Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2522 Doomsday Waste 26

Those who had bullied the original person usually did a lot of illegal and criminal things. She didn't think that they were used to the previous behavior style. They could change it if they wanted to. There would always be people who would continue to do illegal and criminal things. Then they would be able to change their behavior. This was used as an excuse to put these people away.

If these people really correct themselves, don't worry. These people are used to taking advantage by bullying others. When they become self-reliant and go out to take risks, they may one day be taken care of by monsters.

If you are timid and do not go outside, but find something to do in the base so that you will not be attacked by monsters, or you are lucky and go outside but are not attacked by monsters, then we will wait until the time comes. There will always be someone to deal with them. The solution, if nothing else, was that she didn't believe that no one wanted to take back the people who had been bullied by them. Then she could talk to those people.

Enron's method is still very useful. Sure enough, after General Li mentioned this matter at the base's high-level meeting and passed it, the order of the base became more and more like before the apocalypse, and the phenomenon of ordinary people being bullied became less and less.

As for the group of people who bullied the original body, it was just as An Ran thought. Some of them were accustomed to taking advantage of others. They did not change their ways for a while, and were soon called to the police, arrested and imprisoned.

Only a small part of them have become honest and calm.

Although these people have become honest, Enron has been paying attention to them. Once these people return to their old ways, Enron can deal with them.

If they never commit any crime, then think of other ways to deal with these people.

After the gang was cleaned up, An Ran was thinking about how to deal with Zhang's father and Zhang's mother.

In the end, before she had to think about how to deal with Zhang's father and Zhang's mother, something happened to Zhang's father and Zhang's mother themselves.

But he said that over the years, Sister Zhang’s family has been raising Zhang’s father and Zhang’s mother. But as time went by, Brother Zhang’s husband and his sister’s children became a little unhappy, especially as their children grew older and consumed more and more, and Sister Zhang also raised them. Regarding her natal family, Sister Zhang’s children are particularly dissatisfied.

No, Zhang's nephew and Zhang's niece said to Sister Zhang: "Mom, now the base is slowly becoming like before the end of the world. Schools are also open. Other people's children have gone to school. It's just us brothers and sisters because of you every day." You send things and points to your parents' house, which results in no points left at home. If you stay at home, you don't think about us and give us less. After all, we are your children too. In order to support your parents' family, you don't even care about us. ?”

The reason why Zhang's nephew and Zhang's niece had such a quarrel was actually because Zhang's brother-in-law had long been dissatisfied with Sister Zhang's giving too much to her parents' family, so he instigated it.

At this time, Brother-in-law Zhang saw that his children mentioned this matter, so he followed suit: "That's right, I don't object to you taking care of them in old age, but you can't support their family, right? According to the pre-apocalyptic standards, four to five hundred points a month is enough." Damn it, how about you, if you give them two thousand points a month, or similar supplies, our family can’t survive? Even if you don’t think about me, you should think about it for the children, right?”

Sister Zhang said awkwardly: "If we don't give so many points, they won't have enough to eat."

Brother-in-law Zhang said with a dark face: "My father-in-law and mother-in-law are not yet sixty years old, and my brother-in-law is a young man. Now he has superpowers and is much stronger than before. He can make a living for himself. Why don't they work and be raised by you?" They? They just don’t dare to go out and fight monsters. They can also find something to do in the base. It’s no harder to find a suitable job now than when the base was first built. There are plenty of jobs now. If you don’t do any of this, they’ll just wait for you to get points. Why do they use it?"

In fact, Zhang's father, Zhang's mother and Zhang's younger brother were so used to being kept lazy by Sister Zhang that they no longer want to work.

What Brother Zhang said was right, and Sister Zhang couldn't find any reason to refuse. What's more, as her children grew older and wiser, they became more and more disgusted with their mother using points to support her uncle, but not supporting them. Sister Zhang didn't want to follow her at home. The relationship between her husband and her children was stalemate, and in the end no one paid attention to her, so she could only follow brother-in-law Zhang's instructions and reduce the amount of materials or points given to her parents a month to four to five hundred.

At this time, Zhang's father and Zhang's mother naturally stopped working.

You must know that supplies are very expensive now. Four or five hundred points are not enough. A month would require at least two thousand points.

But when they came to argue with Sister Zhang, Brother-in-law Zhang, nephew Zhang, and niece Zhang scolded them back. Even if they refused to give, there was nothing they could do, because they directly told them that if they were not convinced, they would sue. Anyway, now the base Courts are also open.

Zhang's father, Zhang's mother and Zhang's brother really didn't dare to sue because they knew that even if they sued, they would probably only get four to five hundred points, because An Ran had mentioned before that one month's alimony was legal, and their family had three children, one The child only needs to be given so much. When the time comes, Sister Zhang will definitely do what An Ran said, and the court will sentence her to only give her four to five hundred points.

What's more, the two of them still have the ability to work. They are not people who have lost the ability to work. It will be even more terrible if they don't even get alimony. So it seems that Sister Zhang and the others are not willing to give two thousand points a month. Forget it.

Without the support of Sister Zhang, Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, and brother Zhang had no one to support them, so they had to work on their own.

They didn't dare to venture outside the base, so naturally they had to find things to do inside the base.

But like them, there are countless people who dare not take risks outside. Those who dare to take risks outside to make big money are naturally a minority. As a result, there will naturally be too many jobs in the base. It is very difficult to grab a job, and , due to the large number of competitors, wages have been lowered. There is simply too much work to do and too little money. As a result, Zhang’s father and Zhang’s mother, who are accustomed to being raised, cannot do anything anymore.

As for Brother Zhang, needless to say, he doesn't know how to do anything. Anyway, Zhang's father and Zhang's mother are not very old, and they have evolved and are much stronger than before. Let them do the work and support him.

Because Zhang's brother doesn't work either, Zhang's father and Zhang's mother don't want to do it, but since no one in the family works and they can't survive without income, they can only grit their teeth and do it. Life is very hard.

Seeing that Zhang's father and Zhang's mother were not doing well, An Ran secretly thought that it seemed that they didn't need to deal with it themselves, as they could live a life that was worse than death.

Zhang's father and Zhang's mother couldn't make ends meet, so they went to An Ran to ask for alimony. Of course, An Ran wouldn't give anyone an excuse for such a superficial matter, so they still gave it to them. Anyway, four or five hundred points were not enough for them, so they still Be hard.

Moreover, as Brother Zhang gets older, Father Zhang and Mother Zhang want to find a wife for their son and continue the family line - Father Zhang and Mother Zhang are so patriarchal, and it is impossible for Brother Zhang to stay single. They will definitely find a way to marry their son. - will work harder to make money, so their "good days" are yet to come.

An Ran's guess was not bad. Next, the old couple indeed helped Brother Zhang find a wife.

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