Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2962 Where is the Fairyland 29 (End)

The prince of Qingguo has now become the new Duke of Qing. Compared with the past, the Duke of Qing's palace has become increasingly declining. After all, the entire family has not had any real officials in the court for too long. It is just a title of honor. What's the use?

But because they laughed at the death of Mrs. Pingyang Hou, An Ran could not marry a good man. Later, An Ran faked his death and escaped. They also laughed at An Ran for having the nerve to reject him. It turned out that An Ran was a short-lived ghost and had a very tense relationship with the Pingyang Hou Mansion, so this meeting There are immortals from Pingyanghou Mansion. Like other families, they want to marry them so as to have a bloodline of Pingyanghou Mansion. It will be good for their family to have an immortal in the future. However, due to the tension between the two families, the people of Pingyanghou Mansion Knowing that the people in the Duke of Qing's Palace are all top-notch people, they are completely excluded from consideration, which makes the people in the Duke of Qing's Palace hate them, but there is nothing they can do.

Soon the original mother, Mrs. Pingyang Hou, passed away. Soon, the original brother passed away after living for more than eighty years. An Ran paid less and less attention to the mortal world. After all, taking care of the original brother was about the same. Now, do you still have to take care of me? At most, it would be enough to go over there in three to five years and take a look at it and take care of it.

An Ran cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage in this world, but like others, he failed to surpass the Nascent Soul stage.

Shouyuan arrived and left safely.

Of course, before that, An Ran added some goods here.

Although things from lower cultivation civilizations are more expensive, they are still a little cheaper than reality, so you can still buy some.

After leaving this world and returning to the real world, Enron's mission was completed again, as before, and it was also given a five-star rating.

There is no unfinished story in this world.

This is also normal. The original body was killed by Chu Erniang, and then Chu Erniang has Aunt Chu to take care of her. She must be able to live a good life. There are still unfinished plots. At most, Aunt Chu has not broken through the Yuan Dynasty. In the infant stage, the lifespan of four hundred years ended; Chu Erniang's spiritual roots were even worse, and she did not break through the golden elixir stage, so her lifespan of two hundred years ended.

But even so, the fact that they died amicably and lived happily for so long is definitely not what the original person wanted to see, so the original person would definitely not be satisfied with their fate, and that's why she asked the missionaries to avenge her.

After returning this time, An Ran continued to practice and felt that he would soon be able to break through the ninth level of the foundation building stage, so he planned to complete another task and break through to the ninth level of the foundation building stage.

Soon the March period came, and An Ran chose another mission and entered the mission world.


When An Ran came to this mission world, the original body was probably taking a nap.

When he regained consciousness, An Ran heard someone whispering outside.

"Hey, have you heard about it? The house that the Marquis found for the eldest lady. I heard that the young master has had a bad temper since he was a child and likes to hit people."

"I heard she's quite lecherous. There are a lot of women in the room."

"The fate of the eldest lady is too pitiful."

"What's so pitiful? She didn't die of illness like her mother. That's good. Her grandmother's family failed to compete with the current Holy Emperor. Only her uncle, her grandmother, and her mother died. She was not killed. Not bad.”

"No, she deserves it. She is the daughter of Princess Anyang and the granddaughter of Concubine Liu Feifei."

"Hey, tell me, is this marriage...done by the Marquis or by the wife? Logically speaking, the third prince and his entire family are dead, Concubine Liu Fei is dead, Princess Anyang is dead, and the eldest lady was still a child at the time. It’s unlikely that more than ten years later, the Marquis will find such a marriage for her to show his loyalty to the new emperor. But my wife has always disliked the eldest lady, so it is very possible that she will find such a marriage for her. "

"... Let's not discuss these things. We are all thrown here, serving such a futureless master. Do you still want to go to a worse place?"

"That's true."

Immediately, it became quiet outside, and there was no more talking.

At this time, An Ran also received the original memory.

The birth of Tang Anran was probably the most glorious moment in his life.

Her mother, Princess Anyang, was the late emperor's favorite daughter; Princess Anyang's brother and uncle, the third prince, was the late emperor's favorite son; and her maternal grandmother, Concubine Liu, was the emperor's favorite concubine.

Then just one year later, the late emperor passed away and the middle palace had no children. The princes competed for the throne, and the three princes and their entire line failed.

Next, the new emperor killed the three princes and their entire family, deposed Concubine Liu as a commoner, and hanged Concubine Liu to death. The title of Princess Anyang was not abolished, because before that, Princess Anyang's husband and original father, Anyang Hou, was He took the initiative to please and killed Princess Anyang. Of course, he claimed to be dead of illness, and then asked for marriage from a collateral niece of the new Queen Mother's natal family - the niece of the Queen Mother's natal family was in hot demand, but he couldn't get it, so he could only grab a collateral niece - with such a licking of a dog posture, not implicated.

And considering that the other party married the Queen Mother's niece, he did not take away his title, so that when the Queen Mother's niece married, she could become a marquis instead of a commoner's wife.

Only the original body was spared a small life because she was a young child, a girl, and not directly related to the third prince, but the daughter of a married woman. Others did not fear her.

Although my life is here to stay, to be honest, living is worse than not living.

Ever since I was sensible, I have been bullied by Mrs. Anyanghou, the mother of my father, and Mrs. Anyanghou, the niece of the Queen Mother.

As far as the original person knows, the reason why Mrs. Anyang Hou likes to bully the original person like this is because Concubine Liu was very favored in the palace back then. The Queen Mother was very angry with Concubine Liu back then, so now she wants to take away this anger for her aunt. To report back - in fact, it was just to please the Queen Mother, so I publicly abused the original person like this. There was no other way. She was not the Queen Mother's biological niece, but she lived across the room. If you want the Queen Mother to like her, you have to put in some "efforts", and this " "Work hard" was replaced by bullying the original person. She felt that this was the best way to please her. After all, seeing Liu Feifei's granddaughter not doing well, the Queen Mother would definitely be happy.

Not to mention, she really felt the pulse of the Queen Mother. She was very happy to abuse her original body like this. She often praised her and gave her rewards from time to time, which made her gain face in the palace and her status in the palace became more and more important. Gao——Originally, the Anyanghou family treated her well in order to please the Queen Mother's family. Now she can still be appreciated by the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother is so kind to her, so the Anyanghou family will naturally want to offer her up for fear of offending her. The Queen Mother was displeased.

Just like back then, Concubine Liu was favored, Princess Anyang was favored, and the Anyang Hou family supported Princess Anyang.

You must know that Anyang Hou was just the second son of a noble nobleman, and he could not take the imperial examination. He had no future. Just because he was not bad, when the late emperor's most favored princess, Princess Anyang, was choosing a consort, she hurriedly submitted her name, and Fortunately, he was selected, and he became prosperous and became the most prestigious prince-in-law at that time. Because of his status as Princess Anyang, he received the title of Marquis of Anyang.

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