Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 290 Apocalyptic Insect Disaster 7

I don’t know if Lei Qing paid attention to the female celebrity he liked at this time. Anyway, An Ran didn’t pay attention to the person he liked at the moment. After all, An Ran didn’t like the original person’s college classmate, so naturally he wouldn’t pay attention to her situation. ——She only cares about Tiantian.

Not long after the monster situation was exposed, the official made public the data of underground shopping malls and air-raid shelters in various places, so that those who wanted to go can go there now. They said they had already made plans and there were a lot of supplies and arrangements hidden everywhere. Reception staff, everyone can go with confidence.

In fact, the official originally planned to explain this to ordinary people before the situation became serious. Although the air-raid shelter may not be able to block those monsters, it can delay it for a while. Now that the matter was exposed, they talked about it.

After the first group of people passed by and found that there were indeed supplies and personnel to receive them, I felt less dissatisfied with the government. I thought that it seemed that the officials had not made any preparations.

Ordinary people all went to the official base, but Lei Ji's family had differences on whether to go to the official base.

People who want to go think that those bases with firepower support may be better than their own bases. Although their own bases have some arms from the black market because of Lei’s father and Ji’s father’s connections, the quantity and firepower are definitely not as good as those of the regular army. square.

People who don't want to go think that there are many rules in those bases. If Lei Ji's family drives a big truck there, they might not be able to save their belongings. So aren't all their early preparations in vain? Even if things are saved, the base's supplies will be eaten up by then - there are so many people, they don't believe that the base's supplies can sustain it - those people have nothing to eat, seeing as they have supplies, don't rob them. No matter how powerful Ji Lei's family is, they can't stop so many hungry people. Everything will be robbed by then, and all their early preparations will be in vain, so they still stay in their own shelter. Be safer.

The ones who don't want to go are Lei Qing's brother and his family - specifically, Lei Qing's sister-in-law Chen Xinran doesn't want to go. She feels that her underground mall is very solid and there are so many supplies in it. She doesn't go to the official base and only stays at her own home. better.

The Ji family and Lei's father and mother said they didn't care.

Lei Qing wanted to go to the base.

Therefore, he was worried about his younger brother, Lei Qing said: "With the power of our two families, if we go to the base, we will definitely have the right to speak, so don't worry about the supplies, they will definitely not be confiscated; as for your worry that the base supplies will be gone by then, Our things will be snatched away by others, so there is no need to worry. Since we have a say in the base, don’t we know what the situation is like in the base? Once we find that the base’s supplies are almost gone, if you are afraid, we can Leave early. On the contrary, you have to stay where we are repairing. You have also seen the power of monsters from the intelligence. With our little firepower, we cannot deal with it at all. If one day the monsters have the ability to break open the underground mall, then we That’s it, go to the official evacuation base, their facilities are complete and they can at least last a little longer.”

Lei Cang was persuaded by his brother's words and agreed immediately. Although Chen Xinran was a little reluctant, seeing that her husband agreed, she had to forget it.

Now that the group had made their decision, they immediately packed up their things and got in the truck to head to the nearest large underground evacuation base.

That large underground evacuation base can accommodate nearly 100,000 people, which is far beyond the capacity of ordinary air raid shelters. This is mainly because the city where Lei Ji's family is located is a first-tier city in Country Z. It is normal for first-tier cities to have large evacuation bases. .

Since it accommodates a large number of people, the natural firepower configuration is also the strongest. After all, with so many people gathered here, if the firepower is not strong, once it falls, it will take hundreds of thousands of people.

Probably everyone has a group mentality, so eight out of ten people I met along the way were all going to this large evacuation base. Far fewer people went to the underground shopping malls or air-raid shelters.

Seeing this situation, many people began to speed up, fearing that they would not be able to catch up with the trip and that others would not be able to get in because it was full. However, Lei Ji and his family did not worry about this because they had connections, because they had already said hello in advance and the base had already helped. They saved their spot.

On the way to the base, An Ran discovered that there were many monsters in the underground waterways, which had grown to a considerable size. It was estimated that in less than three days, they would dare to move in front of people, and then it would be a disaster for mankind.

Since there has been no disaster yet, apart from the traffic jam, the journey is actually quite safe.

After entering the base, I was assigned a place, which was pretty good compared to others. Who asked Lei Ji and his family to check the supplies in their mall and donate a lot of supplies to the base before coming? We have moved to a nice place, and there are several management positions in the base, which is already very good.

However, no matter how good it is, it is naturally not as good as the comfortable environment at home. An Ran is better, but Chen Xinran, Sister Ji, Lei Mu and others who are used to being pampered, see the difficult environment of the base, and the smell of this confined space is unpleasant. The smell was a bit unbearable for both of them - in fact, the original person couldn't stand it after he came, and it took a long time to adapt to it, but now he has changed to An Ran. An Ran has entered so many mission worlds and has never been in any uncomfortable place. However, there is nothing uncomfortable about it.

Lei Qing saw that several women couldn't stand it, but An Ran didn't feel any discomfort. He couldn't help but feel a little strange and said, "Are you used to the life here?"

"It's okay." An Ran nodded and said.

"Xinran and the others can't stand it. It's rare for you to accept it well." Lei Qing said.

After An Ran heard what he said, she secretly thought that it was no wonder that he, who had always been fine and would not say anything to her, asked her like this. It turned out that he thought it was strange, so she immediately said: "I have always been very adaptable, otherwise I would not have agreed to the family agreement in the first place. Marriage, and also managed the family well, unlike other people who couldn't adapt to the family marriage, and the marriage failed in the end, right? Although this is also the result of your efforts, I think I also put in the same efforts, otherwise I would just Even if you are alone, you cannot maintain a harmonious family life.”

Indeed, Lei Qing accepted her statement.

In any case, Anran has done very well in family life over the years. Lei Qing cannot say without conscience that Ji Anran has made no contribution to the harmonious family at present. Being able to do this really shows that Ji Anran She has good adaptability, but he didn't expect that she could still be so calm after such a big change, but that's it, her life was too peaceful before, and he didn't realize that her mental endurance was so strong, which was normal.

This can be seen from the fact that she started to exercise after hearing the news about the monster. You must know that his brother's wife, and An Ran's eldest brother's wife, did not exercise, so An Ran knew how powerful she was, and started to exercise every day. Strengthening training, from this point of view, shows that the other party has good adaptability. When encountering a new environment, she quickly adapts to the environment, instead of waiting for the environment to adapt to her, or doing nothing, just complaining and expressing fear with her mouth.

When something happens, I don’t think about how to solve it. I only worry about it. How will it help solve the problem?

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