Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2612 NPC Cannon Fodder 9

When Miss Liu and others saw what Ding Lili said, they couldn't help but get angry.

The last time Miss Zhang stopped her, she was of similar status to theirs, so they couldn't do anything to her, so they had no choice but to forget it. This time, who is this person named Ding, who dares to come up and threaten them? See how they take revenge on her!

So at that moment, although everyone did not dare to continue the fight because of Ding Lili's words, they had no choice but to leave. However, they still hated Ding Lili in their hearts, but they planned to go home, complain to their parents, and ask them to clean up the Ding family.

Ding Lili saw Miss Liu and others leaving, and couldn't help but look at An Ran, and said with a smile: "Okay, they're gone, let's go back."

Anran nodded and expressed his gratitude, but Ding Lili was almost furious. It turned out that Fang Anran's favorability towards her had indeed improved just now, but it only increased by five points, which did not reach the ten points required by the task. This means that , the task is still not completed.

M, are you playing with her? !

An Ran secretly thought, I just deliberately played tricks on you, giving you a little hope, but not giving you all hope, which will make you mad.

After that, Ding Lili tried her best to win favor with An Ran. However, because she was too noisy, An Ran was annoyed. Instead of continuing to improve her favor, her favor dropped. Ding Lili was so angry that she almost lost her temper and yelled at An Ran on the spot.

When we got back, at night, three days had passed, and Ding Lili had not completed the task. Just like the last time she failed to increase Fang Anran's favorability, she was deducted points again.

When she thought that she had tried her best to increase Fang Anran's favorability, but not only failed to complete the task, but also had points deducted, Ding Lili hated Anran so much that she immediately approached Mr. Wang to help clean up Anran.

Mr. Wang's father, Mr. Wang, is Mr. Fang's immediate boss. He has a natural advantage in trying to deal with Fang Anran, so Ding Lili repeatedly asks him for help.

It is naturally a good thing if someone gives money. You know, everyone is busy playing games now. Many people go offline to read game guides or visit forums to collect information. They have no time or mood to work.

However, in reality, the body still needs to eat, drink and spend money. If you don’t work, where will the money come from? At this time, it is also very important to take on these tasks, earn some money from those rich bosses, and support yourself. thing.

So Mr. Wang immediately accepted the commission.

Mr. Wang's mobility is still very fast.

Soon, Master Wang gave Master Fang a meal of steak through Master Wang.

Master Fang didn't know why, so he spent money to bribe the Wang family's servants. The Wang family's servants said that it was his daughter Fang Sanniang who annoyed Master Wang, and Master Wang was unhappy, so he asked the master to teach him a lesson.

——Actually, Mr. Wang deliberately played these words to Mr. Fang. Needless to say, the purpose was to make Mr. Fang unhappy and teach An Ran a lesson.

Mr. Wang's goal was quickly achieved. Mr. Fang heard that it was because his third daughter annoyed Mr. Wang that he asked Mr. Wang to teach him a lesson. As soon as he came back, he went to find An Ran, slapped the table and cursed: "How did you offend me?" Mr. Wang, ask him to find his father to teach me a lesson?!"

An Ran had already found out about Mr. Wang after Ding Lili returned. Mr. Wang asked Mr. Wang to teach Mr. Fang a lesson, so he knew about this. Because he was prepared, he was not surprised or panic at all, and immediately listened to Mr. Fang's lesson. , then said in confusion: "I offended Mr. Wang?! How can we start talking about it? I haven't even seen him face to face a few times!"

Mr. Fang said: "The news came out that you beat his new concubine, saying that the concubine left our house. You beat her, and she ran to Mr. Wang to complain. Mr. Wang wanted to give My concubine vented his anger, so he went to his father to teach me a lesson!"

Yes, Mr. Wang can't just let his father teach others casually. It's for no reason, which makes people feel inexplicable. Even if his father loves him, he may not necessarily help, so he has to find an excuse.

Remembering that he had said that he wanted to take Xiaofeng as his concubine, after the last success, he had long forgotten Xiaofeng and had no intention of taking her in. After all, as a player, he didn't even have time to complete the task, so how could he have time? Indulging in womanizing, but now, he received another commission from Ding Lili. He heard that An Ran had beaten Xiaofeng. Mr. Wang felt that this matter was an excuse, so he did it and accepted Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng was naturally happy to see that she had successfully become Mr. Wang's concubine.

You know, when I told my family about this before, they said she was wishful thinking, so stop daydreaming. It was serious for them to find her a marriage.

At that time, she said she was a little unsure, but for no other reason. Ever since she stabbed her former owner in the back, Mr. Wang stopped contacting her. She came to visit her several times, but the Wang family said that Mr. Wang was busy and she couldn't see her. To Mr. Wang.

She originally thought she had been deceived, and she felt sad for a long time.

What's the result? Mr. Wang is really busy, that's why he didn't see me before. In fact, he didn't break his promise or go back on his promise. When things are almost busy, won't he come over and marry him?

The noble son of a middle-class family like the Wang family took Xiaofeng as his concubine, which surprised her family. Seeing the surprised and envious looks of relatives and friends around her, Xiaofeng felt extremely proud and felt that she was so beautiful!

After entering the house, Xiaofeng followed her plan and sued An Ran, saying that An Ran would beat her.

Mr. Wang pretended to feel sorry for his concubine. After hearing this, he became furious and immediately told his father to teach Mr. Fang a lesson.

In any other family, it would be impossible to teach a subordinate a lesson because his son was beaten for loving his concubine.

But the Wang family was different. Mr. Wang only had one son, and he always loved him very much. So after listening to his son's words, he thought it would not be difficult to just teach Mr. Fang a lesson, so he helped.

So what Ding Lili entrusted to Mr. Wang was completed. At the same time, Xiaofeng was very happy to see Mr. Wang venting his anger on her. She felt that her master loved her very much, and she became more and more devoted to Mr. Wang.

With this move, Mr. Wang can be said to have accomplished several things with one stone, and he is considered a capable person. No wonder Ding Lili wants to call him boss, he is indeed quite capable.

At this moment, An Ran listened to Master Fang's words and said: "But it was she who spread the private words I told her, which caused a lot of people to trouble her daughter. She got angry, so she beat her. After all, she had to If she hadn’t been talking nonsense outside, my daughter wouldn’t have been besieged by so many people.”

During this period, Miss Liu and others caused trouble for An Ran. Because Miss Zhang and others spread the news, Mr. Fang also knew the cause and effect. Unlike in the original world, Miss Liu and others made trouble for the original body in secret. , Mr. Fang doesn’t know.

So when he saw An Ran complaining, he sneered: "Who told you to speak ill of people in private?! After all, it's not you who is bad?!"

An Ran blinked his eyes and said: "Isn't it okay to speak ill of people in private? They also spoke ill of me in public. If I wasn't afraid that one person couldn't deal with so many of them, I would have scolded them in public like they did. Who wants to be a coward? I scolded him privately."

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