Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2963 Desperate Counterattack 1

Finally, looking at Princess Anyang’s background and downfall, the Anyang Hou family was greedy for Anyang Hou’s title and quickly killed Princess Anyang. After all, if Princess Anyang was deposed, Anyang Hou would automatically lose her title.

He also proposed marriage to the Queen Mother's niece, and finally kept the title brought by Princess Anyang, and allowed the Queen Mother's niece to enjoy the glory and wealth with the title brought by Princess Anyang.

After all, if it weren't for the title brought by Princess Anyang, even if Marquis Anyang married the Queen Mother's niece, he would have no official position and would just be a white man. The couple would still be common people. After all, the new emperor could not confer a title on Marquis Anyang for no reason.

So the current Marquis Anyang and his wife are not relying on the title of Princess Anyang to enjoy the glory and wealth?

Of course, if Anyang Hou was a commoner, Mrs. Anyang Hou would probably not marry him. Even if she was the niece of the queen mother's family, she was very popular at the moment, and she would definitely marry a better person than Bai.

They wanted glory and wealth, but they shamelessly bullied a young child just to show favor to the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother also liked such a show of kindness. This shows what kind of character these people have. Obviously, there was a reason why the Queen Mother was not favored back then. of.

In such an environment, the original person developed a timid, fearful, and cautious character.

It's a pity that no matter how cautious she is, she can't escape the public malice - Mrs. Anyang Hou usually bullied her, but she also deliberately found a lustful and violent young man in the capital and married him.

With his timid and fearful character and weak body, he was subjected to domestic violence and died within a year.

After the original body died, he came to the system space.

In this world, she was very timid because she was unable to resist bullying and was afraid of being bullied. But timidity did not mean that she would not resist if she had a chance. She did not dare to resist before, but she was unable to resist. Now that she has a chance, naturally I just want revenge.

Anyang Hou and others' harm to the original body was not a conspiracy, but an evil conspiracy, because they wanted to show their favor to the new emperor and the Queen Mother.

In this case, the original person said that even if her mother, her grandmother, and her uncle's family fought for the right to be the heir, and they deserved death if they failed, she never participated in the fight for the right to the heir. She was being bullied like this, and she refused to accept it, so she wanted the taskmaster to give her something to do. Revenge, let the person who bullied her pay with blood.

Also, it would be better if the missionaries could kill the Queen Mother, the Emperor, her father and others, because they didn’t say they deserved to be killed if they failed in the palace fight, then they deserved to be killed if they failed in the battle with the missionaries!

After seeing the history of being bullied by the original person as long as she could remember, An Ran felt that even if the original person didn't give her a task, she would still do it. If she didn't smash all these rubbish, she would have her Chinese characters turned upside down. Write.

Oh no, after all this rubbish is blasted, she will change her surname. It doesn’t matter what her surname is, but it must not be the Tang surname of the Anyang Hou family. Otherwise, if she achieves any glory in the future, it will add glory to the Tang family, and she will react with disapproval. .

Thinking of this, An Ran began to practice martial arts.

The original person was bullied all year round and was frightened and worried, resulting in poor health, so she had to get stronger first and then find a way to deal with these people.

The only good thing about this world is that there is no need to decipher the secrets to know who the villain is.

So all she had to do was find a way to kill these people.

In addition, thinking that the original person was engaged, An Ran also had to find a way to prevent the marriage, because An Ran did not want to marry the original person's husband, so he planned to kill Mrs. Anyang Hou after she was almost done practicing. People are within the scope of what she wants to deal with.

He helped his son kill the original mother and kept bullying the original mother. Naturally, he should pay with blood.

After his death, the Anyang Marquis Mansion will observe mourning for three years, and then he will no longer need to marry.

The reason why Mrs. Anyang Hou is killed, but Anyang Hou is not planned to be killed for the time being, is because Anyang Hou kills the original body's mother, indirectly kills the original body, and kills him all at once. It is too cheap for him, and he must let her go. He lived a life in which the original person lived in fear for more than ten years, so he also lived in fear for a period of time.

In fact, if it weren't for the purpose of avoiding this marriage, Anyang Hou's old lady An Ran would have wanted to kill her quickly, because she and Anyang Hou had similar sins.

After delaying the marriage, three years later, the capital will be in chaos.

But it is said that this dynasty has reached the middle and late stages. This is probably due to the cruelty of the emperor and the unkindness of the queen mother. The people above are like this, let alone the people below.

In the middle and late dynasties, they faced foreign invasions from time to time, and ordinary people in various places often launched peasant uprisings because they could not survive.

In such a state, the Queen Mother and others did not think about how to protect their home and country, nor how to implement good policies to keep the people alive, but were busy bullying a young child to gain a sense of satisfaction. An Ran did not understand, but was greatly shocked.

Such a dynasty should perish.

In the original memory, when she was about to die, the capital city was captured by aliens, and the emperor led his people to the south.

And this is Enron's opportunity. Heroes emerge from troubled times.

When the time comes, she will regain the north, and then beat the emperor's family to death.

After thinking about the strategy, An Ran can practice with peace of mind, and there is no need to rush up. Anyway, he will be dragged into trouble by those people. It is better to sleep more and get less scolding. After all, the environment he is in, but Among so many ancient tasks, this is the most difficult. In other ancient tasks, even if someone bullies someone, they still bully them secretly. This world is different. People bully them directly in person, and as a junior, she cannot scold them back. In this case, Before leaving Anyang Hou Mansion, I naturally hid whenever I could so as not to get scolded.

However, if you sleep for a long time, you will naturally get scolded, but you will be scolded anyway, so it is still cost-effective to sleep a little longer and spend less time being bullied.

An Ran "slept" until night before getting up and asked the maid to get her own food.

Unless Mrs. Anyanghou summons the original body and asks the original body to eat together, otherwise the original body is not qualified to eat with Mrs. Anyanghou. Of course, the other party does not want the original body to eat with them, because Mrs. Anyanghou eats very well. , Naturally, I don’t want the original body to eat so well.

The original person seldom ate with Mrs. Anyanghou, mostly when something happened. Even if Mrs. Anyanghou scolded the original person, she would not do it while eating, because the other party did not want to affect his appetite.

Of course, occasionally when they are eating delicious food, they will call the original person over. They eat while the original person watches, hoping that the original person who cannot eat good food will see how uncomfortable they are eating delicious food.

This low-grade bullying method makes me feel like a nouveau riche.

However, Mrs. Anyanghou's natal family is just an ordinary rich family, not as wealthy as the Queen Mother's natal family, so she suddenly became Mrs. Anyanghou, which is almost considered a nouveau riche, so it is normal for her to show the appearance of a nouveau riche.

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