Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3078 Doomsday Salvation 4

Soon everyone received a text message on their mobile phones, saying that the capital's air defense system was powerful and intercepted the meteorite, and there was no loss.

After hearing the news, everyone who was worried about the house couldn't help but feel happy and relieved.

But An Ran knew that everyone was about to know the even more terrifying news.

Of course, people didn’t know about the super volcano eruption at first because it was abroad. But in half an hour at most, the news would spread all over the world. After all, this is the information age, and everything will spread very quickly. of.

An Ran's guess was correct. Although his original memory had forgotten when he knew the news, An Ran checked the time and found that it was indeed about half an hour after the meteor shower ended. Everyone knew about the super volcano on a certain island. Being hit by a meteorite and causing an explosion.

Everyone was obviously panicking now, because someone on the Internet had already said that a super volcanic eruption would form a volcanic winter. Then there would be volcanic ash floating in the sky for many years, and the food harvest would be cut off. Even if humans could hide in their houses and not be afraid of volcanic ash, there would be no volcanic ash. I can't always eat.

Once these words are spoken, will everyone not panic after reading this?

"Hurry back and buy more food and stock up. I'm afraid the price of these things will increase soon. Even if the price doesn't increase, I'm afraid they will be snatched up soon." Someone said.

Many people also realized this and clamored to go back.

The administrator in the air-raid shelter saw everyone in a hurry and the meteorite rain had stopped, so he asked everyone to go back.

Anyway, there is not much loss in the capital, so they can go back.

These people's guesses are correct. The prices of things in supermarkets have either increased - usually small private supermarkets have taken the opportunity to increase prices - or they have been sold out - this is a big supermarket, and big supermarkets don't dare to increase prices indiscriminately. But the items were quickly robbed.

There are still some in the warehouse, but they have received notices from their superiors, telling them to be ready for state control at any time and not to load goods at will.

Obviously, the country also knows that everyone is panicking. Naturally, these supplies cannot be bought and sold casually, but the country must regulate them, otherwise they will all be bought up by the rich. The rich have hoarded a lot of supplies, and the poor will have to I can’t survive.

This is also the reason why An Ran posted that post before.

Even though people soon knew about the volcanic eruption, many ordinary people couldn't buy it when they wanted to buy it.

So An Ran posted a post in advance to let people stock up.

Even if the supermarket items are gone, rich people still have ways to stock up on goods at any time, but ordinary people are different. Ordinary people can't stock up on them, so An Ran helped ordinary people because she added a cheat to her post. So there were quite a few people who saw it, and many people stocked up on things in advance because of her reminder. Now they thanked her for her post on the Internet, saying that she had the foresight.

An Ran returned to the rental house and found that the two families who rented the house together had already started packing their luggage, saying they were preparing to return to their hometown.

The two families, one is a husband and wife, working together in the capital; the other is a husband and wife with a child in kindergarten, the husband is working, and the wife is taking the child to study.

I didn't go home before because I thought that after the meteor shower, nothing else would happen, so I could continue to work in the capital.

Now that the volcano has erupted, I still don’t know what it will be like in the future, so I plan to go back to my hometown first and reunite with my family before talking about it.

Fortunately, they were lucky enough that their hometown was not hit by the meteorite rain, otherwise they would not be able to return home.

Seeing that they were preparing to go back, An Ran asked them to buy more masks and wear them.

An Ran couldn't say anything about the virus. After all, she couldn't explain how she knew there was a virus, so she could only say: "Volcanic ash is harmful to people's lungs. Unless the doors and windows are closed tightly in the house, try to wear it outside as much as possible." Masks will not harm your health, so you still need to stock up on masks.”

An Ran was thinking that he could save every one.

She also posted this on the Internet. Many people thanked her for reminding her that there might be a volcanic eruption. Now after hearing her warning, they thought it made sense and went to stock up on masks.

The virus is everywhere, but it is obviously better in an environment with less volcanic ash. For example, if you don't go out at home, it will be better. Also, if you wear a mask outside and don't get much volcanic ash, it will be better, I guess. It's because the viral load is low, and if you wash your hands frequently when you go back, you can prevent it.

And this wave of reminders helped Enron earn a lot of points. Obviously, before the reminder, many people did not pay attention to this. It is estimated that sometimes they ran out to do something, and they were not afraid of facing the volcanic ash, so they ran out like that. As a result, Because I was contaminated with too much volcanic ash, I contracted the virus. Now I am reminded by Enron to wear a mask, which reduces the chance of infection, so I have saved many lives and gained points.

The two families listened to her words and thought that it would be bad if the volcanic ash was inhaled into the body. Even if there wasn't much volcanic ash floating over then, it would still be right to be prepared. Even if they didn't need it then, they would wear it in public places. Wearing a mask can also prevent the flu, so I bought some masks and put them on.

After the two families left, An Ran was the only one living in this house.

The landlord is also learning about the volcanic eruption, so the other two houses have not been rented to anyone else for a while. Of course, even if they are rented, they cannot be rented out at the moment, because there are not many people who have left the capital like those two families. , there are too many people canceling the lease, and there are too few people renting the house, which naturally makes it difficult to rent out.

An Ran is happy to be alone and quiet.

Then Enron began to think about how to inform the country that there was a virus in the volcanic ash.

The country did not realize this before. It was busy dealing with the volcanic winter and the people who could not survive. Just worrying about how the people survived the cold winter and how to make the people stutter consumed most of the energy of the top management. No one could I never thought there were viruses in volcanic ash.

By the time you realize it, it's too late.

And this matter can be prepared in advance.

If the country knew about the volcanic ash virus a few years in advance, maybe when the temperature rises and the virus becomes active, the antidote will be available, and people will not die?

An Ran still had to think about how to notify the country without suspecting herself.

Fortunately, this matter still has several years to go, and there is still time.

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