Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2787 Little Husband 50

But those are not what An Ran has to consider. She only cares about the situation of Fang Chen and the third prince now.

Fang Chen can't die. As for the third prince, it doesn't mean that he must die, but at least he must not be allowed to become emperor, otherwise his family will be in danger. After all, even if the other princes come to power, at least they have no conflicts with General Fang's family and will not find Fang. The general's troubles would not affect his own family indirectly; but the third prince was different. He had conflicts with General Fang. If he came to power, his family would be in trouble, so An Ran naturally kept an eye on the third prince.

Of course, An Ran would not attack the third prince unless necessary. After all, don’t forget the author’s divine right hand. Her main purpose is to protect Fang Chen from being killed by the author’s divine right hand. .

Of course, the main reason is that the third prince is not in the palace. If she wants to protect Fang Chen, she has no way to attack the third prince at the same time.

However, as long as she protects Fang Chen from death, Fang Chen can continue to cause trouble for the third prince, so that the third prince may not be able to rise to power, and that's okay.

An Ran's guess was not groundless, because soon, Fang Chen began to have accidents frequently.

For the first time, a cold arrow flew straight towards Fang Chen's vest. Fortunately, an intelligent robot disguised as a passerby was nearby and blocked it with a sword for Fang Chen.

The second time, Fang Chen was coincidentally surrounded by several enemy forces. The number of enemies was far greater than the number of people following Fang Chen at this time.

Seeing that Fang Chen couldn't resist, he changed the disguise of the intelligent robot, pretending to be a passerby, and brought a few people from the fourth prince with him. He happened to come over, and called more people from the fourth prince, and rescued Fang Chen. .

Various accidents happened after that.

Looking at this situation, An Ran understood that there was indeed God's right hand interfering with the situation at the scene, and it seemed that he wanted Fang Chen to die, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence that Fang Chen would encounter so many dangers.

An Ran looked at it and couldn't help but look cold.

What she hates most is people who stand in high dimensions and think they can control the fate of others. They don't take the fate of low-dimensional people seriously and play with it wantonly.

Your heroine and hero are human beings, but others are not human beings? I didn’t recruit you, I didn’t mess with you. Seeing that I can’t beat fair competition, I just want to engage in black box operations. Is it interesting?

People don't harm you, but you harm others for no reason. In your higher-dimensional world, if people in higher dimensions treat you like that, wouldn't you be happy?

You don’t think that to people in this world, you are a high-dimensional world, so your world must be real. There won’t be people from higher-dimensional worlds controlling your world, right?

It's a pity that she can't go to the dimension of the person behind the scenes, otherwise she will beat him flat.

However, it is not bad to make the other party fail to achieve his goal and make him angry to death.

Thinking of this, An Ran hung a defensive talisman on herself, used the illusion pill to change her appearance, and then moved near Fang Chen, ready to save Fang Chen at any time.

It's a pity that things like defensive talismans can't be used by Fang Chen. Of course, even if they can be used, they can't be given to him. After all, there's no way to explain why if someone attacks him and is blocked by the defensive talisman, he can't attack him.

With Enron's protection, the people behind the scenes are obviously helpless against Anron. Without him, Enron has too many treasures. Even if he discovers Enron's intervention, apart from frequently causing accidents, and unable to jump into the world of books, what big trick can he use? , directly destroyed Fang Chen with one move.

As long as Fang Chen is not killed, Fang Chen can continue to cause trouble for the Third Prince's forces. After all, Fang Chen is young and has high strength. After fighting for a long time, he is still very energetic, unlike some veterans. After fighting for a while, I couldn't hold on anymore. I went straight to the battle to kill the enemy. I couldn't even run away with the others. There was no way. Many of the soldiers in the Beijing camp were exhausted. That is Fang Chen. An Ran was the example ahead. He couldn't beat his wife every day, so he practiced every day. Not only did he always maintain the best strength, but he even became more powerful every year.

So at this moment, many generals were in declining condition, and Fang Chen was still able to run from east to west, and from west to east, chasing others.

As energetic as he is, the people under him are similar - there are no weak soldiers under a strong general.

Fang Chen was full of energy in the camp every day. The soldiers under his command were so energetic when they saw the general. They had role models, and they also practiced together, so they were very energetic. They fought against other forces in Beijing. At first, they were still very energetic. You can't tell, after all, everyone is energetic. When the fight is almost over, the status of others declines, and then you can see that Fang Chen's men are different.

Slowly, the people led by Fang Chen moved into a sweeping posture, and General Fang, who had been tired for a long time, also handed over the battlefield to the young man Fang Chen.

Seeing Fang Chen's energetic and invincible appearance, General Fang couldn't help but sigh, secretly thinking that Fang Chen was born at the wrong time. This kid is a general. If it were in troubled times, I'm afraid he would have accomplished unparalleled achievements long ago. In peace, Years, wasted.

Soon, the forces of other forces were swept away, and General Fang and others rushed into the palace.

The rest of the matter will be left to the civil servants. After all, even if the military generals know how to do it, they are not as good as the civil servants.

Soon the emperor's edict came out, saying that he would appoint the fourth prince as the crown prince.

The eldest prince, the second prince, and the third prince, even if this is a false edict, it is useless, because the three families have been wiped out by force, and then the fourth prince's people found the other three princes and took control of them, and they almost died. If it's guaranteed, I won't even dare to beep anything.

Force is the claws and claws of each family. The princes who have had their claws removed are like tigers without claws. They can do nothing but talk. After all, even if the troops stationed in various places have their cronies, water from afar cannot quench their thirst nearby. Even if they want them to return to Beijing for rescue, they will not be able to make it in time. Moreover, the troops stationed in various places cannot leave the garrison without the emperor's edict without any reason. Even if the other princes want them to enter the capital, they will not be able to enter the capital. If they do this, then It’s just that the teacher has no name, and he has no position.

Not two days after the victory in seizing the palace, the old emperor passed away. This was normal, because each family got the news of the old emperor's death from the Taiyuan Hospital in the past two days before proceeding to seize the palace.

If the old emperor could live for a long time, they would not do such a thing, lest if the old emperor's condition did not worsen but recovered again, they would be punished by the old emperor if they did such a thing.

The four princes successfully ascended the throne and were awarded many meritorious officials, among whom Fang Chen was naturally included.

General Fang admired him very much. In addition, he performed particularly well in this palace coup, so it was normal for him to be conferred a title by the emperor.

Soon, Fang Chen was awarded the title of Marquis Yongyi for his military merits, and was promoted to the rank of staff officer of the Royal Forest Army, second only to the commander of the Royal Forest Army, and was ranked as a third-rank official.

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