Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2600 The Death of the Fake Daughter 44

Therefore, Zhen Guo Gong and his wife were arrested and released because the emperor did not sentence them. However, no one in the family was happy and their attitude towards them was very bad. Not to mention that the glory and wealth of Zhen Guo Gong's mansion was Zhen Guo Gong's. No one can understand what the Duke has earned, and he can waste it however he wants. They only know that originally they were the most prominent family in the capital, but now they are suddenly in ruins because of the two of them. How can this make them? Do you understand? It is normal to have a bad attitude towards them.

Of course, there are some people who have some secret thoughts: In the past, the old couple were powerful, and they had to rely on their favor to obtain more benefits, but now, the old couple have nothing, and they have to treat them well. There is no benefit at all. In this case, who else will be kind to them?

Humans are so realistic sometimes.

Of course, this is also related to having more children. Children need to please their parents in order to get more benefits.

In a family with many children, once the parents cannot truly treat their children equally, the parents will be kind to whoever pleases the parents. In such a family, family affection is mixed with interests, and it is not pure.

At first, in order to get more benefits, I had to work hard to please. But when family ties are linked to interests, the family ties change.

Therefore, impure family affection will naturally disappear when it no longer benefits.

So now, the Duke of Zhen and his wife have lost their power in the court, and they have also lost their power in the palace. No one cares about them. It is conceivable that they will not have an easy life for the rest of their lives.

An Ran couldn't help but be satisfied after getting this information, because she felt that this was the fate that Zhen Guogong and his wife deserved.

In fact, she felt lighter. After all, in the original world, she was afraid that the truth would not be exposed just because Zhenguo Gong and his wife were in trouble. In this way, the original person would have died in vain.

When he thought that his original death was in vain and that no one would help bring the murderer to justice, An Ran felt that it was not a pity for Zhen Guogong and his wife to die, and the current punishment was too light.

In fact, An Ran did not expect Zhen Guogong and his wife to confess directly, which saved her trouble. Originally, she had thought that if Zhen Guogong and his wife refused to admit it, she would arrange for artificial intelligence to come forward to provide evidence.

And because Zhen Guogong and his wife confessed, Gu Yanran couldn't deny it even if she wanted to.

This made Gu Yanran couldn't help but hate Zhen Guogong and his wife. She felt that if they hadn't confessed, the court wouldn't have known about the things she had done.

So they started to make random claims, saying that the killing of the Gu family and the princess was done by the Zhen Guo Gong and his wife, not her. In an attempt to drag the Zhen Guo Gong and his wife into trouble, it would be best to destroy the Zhen Guo Gong's mansion.

She was thinking that if she was not having a good time, the people in the Zhen Guo Duke's mansion would not want to have a better life and continue to enjoy the glory and wealth. This was pretty much what the Zhen Guo Duke had said to his wife before. Obviously he was not wrong about Gu Yanran. character.

She is stupid and doesn't want to think about it. The Jingcheng Yamen has been staring at you. Who did those things? Does the Jingcheng Yamen still not know?

So Gu Yanran naturally didn't succeed in biting.

Although Gu Yanran didn't succeed in biting him, the news about this incident still made everyone in the Zhenguo Palace hate Gu Yanran. Thinking that this piece of trash would harm the Zhenguo Palace, he still dared to bite his own family!

Therefore, Gu Yanran's life in prison was originally not good. Because she offended everyone in the Zhenguo Palace by biting the Zhenguo Palace, someone from the Zhenguo Palace spent money to fix the prison guards so that Gu Yanran could live in prison. Even worse.

Although the Zhenguo Palace has lost power, the natal families of the daughters-in-law of the Zhenguo Palace still have some energy. It is still possible to give the prison boss some money and ask the prison boss to take care of Gu Yanran.

Gu Yanran also didn't expect that she was originally worried about her status as a young lady from the Zhenguo Palace, so her treatment in the prison was pretty good, but within two days, she was moved to the darkest and most humid cell, with rats and cockroaches running around from time to time. However, the rice was replaced with sour food. Even if she was used to living in the countryside, she couldn't stand such an environment and food. At that moment, she couldn't help but think of the Zhenguo Duke's mansion, and started to shout that she was the daughter of the Zhenguo Duke's palace. identity of.

"I am the young lady of the Zhenguo Government. If you dare to treat me like this, aren't you afraid that the Zhenguo Government will cause you trouble?"

The prison head couldn't help but sneer after hearing this, and said: "You attacked the Zhen Guo Duke's government, saying that everything was done by the Zhen Guo Duke and his wife, and angered everyone in the Zhen Guo Duke's government. Your current treatment was ordered by them. Now that you are unlucky, you have the nerve to say that you are the daughter of the Duke of Zhen? When you attacked the Duke of Zhen before, why didn’t you think that you were the miss of the Duke of Zhen? "

Gu Yanran couldn't help but turn pale at the words of the prison boss. Only then did she realize how her miserable life had come about. It turned out that it was caused by her wrong words. She couldn't help but regret her unruly words.

But at the beginning, she also... she said it out of anger. It was Zhen Guogong and his wife who exposed her affairs first, so she said it out of anger. He who flirts first is a mean person, isn't he? Who asked Zhen Guogong and his wife to talk about her first? Can't she fight back? Shouldn't they blame Zhen Guogong and his wife? Why should they blame themselves?

It's a pity that no matter how Gu Yanran makes excuses for herself, no one will listen to her, and she will only become more and more difficult in prison.

What made her even more unhappy was that according to the news she heard, no one laughed at An Ran for marrying a husband from a poor background.

Seeing that An Ran was not laughed at for marrying a powerless husband, this also made Gu Yanran resentful. She thought about why she was laughed at for marrying a poor husband with no money and power in her previous life. No one is smiling at Gu Anran? Why is her luck always better than hers? !

——She probably forgot that she was just the daughter of the Duke of the country, and the husband she married back then was a villager who didn’t even know his words. The Duke of Zhen Guo wanted him to ascend, but he couldn’t ascend. But An Ran was a princess, and the man married her If she can be awarded the title of Marquis, she will be automatically promoted. This will make people naturally not laugh at An Ran for marrying a powerless husband, because princesses generally cannot marry powerful husbands. After all, they are powerful. Who would want to marry a princess and lose his official career?

Gu Yanran didn't take this into consideration. She just heard that no one laughed at An Ran's husband, which made her feel unhappy.

However, she didn't have much time to feel unhappy, because as the town recognized her guilt, the evidence of what she had committed was quickly established, and she was sentenced to be executed after the fall for assassinating the princess many times.

In order to clear the air, the Zhongguo Palace sent a letter of divorce to Gu Yanran immediately after Gu Yanran was arrested, even if the emperor did not implicate them. By the time Gu Yanran was sentenced, she would no longer be a member of the Zhongguo Palace. People, but people from the Zhenguo Palace.

Now that Gu Yanran's case was being heard clearly, it turned out that it was Queen Qiu who was beheading her. She couldn't help but broke out in a cold sweat. She secretly thought that she was lucky to have gone to bed early, otherwise it would not be a good thing for them as the daughter-in-law of the Duke of Zhongguo to be beheaded.

Of course, even if he retires early, Duke Zhongguo still lives with his tail between his legs.

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