiao Lan and Xiao Lu to inquire about this news.

Of course, you can't say this directly, lest Xiaolan and Xiaolu wonder how she inquired about this matter. Could it be that she planned to leave Young Master Wang? It would not be good to scare the snake away, so An Ran asked the two of them to inquire about any gossip about the concubines of each family. To pass the boring time, if you know something about someone from the past, it’s okay to talk about it.

An Ran said he was bored and wanted to hear these anecdotes from Beijing, but Xiao Lan and Xiao Lu did not become suspicious.

They usually like to inquire about gossip from various families, so when they heard An Ran ask, they naturally told a lot of news. However, they felt that their aunt wanted to hear the gossip about her aunt's success in becoming a high official, so they all talked about these. .

Naturally, this was not what An Ran wanted to hear, so after pretending to be interested and listening for a while, An Ran said: "Is there anything novel like that? It's not interesting to hear news about so and so being corrected all the time."

When Xiao Lan and Xiao Lu heard what An Ran said, they couldn't help but look at each other and secretly thought, doesn't their master want to hear that kind of gossip? But that’s right, with the eldest grandma’s background being so powerful, it’s probably impossible for the aunt and grandma to help her in their house, so it’s normal that she doesn’t want to hear it.

So the two of them shared some news about so-and-so's concubine and how they doted on them.

An Ran was naturally not interested in any of this, so he pretended to be interested and listened for a while, then asked the two of them to change the content again so they wouldn't keep talking about the same thing.

Xiaolan didn't understand and said doubtfully: "I wonder what my aunt wants to hear?"

An Ran said: "I just want to hear something novel, these are too cliché."

"Novelty?..." Xiaolan frowned, racked her brains, and began to recall what novel rumors she had heard. In the end, she found some and told An Ran some strange rumors. Sure enough, among them There is something An Ran wants to hear.

There are many dignitaries in the capital, and each family has many concubines. The base is large, so there is actually a lot of these strange news.

There is a concubine from a certain family who thinks her master is not rich and powerful enough, and tries to climb high, either unsuccessfully or successfully.

There was a concubine from a certain family who couldn't bear the loneliness and went out to the wall and was beaten to death by her master.

There was a concubine in a certain family who couldn't bear the loneliness and went out, and was discovered by her master. She refused to do anything and poisoned her master to death with the help of her adulterer and husband.

There was a certain person who was generous and righteous. Knowing that his brother liked his concubine, he gave his concubine to his brother.

Wait, there are quite a lot of news like this.

What An Ran is most interested in is the concubine of a certain family who thought her master was not rich and powerful enough and succeeded in climbing a high tree, and the concubine of a certain family who was generous and righteous and knew that her brother liked her, so she gave her concubine to the other party. of.

Both of them successfully left their previous masters and followed their new masters.

This made An Ran think of feasible directions.

Self-redemption is not easy to achieve on the one hand, and on the other hand, the original family is still opposed to it. An Ran does not intend to choose this method to leave Young Master Wang.

However, if he follows someone else, it is estimated that his parents' family will either not object, or they will take him away and his parents' family will not be able to object. In this way, he will have hope of jumping out of the pit of fire.

Of course, jumping out of this fire pit does not mean that the next one will not be a fire pit, but this is a dead end, and Young Master Wang and Grandma Wang are the people who want to take revenge. Stay here and be their slaves. It's not easy for people to take revenge, but it's easier to get out of this pit of fire. At least one person, and the contract of betrayal is not in their hands, it's better, right?

Anyway, Duke Cheng'en's Mansion has already reached the end - he will be beaten to death in the future - if you jump out of this pit of fire, even if the next one is also a pit of fire, it will be similar to this situation at most. How much worse can it be? Maybe it can bottom out and rebound. It needs to get better.

Thinking of this, An Ran began to figure out which of these people in Cheng'en Palace were suitable.

First of all, choose someone who is well controlled. People who are easy to control will not become a fire pit in the past. If there is an opportunity in the future, you may be able to get a contract of sale and leave.

Secondly, choose someone whose family does not have a legal wife. If she goes there, she will not feel like a mistress. Otherwise, if there is a legal wife in the family, she will go by herself. Although concubines are legal in this era, she will always feel like a mistress. uncomfortable.

Furthermore, if the other party dares to ask Young Master Wang for someone, or if Young Master Wang has a close relationship with the other party and sees that the other party likes his concubine, he is willing to give it to the other party. Otherwise, if he is a coward and dares not ask for someone, or perhaps Young Master Wang has a normal relationship with the other party, and if he won't give it, this matter won't work.

Looking outside, and then meeting the above conditions, you have to carefully consider the selection.

Fortunately, Duke Cheng'en's Mansion is quite popular right now. There are many people coming to Duke Cheng'en's Mansion every day. There are many people and a large base, so she has room to choose, so she has time to choose slowly.

There is a reason why An Ran only plans to search outside, not in Duke Chengen's mansion.

Firstly, it is difficult to find her in the Duke Chengen's Mansion. After all, Young Master Wang is the eldest grandson. Who would dare to steal a woman from him? Secondly, if An Ran wants to take revenge on Young Master Wang and his wife, it will be inconvenient for An Ran to stay in the Duke Chengen's Mansion. After all, one move can affect the whole body. To take revenge on Young Master Wang and his wife, don't affect yourself.

So An Ran only planned to look outside.

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