Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2402 The maid who can’t help herself 7

Since he decided to look outside, An Ran naturally paid attention to these male guests in the house.

This is not difficult, there are people coming to the house every day.

But there weren't many people to meet the criteria she was considering.

At least one, the other party must have a strong relationship with Young Master Wang, to the extent that he hooks up with the other party, the other party falls in love with him, and the Young Master Wang is willing to give away his concubine.

If you don't have a strong relationship with Young Master Wang, then you have to have a higher status than Young Master Wang. If you take a fancy to yourself and ask for something from Young Master Wang, Young Master Wang has to give it.

There are naturally people who have a close relationship with Young Master Wang, but most of them are married or engaged. An Ran is not inclined to it, only one or two are more suitable.

However, if these people are not engaged yet, most of them are younger than me. After all, people who are the same age as me are already engaged - they are the same age as Young Master Wang. Since Young Master Wang is already married, then His close friends are naturally either married or engaged, unless they are younger than him, they are not engaged or married.

An Ran is generally not inclined to be younger than himself, because the original person is not very old at the moment, only eighteen or nineteen years old. If he is younger than this, he is still a child, and An Ran is afraid that the other person will not be able to shoulder the responsibility of robbing someone. This is an important task, so I am not very inclined.

If you don't prefer Young Master Wang's younger buddies, then you can only find someone with a higher status than Young Master Wang.

But as the eldest grandson of Duke Cheng'en, who is currently quite popular, Young Master Wang has a high enough status in the capital. Of course, that's not to say that there is no one with a higher status than him, but when it comes to those who often come to the house, There are only a few people in the palace who have a higher status than him.

Speaking of which, those in the palace are all suitable. Since these people want to marry the Wang family's daughter, they have not yet been engaged, so they can consider it.

Moreover, those in the palace, even if they are younger than themselves, do not have to worry that they cannot bear the heavy responsibility of robbing people, because who dares not to give to others who the prince wants?

As for whether these people who are planning to marry Wang's daughter will not take the bait, An Ran doesn't have to worry about this, because they only need to please Wang Chief Fu himself. As for Wang's daughter, they don't need to do anything to please, because as long as Wang Chief Fu likes her, Personally, there is hope for this marriage. On the contrary, even if the Wang family's daughter falls in love with one of them, Wang Shoufu will not be able to succeed if he is not willing, because it is impossible for Wang Shoufu to give up his plan because of his daughter's affection. of.

In this case, they naturally would not have to keep themselves clean just because they wanted to marry a daughter of the Wang family. They would not even dare to marry someone in the house. After all, if Wang Chief Fu disapproved of her, it would be useless to keep themselves clean.

So An Ran picked around and focused on these people, figuring out who was the most suitable.

The third prince Si Yan was the first to be excluded from An Ran's attention. The reason for this was very simple - she felt that with the character of the third prince Si Yan and the favored attitude of his mother's concubine Zhou Huang, she was afraid that in the future He was a cannon fodder, and she naturally didn't want to follow him and cause trouble in the future.

The reason why I think Si Yan and the Imperial Concubine Zhou are cannon fodder is also very simple. Si Yan has a reputation for being violent outside, so someone is obviously trying to mess with him; while the Imperial Concubine Zhou is known as the demon concubine and has a bad reputation, so obviously there are people out there. They were messing with her, and someone was secretly messing with them. They didn't know what was going on, but they didn't fight against the gangsters. They allowed their reputation to develop like this. Either the fight against the gangsters didn't succeed, or they didn't know that there was such a thing. Either way, it shows that the mother and son are a bit incompetent. If the mother and son are favored, they will become the target of public criticism and can easily be dealt with by other princes and turned into cannon fodder.

In fact, the original memory also reminded this - next year, Wang Shoufu will let his legitimate daughter be engaged to the fifth son of the emperor who is only fourteen years old.

The fifth prince is obviously two years younger than Wang Shouxu's daughter, so why does Wang Shouxu want to marry his daughter to him? The reason is extremely simple. The biological mother of the fifth prince is just a palace maid. She has a low background and is still young. No matter what, she is easy to control.

On the other hand, the third prince, Si Yan, was favored by the Zhou Emperor's noble concubine, and his maternal status was not low. Although he was two years younger than the original person, he was not particularly young. No matter his origin or age, he was not easy to control. So Wang Shoufu would naturally not choose him.

And if he is not chosen and wants to help the fifth prince to ascend the throne, the favored Concubine Zhou and the third prince who are also liked by Emperor Aiwu and Wu Ye will naturally be stumbling blocks on the way forward for Wang Shoufu. In order to prevent Concubine Zhou from competing for the throne, he will definitely Find a way to get rid of these two people.

An Ran didn't know whether Wang Chief Fu would succeed, but at least there was a high risk that the third prince would be cannon fodder, because if others wanted to ascend to the throne, the first thing they had to do was to kill the third prince's mother and son. In this case, she didn't want to choose the third prince. , although the other princes are not necessarily safe, they are always safer than the third prince.

The third prince was not suitable, and the fifth prince was too young, so An Ran's choices were concentrated on the eldest prince, the second prince and the fourth prince, mainly on the eldest prince.

The reason why the focus is mainly on the eldest prince is because, like the fifth prince, the biological mother of this eldest prince is not from a high background. Although she is not a palace maid, she is also a commoner woman.

However, unlike the fifth prince who was lucky enough to have the support of the Wang family, he was given up because he was older and, in Wang Chief Fu's view, difficult to control.

His background is not good, his abilities are not particularly outstanding, and Wang Chief Fu still does not support him. It is very likely that this eldest prince will not succeed in the battle to seize the throne, and because his power is not strong, he may not be particularly targeted. It should be easy. Survived, so An Ran decided to see if he could hook up with the eldest prince first. If he could, he would be a good candidate to escape.

But she soon discovered that she had chosen an unlikely partner.

But he said that the eldest prince also often came to Chengen's mansion.

Although Duke Cheng'en's Mansion is not their maternal family, but the emperor's natal family, because the emperor's queen died early, there were no sons and a half women left, and the emperor did not appoint another queen after that - this was also the reason why the emperors competed for the throne. The reason is that if there were legitimate sons, many things would not happen - so all the princes currently do not have legitimate mothers. In this way, naturally they would not have a maternal family.

Therefore, Duke Chengen's residence became the closest blood relative, so it was normal for several princes to come here often.

Of course, the main reason is that Duke Chengen's Mansion wants to have more contact with the royal family so that they can support their current good situation, so whenever there is a banquet in the mansion, they will send messages to several princes and ask them to come and play.

On this day, the mansion invited several princes to come over under the pretext of holding a flower appreciation party. Except for the second prince who claimed to have something to do, the other princes all came.

The eldest prince, An Ran's target, naturally also came.

An Ran saw him coming and planned to test him today to see if there was any hope of a successful hookup.

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