Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2611 NPC Cannon Fodder 8

When a player is attacked, the system will prompt who attacked them, making it difficult for the attacking player to attack secretly.

As for finding the natives to kill, it would be too troublesome, and once discovered, they would be caught and killed by the yamen and other official organizations in the game, but it would not be easy to accomplish.

So unless there is a grudge against someone, there will be no one who will leave the task unfinished and go all out to kill another person. If they have the energy, they want to kill more people so that the task of leaving only half of the world's people can be completed quickly. It is better to earn more points, lest the points are too few, the ranking is too low, and you will be eliminated. After all, killing half of the people is not something that one person can do, nor can it be done in a short time. But with too few points, If the ranking is too low, you will be eliminated, but what will happen soon, no one wants to sacrifice themselves to help others.

Moreover, many people in the game will not tell anyone that they are players at all. If you want to find someone, you still can't find them.

So to be honest, instead of killing people in the game, it is better to kill people outside the game. After all, in the game, you are busy completing tasks and you really don’t have time to do this. In the real world, you don’t have to be busy completing tasks and you have time to do things.

So there are not many killings in the game, but more killings outside the game.

The country's strong crackdown on those who disrupt social order has resulted in country N being relatively safe, so people generally don't have to worry about safety issues, and they focus more on completing tasks and earning points.

So for Ding Lili, earning points is the most important thing.

It would be more painful for her to not get points than to find someone to deal with her.

So An Ran decided to start by destroying Ding Lili to complete her mission.

This is not difficult, no, today Ding Lili received another task related to An Ran - the Lord God issued another task to Ding Lili to increase An Ran's favorability, which was to increase Anran's favorability towards Ding Lili by ten points within three days.

As soon as this mission came out, Ding Lili's face couldn't help but fall. You know, the last time the Lord God asked her to increase Fang Anran's favorability, it was also improved by ten points. In the end, she worked hard for a long time and only increased it by five points. Naturally, the mission failed. , resulting in her not only not getting any additional task points, but also having her task points deducted.

Yes, for a time-limited task like this, if you fail to complete the task within the time limit, you have failed. Once you fail, not only will you lose points, but you will also have points deducted.

And this is exactly what An Ran wants to see. After all, we can't just limit Ding Lili's points from increasing, but also make her points decrease and her ranking drop.

Although this task gave Ding Lili a headache, for the sake of the task, Ding Lili still found an excuse and appeared in front of An Ran.

But at this time, she also had a way to increase An Ran's favorability. No, Anran was being troubled by Miss Liu and others. She could stand on Anran's side and help her scold Miss Liu. I believe this would definitely increase her favorability. .

In the original memory, such a thing did happen. Seeing that Ding Lili was on her side, she was kept in the dark. She didn't know that the culprit was Ding Lili's original body. Seeing that someone found out that she was being bullied, she stood on her side. The original person who was isolated and helpless had once been grateful to her. To show her gratitude, she allowed Ding Lili to complete the task and took advantage of her.

There was nothing I could do. Because of my young age, I didn't realize that Ding Lili just said a few nice words and didn't support her with any actions, so I became grateful and allowed Ding Lili to complete the task easily.

But An Ran would naturally not let Ding Lili succeed. After all, wasn't it Ding Lili who was scolded by Miss Liu and others?

Oh, you can harm people behind your back, and you can also use it to comfort people and increase their favorability by turning your back. You are so capable, why don't you go to heaven?

So now, when Ding Lili comforted An Ran in her original memory, An Ran maintained her original introverted and cold character and said calmly: "It's okay, Sister Zhang helped me, and I wasn't hurt at all."

Ding Lili saw that An Ran's favorability did not fluctuate at all, and she almost couldn't maintain the smile on her face.

Seeing that the comfort had no effect, Ding Lili continued her efforts and said: "If they come to trouble you again in the future, if I am around, you can also come to me."

An Ran nodded and said, "Okay."

Seeing the calm favorability score, Ding Lili almost cursed.

Good on you M! Just saying yes will increase your favorability towards me!

Seeing that Fang Anran didn't make any movement despite just saying something nice, I remembered that Miss Zhang had gained her favor by helping Fang Anran confront Miss Liu and others. Ding Lili had failed for two consecutive days, and the task limit was about to expire. Well, if she didn’t complete the task, she would lose points and lose points. That was not what she wanted to see. So that day at the banquet, she met Miss Liu and others, and decided to do what Miss Zhang did and help Fang Anran find Miss Liu and others. Trouble, so that you can gain Fang Anran's favor through practical actions.

Although it was clear that she paid someone to arrange the trouble Miss Liu and others caused for An Ran, now she has to help Fang Anran deal with these people, which makes her fear that she will be targeted by Miss Liu and others in the future, and may even have an impact on her career in the future. The family in this virtual world - she has offended Miss Liu and others. The Liu family, Song family, etc. have a higher status than her family. If they go home and complain, although in most cases, the masters will not do anything just because their daughter complains. What, but maybe someone is serious and will vent her anger for the child and cause trouble for the Ding family. That is not a good thing for the Ding family and herself - it is simply shooting herself in the foot, but for the sake of points, she also She couldn't care less about this frustrating inconsistency. After all, compared to losing points, falling in rankings, and being targeted by the Ding family, those were all trivial matters. This was a virtual world anyway, so she didn't have to worry about it.

Just do it and see Miss Liu and others following An Ran out again, and Ding Lili also followed.

Seeing that Miss Liu and others were indeed causing trouble for An Ran like last time, Ding Lili hurried forward and stopped them just like Miss Zhang did.

Miss Liu and others are afraid of Miss Zhang. After all, Miss Zhang's family has a similar status to theirs, but they are not afraid of Ding Lili. After all, the Ding family's status is lower than theirs.

So at that moment, Miss Liu and others sneered: "I advise you not to come forward, otherwise, when we go home and tell our elders about the trouble you caused us, your family will be left with nothing to eat!"

Ding Lili doesn't know this truth, but for the sake of points, she doesn't care! So he snorted coldly and said: "Uncles are all sensible and know that I am doing the right thing and will not do anything to the Ding family. In short, I don't allow you to bully An Ran! If you insist on bullying, don't If I talk about your behavior outside, then everyone in the capital will know that you ganged up to bully other girls, and I'm afraid it will be detrimental to your marriage, right?"

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