Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2788 Little Husband 51

This was also recommended by General Fang. He said that this palace change was thanks to Fang Chen's bravery and good fighting skills. Otherwise, things would not have gone so smoothly. More importantly, such a good fighting general should guard the palace and protect the safety of His Majesty the Emperor. It would be such a waste elsewhere.

Everyone witnessed Fang Chen's bravery and proficiency in fighting that day. In addition, the emperor also asked Fang Chen to demonstrate his martial arts. They were quickly attracted by Fang Chen's superb martial arts and praised him greatly, so he was named the Chief of the Royal Forest Army. It's normal. In fact, if Fang Chen hadn't been too young, the emperor would have thought that he would be unworthy of being the commander of the Royal Forest Army.

It can be said that Fang Chen's youth and good fighting skills are very appreciated by the equally young emperor. It can be said that Fang Chen is in the emperor's heart, and his future future is no problem.

Only Fang Chen knew that his martial arts skills were actually average, and that his wife's martial arts skills were the best. Unfortunately, in this era, women could not be officials. Otherwise, with his wife's ability, it would not be difficult to become a marquis and prime minister.

Fang Chen couldn't help but feel regretful when he thought that such an outstanding talent had been buried.

However, he also knew the limitations of this era, so he would not be stupid enough to tell the emperor and others how powerful his wife was. Since his wife had never done anything in the capital except beating people who bullied their family in her hometown. , I only fight with him in private, and don't want people to know that she is very powerful, so he will naturally not be meddlesome and bring unnecessary trouble to her by mentioning An Ran's extraordinary qualities.

Fang Chenjian was in the emperor's heart, so even if he was a military attache, the Fang family was busy.

After all, civil and military affairs are not important. What is important is that the emperor values ​​​​and the people the emperor values ​​​​, even if they are military attachés, as long as they can talk to the emperor, they will have great power.

After all, military attachés have a higher status than eunuchs, right? But sometimes, no matter which eunuch the emperor wants to reuse, everyone will flock to him regardless of his identity.

Therefore, it is normal for some people to be friends with the Fang family without caring about Military Attaché Fang Chen's identity.

The Fang family's previous house was very small, but this time they were granted the title of Marquis and got a Marquis Mansion rewarded by the emperor. The place where they lived became larger. They no longer had to buy a big house. So even if the house was busy with traffic, they didn't have to worry about holding a banquet. No place is open.

Fang Chen praised An Ran for not buying a big house before, because if he had bought a big house before, it would have cost a lot of money. It would also cost a lot of money to repair it, and then he would have to move from a small house to a big house. , and now that we have the Hou Mansion, we have to move to the Hou Mansion again. It is very troublesome to move twice. Moreover, no one lives in the two previous houses. If they are left there, they will break down. Please maintain them. , it costs money, so sell it. It used to be your home and has memories. You may be a little reluctant to sell it. In short, you will be in a dilemma.

It's better now. I have been living in a small house before, and now I have switched to a big house like the Hou Mansion at once, which saves me a lot of trouble. Even if I have memories of the previous small house and don't want to sell it, the small house is easy to maintain and does not cost money. A few dollars, so Fang Chen naturally praised An Ran for not buying a house before. You know, even Fang Chen, who had been promoted before, felt that the place at home was too small. Is it inconsistent with his status? He wanted to buy a bigger one. Fortunately, An Ran said to look at it again. , and now it saves you so much trouble.

——Actually, An Ran said she would give it a try before because the old emperor was ill and the future situation was unclear, so she had no plans to change the house for the time being. Otherwise, she would have supported changing to a big house. After all, Fang Chen had been promoted and the family members were getting bigger and bigger. If there are too many, you really need to change to a larger one, otherwise it will be too troublesome when there are too many people and you will not be able to turn around.

I didn't expect to save such a big trouble by accident. I didn't expect it.

To say that the Fang family is getting more and more prosperous, compared with the Earl of Qing'an Mansion, which failed to take sides, it seems to be getting more and more bleak.

Tang Xinran couldn't accept this situation at all.

The prince of the Earl of Qing'an is not bad. After all, it is a good thing to succeed in Conglong, but he failed. The prince of the Earl of Qing'an has no official position and is not afraid of being demoted by the emperor. As for the title, their family's title is coming to an end, and it is an empty title. It is estimated that the emperor He won't look at it and do anything to them just because they secretly support the third prince.

On the contrary, it is a good thing for their family that Fang Chen ascends to the throne. After all, they are still relatives and have a good relationship. In other words, although the fight for the right to the right failed, the Qing'an Earl's Mansion did not suffer much loss. It can even be said that Fang Chen ascended the throne. Fortunately, Qing'an Earl's Mansion can still get some benefits.

But Tang Xinran couldn't accept it.

It's not that she can't accept the failure in the fight for the right to the right, but she can't accept that Tang Anran's family succeeded in taking sides and doing better than her. In fact, she is just an earl's wife, while Tang Anran is already a second-grade marquis wife, with a higher status than her. , it can even be said that it is much higher. After all, her future fourth-grade Viscountess is completely incomparable with the second-grade Marquis. How can this be allowed?

That's why I'm so unhappy at this time.

Then she thought that Tang Anran was really her nemesis. She was doing so well when Tang Anran didn't appear in the capital. But when Tang Anran appeared, everything went wrong for her.

This idea became more and more ingrained, making her hate An Ran more and more. However, the two of them did not live in the same house, and even if she knew some tricks of a back-house woman, she could not use them against An Ran.

And they are separated by a house, and the two of them usually don't interact with each other. She wants to deal with her, even if she has some power because of her business, not only the methods in the back house, but also outside, she is more powerful than ordinary women and can use some methods. It was difficult to do it. In fact, Tang Anran was too reclusive. Except for some necessary human exchanges, she basically did not go out. Except for important events such as being awarded a title or official title, there were not many banquets held at home, which made her think It’s hard to get started.

And this kind of banquet for important events is not an ordinary poetry banquet, flower appreciation banquet, etc. It is too difficult to cause trouble, because she found that Tang Anran was very strict and thoughtful. When some people in Beijing held banquets, , some scandals that will happen, and even some accidents that are often written in novels, Tang Anran has actually considered them, and arranged them so appropriately that people can't find where to start.

Tang Xinran didn't know that Anran had gone through many tasks and was already good at these things. He could even be said to be familiar with the job. He just thought that Tang Anran had been in Beijing for many years and had grown up slowly.

This made Tang Xinran regret it. He thought that because he looked down on Tang Anran and hated her background, he ignored her. It was such a loss. If he had known that she would become rich, she should have ignored her when she was still very weak and just entered Beijing. When she didn't even understand, she was embarrassed several times, gained a bad reputation, and became the laughing stock of the capital.

It's okay now. When she wants to deal with her, she has grown up, and the methods in the back house can't deal with her.


She regretted that she could not cause trouble for An Ran, but An Ran still wanted to cause trouble for her.

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