Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2523 Doomsday Waste 27

The reason why people like Brother Zhang who don't work can still find a wife is because the other party is still willing to marry for the sake of An Ran. I heard that Brother Zhang is the only brother with healing powers in the base.

Although Zhang's sister-in-law has also heard that Zhang Anran has cut off contact with her parents because of a bad relationship, they are still relatives, and they may be able to resolve the past feud in the future, so that she can have good fortune.

Even if she doesn't let go of the past, it will be much more convenient if she has an accident and asks her to come to her for treatment. She won't die without help.

Although even if she is not Zhang Anran's sister-in-law, if something happens to her, the other party will come to her for treatment, but she has to wait in line and spend money. At least these things are not needed between relatives.

With this gambling mentality, he married Brother Zhang.

Not long after brother Zhang married his wife, his sister-in-law became pregnant and gave birth to a child. Suddenly, there were two more people in the family, and none of them worked. Zhang's sister-in-law was thinking, if her husband doesn't work, why should she work? ——The old couple’s life is even more difficult.

Seeing that Zhang's father and Zhang's mother's family would have a hard time in the future, An Ran stopped paying attention to it for the time being.

As for her ex-boyfriend Liu Feng, who had once caused trouble for her, An Ran had heard that he had found a girlfriend again in his new base. When they talked about marriage, he was ready to go out and take risks to make a fortune. At the wedding, I encountered a monster. Although I wasn't bitten, I lost an arm.

Although it is better to have a broken arm than a broken leg, it is very inconvenient to move around without an arm, so the girlfriend naturally left, and Liu Feng's life will be difficult after that.

If he hadn't died at Shuguang Base Club and gone to other bases, Liu Feng might not have encountered such a thing, so An Ran felt that by doing this, he could indirectly deal with him.

At this time, An Ran's mission is basically completed. Apart from continuing to observe a few people to prevent them from turning over again, it should be fine.

After all, except for Zhang's father and Zhang's mother who are the most unshirkable responsibility for the original body's death, the others may have bullied the original body at most, but they are not responsible for her death. They can just take revenge and not put the other party at risk. Dying.

The original person didn't blame Sister Zhang for not raising her. Although Sister Zhang even raised her parents and younger brothers who had powers at the time, she didn't raise the original person who couldn't live without the powers. However, Sister Zhang herself was also in difficulty. After all, After raising so many people, she can no longer support her original self; secondly, it is a matter of affection to support Sister Zhang, and it is a duty not to raise her, so Sister Zhang sees that she has no powers, and would rather raise her parents and younger brothers who have powers than raise her. , although the original person is sad, she is not resentful, because she knows that except for her parents, no one cares about her who has lost the ability to work - everyone has powers, and there are all monsters outside. The original person has no powers, and in the In such a world, one has indeed lost the ability to work - one has the obligation to care.

Although the original body does not blame Sister Zhang, An Ran's attitude towards Sister Zhang is also average, because, whether in the original world or in her own world, after Sister Zhang became capable, she only took care of her parents and younger brothers, and never took care of her. Pass her - Not long after An Ran came to the base, she got in touch with Sister Zhang because the base communication was good. However, even though she knew An Ran had no powers, Sister Zhang didn't say anything to help her.

Although An Ran understands that she is also in a dilemma, but since she never thought of helping herself and her original body, then naturally there is no need to help her now that she is prosperous.

Sister Zhang and Brother Zhang are not stupid, and they know what they are doing, so after An Ran announced that he had special powers, they did not stick to him to take advantage of it, because they are not that thick-skinned.

They had never helped An Ran before when she had no powers. On the contrary, they were worried that An Ran would not be able to survive without powers and that one day she would come to their door and ask them to borrow food. They once discussed how to politely refuse. An Ran made this request because their family already had a heavy burden of raising Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, and Zhang's younger brother, and they really couldn't afford to support her anymore.

As a result, not only were they not so poor that they asked them to borrow food, but on the contrary, they became prosperous, which embarrassed them.

So now that Enron has become prosperous, they are coming here to reap the benefits. They themselves know that it is impossible, so they simply don't move forward.

An Ran knew this. After all, she had been paying attention to the movements of some people who needed attention, including the movements of Sister Zhang's family.

At that time, she was just afraid that Sister Zhang would see her coming and ask her to provide supplies to Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, and Zhang's brother, and contribute as much as she did, so she kept an eye on them to see if anything happened so that she could collect the supplies outside. Get up, lest you be sacrificed.

Later, it was discovered that their family had no such idea at all. They just thought that they must not have many supplies and would cause trouble for them when they ran out of food.

Seeing that their family was worried that she would ask them for food, so much so that they did not dare to come to see her, for fear that she would talk about these things when they met, and they only occasionally contacted her by phone. While An Ran was laughing and laughing, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

Just when An Ran felt that the task was completed and she didn't have to worry about it anymore, things didn't develop as she imagined.

But he said that there is more than one country in the world. After people in various bases in the country knew that Dawn Base had people with healing powers, Enron was willing to treat people in all bases, and Dawn Base did not make things difficult for each base. Therefore, each base Only then did he reluctantly bear the idea of ​​robbing people.

However, bases in this country can tolerate the idea of ​​robbing people, but other countries may not be able to tolerate such an idea. After all, who made Shuguang Base set the rule of treating locals first before foreigners? This is also normal. After all, only Such a healer with special powers has to accept people seeking medical treatment from various bases, so he has no skills at all. Therefore, it is normal for An Ran to treat domestic people first, and then treat foreigners when he has time.

But, if you are willing, other countries are not willing!

After being unable to reason with Shuguang Base, people from other countries were ready to steal Anron away.

This is not a difficult task, because there are more and more kinds of superpowers in the world, one of which is space superpower.

Someone is planning to use the ability to teleport in this space to steal An Ran from Dawn Base. By then, this person will have the ability to teleport, and the people at Dawn Base will not be able to catch up.

When they take the people out of Dawn Base and leave on the plane they had prepared long ago, won't this be done?

Not to mention, they actually succeeded through mental arithmetic and unintentional calculations.

At that time, no one expected that a person who came to seek medical treatment turned out to be a person with space powers. Just after An Ran cured the person, the bodyguards of the special forces team at the scene saw that the person disappeared with An Ran, and they immediately realized Yes, someone robbed An Ran.

The special force bodyguard quickly called General Li, who immediately ordered the city gate to be closed and sent people to search.

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