Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3079 Doomsday Salvation 5

After finding out, if no better way can be found to inform the senior management, Enron plans to use this method.

As for whether the other party will believe it... most people would rather believe that it exists than that it doesn't exist. Regardless of whether the other party believes it or not, they will definitely let the scientists below investigate it, and the answer will be known by then.

Of course, if there are other ways, she will still use other methods to deliver the news, so as not to deliver the news like this and cause worries to the senior management. After all, who wouldn't worry about information leakage.

Not mentioning Enron's plan to inform the top management, but saying that since the volcano erupted, some experts said that the eruption was very powerful, and that volcanic ash would cover the blue star sky, and that there would be a volcanic winter. People became panicked and began to stock up.

People ran to buy it, and the supplies were quickly sold out.

The reason why countries in various countries still choose to tell the truth despite knowing that people will rush to buy supplies is because what if the people are not prepared enough and many people freeze to death and starve to death because they do not tell the truth? So we can only tell the truth and let the people prepare.

And the housing prices in the market began to fluctuate as An Ran thought, especially when the volcanic ash drifted to the Kingdom of Jin, the farthest place, five days later, blocking the sun and causing the temperature to drop rapidly, the fluctuations in housing prices became even more severe. stand up.

At first, people were still taking a chance, thinking that the Kingdom of Jin was far away from the island where the volcano erupted, and based on ocean currents, it was the last place where the volcanic ash drifted. The influence on recent countries may be great, but the influence on the Jin Kingdom may be very small.

In the end, it was a fluke. Even though the Kingdom of Jin was far away from the island where the volcano erupted, the volcanic ash still floated over, which shows how powerful this volcanic eruption was.

Seeing that the sun was blocked and crops could not be grown, people naturally panicked. Many people wanted to stock up on food. Many people sold their houses because they had no money.

Even if some people have money, they sell their houses when house prices plummet, because they don’t know what the situation will be like in the future, especially those with loans. Watching house prices plummet, if they don’t sell, their houses will not be there by then. Wouldn't it be miserable to have to pay off the mortgage even though it's valuable? I want to sell the house quickly, and I'll pay whatever I can get back.

There are more people selling and fewer people buying, which causes housing prices to fall further.

In fact, those who sold their houses at this time made the right sale. Although it fell, they still got some money back. Those who thought that the apocalypse would eventually end one day and house prices would recover by then were completely wrong. In the physical world, so many people have died. Even if mankind survives the end of the world, and there are still a few people left and houses everywhere, will housing prices still become expensive?

However, although house prices have been plummeting, not many people are buying them.

This is normal. Cash is king for everyone these days. If you want to have money in your hands so you can buy things, who would go and buy a house?

Of course, the main reason is human psychology. People tend to buy up prices rather than down prices. When housing prices fall, they think, maybe they will continue to fall tomorrow. This is true. In this way, when housing prices are not stable, Before I came down, even if someone wanted to buy it, no one was willing to buy it. They were afraid that the house price would fall again and they would lose money.

The less people buy, the more housing prices will fall. The price will not change every day, but every hour.

Seeing that their houses could not be sold and they could not get money, many people began to call the mayor's hotline and begged the city to relax purchase restrictions. They thought that once the purchase restrictions were lifted, the capital would be the capital after all, and people from other places might come to buy. That way House prices can still remain stable.

Soon the city could no longer withstand the pleas of too many people and relaxed purchase restrictions.

As for non-first-tier cities, they have already relaxed purchase restrictions in an attempt to stabilize housing prices.

The country has also spoken, saying that the Jin Kingdom has a lot of food reserves, so everyone does not have to worry about running out of food.

Despite this, housing prices are still not stable. The main reason is that people all over the world are panicking and want to turn fixed assets into money or gold and put them in their hands. In this way, if one day they run out of food, they can You can use money or gold to buy food at any time. Who wants a house with poor liquidity?

Some people who have money in their hands are not too anxious and just put their houses up for sale. Some people who have no money in their hands have spent all their assets on buying houses or flipping houses. Now they see that their houses cannot be sold and they have no money to buy supplies. , I became anxious and started asking friends and relatives to borrow money, promising to pay back the money when the house was sold.

But there are very few people who are willing to borrow money, and the reason is very simple. Firstly, they are afraid that the other party’s house will not be sold and the money will never be paid. Secondly, prices are soaring, which means that money is depreciating. Now, if you lend 10,000 yuan to someone, maybe You can buy one thousand kilograms of rice, but in a few days, you may only buy one hundred kilograms of rice. In this case, it is equivalent to losing money. Who is willing to borrow money? They would rather use the money to buy food themselves.

When their houses couldn't be sold and money couldn't be borrowed, many people became anxious. With no other choice, they began to seek medical treatment urgently, looking for acquaintances or even strangers to borrow money everywhere. idea.

Of course, it’s basically ineffective. Relatives and friends won’t lend it to you, so why do you expect strangers to lend it to you?

After being unable to borrow money, house prices in the market fell even more sharply, because there are always people who are in urgent need of money to buy things.

Because there is still some time before the house is due to expire, the house will be cheaper by then, so An Ran has not bought a house for the time being, but is watching the news on the Internet.

Seeing that everyone was stocking up on masks and various supplies, An Ran felt relieved.

In fact, ordinary people also knew how to stock up on supplies before, but few stocked up on masks because the volcanic ash here in the Kingdom of Jin was not very thick. As long as everyone stayed indoors, it seemed that it didn’t matter if they needed masks or not. After all, they had the money to stock up on more cold-proof supplies and Isn’t the food and drink good?

But now because of Enron's reminder, many people have also stocked up on masks. Gradually more and more people are stocking up, which has set off this trend. Everyone has stocked up on masks, allowing Enron's points for saving people to increase rapidly.

I just hope that these people will remember to wear masks when going out to reduce the possibility of infection. Don't save them now. In the future, if they don't wear masks much, something will happen.

Soon the weather got cold.

The capital is in the north, and usually this time is the transition from summer to winter - there is almost no autumn here, the temperature drops very quickly after summer, and then comes winter - but this year the transition is faster, and it will soon be minus ten degrees. At several degrees, the volcanic ash outside is accompanied by acid rain—another substance brought by volcanic eruptions that causes acid rain, which is one of the reasons why crops cannot be grown—falls to the ground and freezes like snow, but Not white snow, but gray snow.

Because it is frozen, people are less likely to get it, making it difficult to contract the disease.

Of course, unless necessary, few people will go out when there is volcanic ash and then acid rain.

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