Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2601 The Death of the Fake Daughter 45

The reason why Duke Zhongguo is keeping his tail between his legs now is because when it was revealed that he was a fake daughter, Duke Zhongguo immediately broke off the engagement with her. The speed was too fast, too treacherous, and he went back on his promise.

When the emperor and empress heard that the Duke of Zhongguo was doing this, they could only murmur privately about the minister's bad character.

But now, knowing that An Ran is his girl, what the Duke of Zhongguo did to his girl back then was not only a matter of bad character, but also made him angry, so the people of the Duke of Zhongguo became more and more displeased.

The people in the Zhongguo Palace are not stupid. As soon as the news that An Ran was the real princess came out, they realized that something was wrong, so they naturally kept their tail between their legs at the moment.

The Zhongguo Duke's Mansion escaped a life-and-death situation, and the people in the Zhenguo Duke's Palace were furious. After all, the Zhongguo Duke's divorced her, and now Gu Yanran became a member of the Zhenguo Duke's Palace, and the word spread that she was the Gu family The young lady was beheaded, which made it even harder for the young lady from the Zhenguo Duke's office to get married because of an incident committed by the Zhenguo Duke. With such a sister who came back from divorce and was beheaded, it became even more difficult for her to marry. , every family is afraid of marrying a girl from the Zhenguo Palace. These girls, like Gu Yanran, are troublemakers and bring trouble to the family.

Seeing this, the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion naturally became even more angry with the Zhongguo Duke's Mansion.

The wife of the Crown Prince Zhen Guo could see clearly. Seeing that her sister-in-law and sisters-in-law were angry, she sneered: "Of course our family will not be in a good place, and the Zhong Guo Duke's mansion will not be in a good place! Let's see, the position of Zhong Guo Gong will be fulfilled sooner or later. Come to think of it, huh, back then when you broke your promise and broke off your engagement with the princess, I don’t believe that Your Majesty and Your Majesty don’t feel sorry for the third princess.”

The second grandma nodded and said: "Sister-in-law is right! Their family always adapts to the wind like this. It's better this time. It kicked the iron plate. It deserves it!"

Not to mention that the wife of Prince Zhenguo's guess was right. Soon, the emperor found an excuse and transferred Duke Zhongguo to some leisurely work.

Leisurely errands may sound good, but they usually go to departments that have neither money nor real power. This will naturally have an impact on the Zhongguo government. Moreover, everyone knows that their family's decision to cancel the engagement of the princess had already angered the emperor, so Zhongguo Although the Duke's mansion was not as depressed as the Zhenguo Duke's mansion, it was still in decline.

The emperor did this for the sake of Duke Zhong Guo who fought with him in the past and did not fight it to the end. Otherwise, because of the way Duke Zhong Guo treated An Ran back then, it would have been possible to fight it to the end.

The fact that Gu Yanran was sentenced to be executed by the Queen of Autumn did not make the Zhenguo Duke feel much better. When they thought about how Gu Yanran had harmed their family, everyone in the Zhenguo Palace hated Gu Yanran. Thinking that since you Knowing that Gu Anran is a princess - Although Gu Yanran did not admit that she knew that Anran was a princess, most people felt that she must have accidentally found out about Anran being a princess through some channel, otherwise Gu Anran would have really fallen into despair. After marrying a village girl, she would not target her like that. After all, Gu Anran like that is already miserable and there is no need to deal with it - why don't you tell the emperor and empress that you chose a greater wealth for free, but because of jealousy of Gu Anran's good life? , wanted to kill her, but now it’s okay, he didn’t kill anyone, he killed himself first, and also harmed the Zhenguo Palace. Can everyone in the Zhenguo Palace not hate Gu Yanran to death?

Gu Yanran's matter was settled, and the third princess's matter was also settled quickly.

Although the third princess had discussed with her confidant before the incident and asked her to take the blame, she did so.

However, the emperor is not stupid. How could he believe what his confidant said that she accidentally knew that the third princess was a fake princess? She was afraid that this would be exposed and would affect his future, so he took the initiative to help the third princess find someone to assassinate the real princess. .

What if the third princess hadn't accidentally found out about this and asked her confidant to do it? How could her confidant be so selfless that she could even help her with murder?

Knowing that his confidant nanny must have wanted to take the blame, no matter whether this was the order of the fake princess or not, the emperor was very angry. For such a stubborn person, the emperor decided to punish him harshly, and said on the spot that he would kill all his confidants.

The Duke of Zhen Guo fought against the emperor together with the emperor, and the Duke of Zhen Guo did not assassinate the princess, so the emperor was able to give him a lenient sentence and did not chop off his head.

But the nun next to the princess did not have such qualifications and honors to ask the emperor to spare her life. Moreover, unlike the Duke of Zhen, who surrendered without asking, she actually wanted to resist to the end. The person she killed was a princess, unlike Duke Zhen Guo who killed a gangster. Such a gesture also made the emperor very angry. When he was annoyed, it was normal for him to take the punishment seriously.

When her confidant Nanny heard that she had been sentenced to death, she immediately didn’t want to defend the fake princess. After all, the reason why she didn’t confess the fake princess was because the fake princess promised her that she would make her family rich, but now she doesn’t want to defend her. The whole family was about to be executed, and there was no hope. Why would she keep the fake princess? It would not be good for her. On the contrary, if she confessed the truth, she might be given a lighter sentence and the family would not be harmed.

So now he didn't dare to continue to resist to the end. Instead, he poured beans through a bamboo tube and quickly told the truth.

The emperor did not expect that his rebirth would have such an effect. He heard that the fake princess got a note from a stranger, which said that she was not the real princess and asked her to kill the real princess. In order to keep her glory Only rich people did such a thing. Based on the confession of his confidant, the emperor also sentenced the fake princess to death - for the sake of raising him, he did not sentence her to be beheaded. He only planned to give San Zhang Bai Ling and leave her alone. The whole body - apart from that, I couldn't help but wonder where her note came from.

It's a pity that the fake princess didn't know it herself, she just said someone gave it to her and left.

The emperor felt that this person was most likely Gu Yanran, because judging from the current evidence, Gu Yanran knew that An Ran was the real princess. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why she kept targeting An Ran. After all, she had no enmity with An Ran. , isn’t it? In this way, it is very possible that she could not get rid of the real princess for a while, and sent someone to send a letter to the fake princess, trying to provoke the fake princess to fight against the real princess.

So the emperor sent someone to ask Gu Yanran this question.

Gu Yanran naturally refused to admit it, saying that the Jingcheng Yamen guessed that they knew Gu Anran was the real princess, and were afraid that the real princess would be famous when she returned. She was jealous, so she made trouble for the real princess. It was purely the Jingcheng Yamen's guess - although they guessed it right. , it is estimated that these people have spies around her, monitoring her, and heard her muttering when no one was around, so they guessed that she didn't know that Gu Anran was a real princess at all, and they wanted to kill her just because they were unhappy with her. Yes, after all, where did she get the channel to know that Gu Anran was the real princess?

——Although she was sentenced to death, Gu Yanran still refused to admit that she knew that Anran was the real princess. After all, once she admitted, it would be difficult for her to explain why she knew that Gu Anran was the princess. Wouldn't she have to be reborn? Tell the truth?

After telling him about his rebirth, he still didn’t know how he would be treated next.

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