Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2999 Global Card Drawing 2

An Ran has also encountered the original person who committed suicide before. Generally, An Ran would think that the other person had the courage to commit suicide, so why not take his enemy with him to die?

But in this world, An Ran would not think of her original body like this, because her original opponent was too powerful and she could not die with her enemy, so she could only die by herself and end a life that made her feel humiliated.

After coming to the system world, the original person recalled that his supposedly bright life was ultimately destroyed at the hands of his parents and Wang Guokang, so he asked the taskmaster to help him, a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye! How these people treated her, how she wanted these people to be treated.

As for Wang Guokang's lackeys, she also hoped that they would not die well. After all, they could help Wang Guokang harm her, and naturally they had also harmed other people. Dealing with them would also allow them to harm less people.

Seeing this girl's miserable life, An Ran wanted to kill these scum just by looking at her memories.

After pulling out the card, I found that it was the same as the original card. It was a passive skill card with rebound damage. Instead of using it immediately like the original card, I quickly packed up my things and left.

In fact, she could also find Wang Guokang now and steal his card, but if he was very cautious and did not use it immediately, but let others use it first and see the situation before using it, that way he would not faint.

As long as he is not unconscious, she can't snatch him away if she goes to find him now. After all, there are many bodyguards around him, and she has just arrived now and has no power to restrain him, so she can only escape first and wait for promotion. After gaining fighting strength, he came back to deal with Xiao's father, Xiao's mother, Wang Guokang and others, a bunch of scum.

An Ran didn't take her cell phone at the moment - all her electronic devices might have been installed and monitored by Wang Guokang, so she couldn't take them. Although Enron had good IT skills and could solve the problem, An Ran didn't know when Wang Guokang would send someone to arrest her, so she still shouldn't waste time. I had to leave quickly, otherwise it would be difficult to leave after being controlled by him, so I just packed up a few clothes, took my bank card, quickly withdrew some money from the ATM, and left.

An Ran didn't hide in some wilderness, but hid in a village in the city of her original hometown. It was her hometown after all, so she was more familiar and easier to do things with.

This kind of urban village has mixed people and not much surveillance. Even if Wang Guokang wants to find her, it will be difficult to find her. After all, he is just an ordinary rich man, not a big shot with hands and eyes that cover the sky. This is normal. Xiao's father and Xiao's mother His conditions were average and he couldn't reach that kind of big shot. Wang Guokang was already the highest-status person they knew.

The reason why An Ran lived in this kind of urban village was not only because it was cheap to rent a house in such a place, but also because it was a mixed bag of good and bad people, which would be good for her to collect cards in the future.

This global card-drawing game is absolutely malicious, because the cards drawn are not bound. Don't say you are useless. They can be traded and dropped. Even if you use them, they will kill you. Can get your cards.

Because of this, before the country reacted at first, many murders occurred because some people were trying to seize other people's cards.

Of course, after the country reacts, such things will become much less common, but you should also pay attention when you go out.

And some foreign countries with weak governments are in chaos.

An Ran would not take the initiative to kill people. She was just fishing. She deliberately stayed in such a chaotic place. When someone came to steal her cards, she would kill them and steal their cards.

She is not as rich as Wang Guokang and can spend money to buy other people's cards in the market. She can only use herself as bait to get more cards through this method.

After renting the house, Enron started using the cards.

For now, most people have just used the cards, some are still activating the cards, and some are cautious, and may not even activate the cards yet, so it is not dangerous for her to activate the cards in the rented house.

I don't know if it was because of An Ran's strong mental power, so after An Ran activated the card, her body did feel unbearable pain, but An Ran did not faint, but successfully activated the card after about half an hour of pain.

Now her card interface has changed.

Name: Xiao Anran

Strength: 40

Life: 100

Agility: 40

Defense: 40

Possess Card: Damage Reflection (Level E) (Equipped)

Experience points: 0

Number of card owners: 3123456789 (continuing to increase)

Card rankings:

1.Thunder Card, Grade A

2. Healing Card, Grade A

3. Frozen Card, Grade A


For these four attributes, the maximum data limit for ordinary people is 100, but there is no limit on card owners because they can be added.

As for the original body, his physical constitution was average, so his strength, agility, and defense were not good, and he did not even reach the passing mark.

The card she equipped with damage rebound is only a passive card and does not provide the function of increasing physical fitness, so the four attributes are not increased.

Damage rebound means that after being attacked by an enemy, some damage will be reflected back to the enemy.

E-level damage rebound can only reflect 20% of the damage, which is a useless skill.

But coupled with Enron's combat experience, this skill cannot be underestimated.

Anyway, it's still early days, and most people draw E-level useless cards. Only a handful of European emperors and rich people have those high-level cards.

So even now, An Ran Fishing can still beat those people with low martial arts value in the early stage.

An Ran activated the card and began to practice martial arts and improve the initial attributes, because these initial attributes can be improved through exercise in the memory of the original body.

Although martial arts has no effect in the later stage, in the early stage, it is still possible to deal with people with E-level or even D-level cards.

Sure enough, An Ran practiced martial arts all afternoon. When she finished her exercises in the evening and was about to get food, she found that her strength, agility and defense had each increased a little.

Of course, this is the beginning. Once it reaches a certain level, it is estimated that the rise will not be so fast.

Using some vegetables, eggs and noodles that I had bought when I was renting a house, I made some vegetables and egg noodles and ate them, and An Ran continued to practice.

By the time he went to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening, Anron's strength, agility, and defense had each increased a little.

By the morning of the third day, Enron's strength, agility and defense had all risen to 45 points.

During this period, the reason why the original body's drug and addiction did not attack was naturally not because An Ran came. If she did not take drugs, she would not feel anything. After all, even if An Ran did not have psychological drugs and addiction, the original body had physical Drug, addiction, the reason why An Ran did not have an attack is because An Ran wore an anti-virus bracelet from Interstellar Technology Interface. This bracelet has the function of monitoring drug infection and detoxification. Dupin can affect people's nerves, so it is naturally considered a poison, so After being detoxified by the bracelet, An Ran became drug-free and became addicted.

And just in the past three days, news about someone killing people and grabbing cards also appeared on the Internet. Apparently someone discovered this, which caused people to talk about it. Suddenly, there was a lot of noise outside, and many people did not dare to go out anymore for fear of being caught. Kill and get cards and experience.

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