Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 291 Apocalyptic Insect Disaster 8

In fact, An Ran also persuaded Chen Xinran and his sister-in-law to get some exercise on this matter, but the two people said: The monster is too powerful and cannot be defeated. Since they can't defeat it no matter how hard they practice, they won't practice anymore. Save yourself the trouble, anyway, you won’t die if you don’t encounter it, and you will definitely die if you encounter it, so that’s it.

This is because Chen Xinran and Sister Ji all come from good backgrounds and have never endured hardship, so they cannot endure hardship. Of course, they also have part of the reason. Since they can't beat them anyway, why bother practicing.

An Ran persuaded them again, saying, as the saying goes, you can't outrun the tiger, just outrun other people. Even if you can't beat the monster, if you encounter a monster, you can run faster than others and you may be able to pick it up. A life.

But Chen Xinran and Sister-in-law Ji both felt that there were monsters everywhere, and if they encountered monsters, they did not think that if they ran faster than others, they would not be eaten by monsters, so they still did not want to practice and were prepared to let nature take its course.

There is a reason why An Ran tried so hard to persuade the two of them - neither of them awakened their powers later. Although the safety of Lei Ji's family was greatly improved because of Lei Qing's awakening of powers, it was impossible for Lei Qing to do so. Watching them all the time, the base was broken down. When the family fled, they encountered a large number of monsters on the road. Although Lei Qing had a team of superpowers at the time and escaped with a group of people, they had to deal with monsters and could not be distracted. Taking care of all the family members, Chen Xinran and Sister-in-law Ji fell behind because they were in poor health and could not run. They both suffered.

After all, it was two lives, so An Ran now advised the two of them to exercise. However, the two of them were unwilling to exercise. An Ran had no choice but to let them go. After all, she could not force them to exercise.

But fortunately, she is here in this life. She can cultivate, and she may be able to take care of her in the future. You must know that in the world where the original body is, because the original body does not know how to cultivate, even if she has the talent for cultivation, she has not discovered it. She only thinks that she has no powers. , is an ordinary person, and has been very lost for a while.

The day after everyone entered the evacuation base, the disaster completely broke out. Through the base's monitoring, everyone could see many monsters suddenly appearing outside, wandering around, chasing and tearing people apart and eating them.

They are extremely fast, and when people encounter them, they have almost no hope of survival. This makes the people who have entered the base, while they are glad that they are not as unlucky as those who are still outside, they can't help but turn pale with fear, and pray. This base will not be discovered and breached by monsters, otherwise everyone will be dead.

But where so many people gather, to the monster, it is like smelling a big cake with a fragrant aroma. How could it not be discovered? The entrance is just not visible, so it can only wander outside.

Although the monsters haven't come in yet, just having them wandering around outside the base is scary enough, and many people are so scared that they can't sleep at night.

Just when most people were worried about monsters operating outside the base and were afraid that monsters would break in one day, so they were so scared that they couldn't sleep, a small number of people also experienced strange changes in their bodies, including Lei Qing.

The night before the monster broke out, the elemental energy on the planet reached a level that could stimulate human supernatural powers. Therefore, some people with supernatural talents sensed this energy. Many people completed the process of energy entering their bodies in their sleep. The process - according to what Lei Qing said afterwards, he felt a sudden influx of energy in his body. He was initially startled and thought about what was causing the problem, but later he discovered that this energy was harmless and he controlled it himself. When he was receiving energy, he noticed that an electric arc appeared on his hand. He was a steady person. When he discovered this situation, he did not tell others, but quietly put away the arc.

It’s true that most people don’t tell others about their strangeness, mainly because they are afraid that they are the only one and don’t want others to find out about it. If they report it, they will be dragged away and sectioned.

But as some careless people exposed their superpowers, everyone discovered that although this thing was not common, it was not rare either, and those who were exposed were not pulled into slices - mainly because this base didn't have that. The conditions were that there was an army but no research institute - so I told outsiders.

Lei Qing only told his family at this time.

After showing the electric arc, he said to An Ran and others: "I seem to have the superpower they talked about. I was afraid that you would know it before, so I was worried about it, so I didn't say it. Now I see that many people have it, and I don't want to talk about it. I’m in the way, so I told you.”

An Ran secretly thought, saying that he was afraid that they would worry, but actually he was afraid of being sliced, so he didn't dare to say anything. Let alone a heartless wife like her who was married to a family, if she couldn't believe it, she would definitely not say it. It was probably her biological parents, even Lei Qing. He was so trustworthy that he didn't even tell his biological parents immediately. After all, he had a cautious character.

Looking at the electric arc in Lei Qing's hand, Chen Xinran couldn't help but his eyes lit up. She loved reading online novels, and she was amazed and said: "Wow, brother, this is a thunder and lightning power, which is often said to be the best power in novels! Now it’s okay, my eldest brother has the power of lightning, so our family won’t be afraid of that monster in the future.”

After hearing Chen Xinran's words, Lei Qing couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head, saying: "This power is very weak now. For the time being, it can only emit the small arc you see."

"It's okay. You must practice your superpowers and gradually increase them. It's impossible to destroy the world just after you have them." An Ran said.

Lei Qing nodded and said, "That's what you said."

Then he looked around at everyone and said, "Do you have any special powers?"

Everyone regretfully said no.

When it was An Ran's turn, An Ran smiled and said, "I think I have one too, but judging from what is often written in novels, it shouldn't be as powerful as Lei Qing."

After An Ran finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and saw a small water ball hovering above An Ran's palm.

The original body has a single spiritual root, which is regarded as an excellent talent in some cultivation worlds, but in this world, the ability of the water spiritual root seems to be inferior.

"I don't know if there is water in those monsters' bodies. If there is, I will control the water in their bodies and I should be able to kill them." An Ran said.

After discovering that he was originally a water spirit root, An Ran had already carefully considered how to fight. After much deliberation, this method was the only one that was good.

If that doesn't work, wait until the water spirit root becomes more powerful, then use a large water ball to trap the monster's mouth and nose to see if it can suffocate them to death. However, this method should be useless for aquatic monsters, so it is best if the monster has water in its body. portion, so she can pack it up very well.

If she couldn't kill the monster by controlling the water in its body, she would have to wait until her consciousness became stronger and use it to attack the monster's brain. However, this method would make it difficult to explain to others how she killed the monster. After all, she told people that she had water powers, but how could she kill other people's brains in the end?

However, judging from the memory of the original body, there should be water in the monster's body, because there are people with water powers who have used water control methods to deal with these monsters.

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