Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 308 Apocalyptic Insect Disaster 25

Li Juanjuan thought, if she had other powers, and she usually cultivated the two powers together, those people wouldn't be able to find out that she was not practicing space powers but practicing other powers, but if she was allowed to exercise her body or practice marksmanship, then Others could clearly see that she was not practicing her powers in the training space, so how could they let her play with her? Now that she was looking for An Ran, she made the excuse that she wanted to ask An Ran about her cultivation experience and see if she could help her improve her cultivation speed before she got the consent. It was her rare time to relax.

She didn't dare to lose her temper. She thought she had space powers and didn't take the orders of the team leaders seriously, because the team she was in was pretty good. If she didn't obey, they might change her to someone with space powers. After all, although space superpowers are rare, a good team of superpowers can still easily get a space superpower.

If she didn't stay in this team and went to other teams, people with similar conditions would probably have similar requirements, unless she stayed in a team that was one level below, but one level below, she was afraid that she would not be strong enough and her safety would not be guaranteed, so she couldn't I can only endure it.

An Ran couldn't help but be startled after hearing what she said. Because her husband Lei Qing was the captain of the superpower team, he would definitely not force her to practice like this. In fact, there was no need to force her. She wanted to become stronger and stronger, so she naturally practiced seriously. , so naturally little girl Li Juanjuan will never have such troubles.

She couldn't help but secretly thought that this little girl was probably forced to have a rebellious mentality by the superpower team. In fact, if the other party didn't make any demands, Li Juanjuan herself should have known how to practice. After all, superpowers were her magic weapon for survival. How could she not pay attention to it? It's just that when others make demands on her, although she still practices for herself, she unconsciously feels that this is a task given to her by others, so it is normal to feel uncomfortable. This is because her brain has not turned around.

Li Juanjuan chatted with her for a while and then left, and agreed with An Ran that they would chat every few days, in the name of exchanging cultivation experiences.

Li Juanjuan said that she wanted to have more fun and asked An Ran for help.

This is a piece of cake, and Enron will naturally have no objections.

Li Juanjuan saw that she had succeeded in getting some free time, and couldn't help but leave happily.

But within a few days, she couldn't be happy anymore - because An Ran's superpowers had been strengthened again, and now there were three cubic meters of space. After the news came out, the captain of her superpower team urged her to step up her practice and let her see Looking at the speed of other superpowers' cultivation and looking at hers, Li Juanjuan couldn't help but get angry after hearing this. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with An Ran. She felt that if An Ran wasn't so strong, she wouldn't have followed suit. , so I didn’t come to An Ran much. Of course, it was also because I had to practice and didn’t have time to look for him.

An Ran really didn't know that Li Juanjuan would be displeased just because she had increased the volume of the space, but even if she knew, she wouldn't care. After all, she couldn't increase the volume of the space just because others didn't like her. , does not increase.

Yes, there was a need. On this day, their team of nearly a thousand people found a large supermarket that had not been plundered. They needed to store things, so An Ran told Lei Qing that her space had increased and she could store more. The thing was just enlarged before and was not very stable yet. She hadn't had time to tell him yet. Now she had consolidated it for a few days and it was almost ready for use.

——She heard those people say that when practicing superpowers, the superpowers were not stable when they were first upgraded and needed to be consolidated. This was also the case with her cultivation. When she was promoted to a large or small realm, it was always easy to be unstable when she first ascended. , I thought that space powers would be like this, so An Ran said this now.

Lei Qing, including the people in the team, were naturally happy when they heard that her space had been expanded. If they packed the three cubic meters of materials neatly, they could fit in a lot of things, so everyone could Not happy? Thinking of so many things, their team became safer.

Therefore, Enron did not deliberately hurt Li Juanjuan, but had to expand the capacity due to demand.

Of course, An Ran acted very cautiously and would not blindly expand to arouse suspicion. She dared to expand now because she had encountered a space superpower with three cubic meters of space before, so her expansion this time, She is not the only one, and will not let others think that her cultivation speed is too fast, but a very reasonable existence.

And because of Enron's expansion, others know that there is a three-cubic-meter space superpower in Lei Qing's team, and she is also the captain's wife. She will definitely stay in the team. Unlike other teams, some space superpowers see other people's homes. If the conditions are good, he will change jobs. There is a stable space power user in a team, and he is also a space power user with a large space. This is a temptation for many people, so Lei Qing’s team with space powers has a large number of people. increased.

Although there are many people who want to join, Lei Qing does not refuse all comers. He usually observes the character, if not anything else. Lei Qing will definitely not accept a villain like that who commits adultery and robbery.

Since the number of people in the entire escape team has increased, and there have been more and more superpowers in the Lei Qing team, and everyone's superpowers have become stronger and stronger, the level of safety has been greatly improved. It is no longer like when they first left the base, there were only a hundred people. Call someone, and everyone's abilities are not high. Just add some monsters, and the team will be in danger of being wiped out.

The fact that An Ran had three cubic meters of space not only attracted more and more superpower users to join her, but also made some greedy people have evil thoughts and wanted to rob the materials in her space.

——According to rumors, it is said that if you kill people with space powers, the materials in their space will be dropped like killing monsters in the game.

Because of this rumor, many space power users are even more afraid that no one will protect them and someone will kill them.

Although some people want to rob the supplies in Anron's space, because Anron has always put safety first, and the people in the team are also afraid that something will happen to the supplies on her body, so no matter where she goes, even when she goes to the toilet, she is surrounded by people with powers in the team. So it's not easy to find an opportunity to attack her.

So someone wanted to trick An Ran out on her own so that they could get started, but in order to do this, someone would need help, and this person had to be someone whom An Ran trusted very much, otherwise she wouldn't have come out.

So that day, Anran saw that after many days, Li Juanjuan came to see him again.

"Are you busy lately?" Seeing that Li Juanjuan hadn't come for a long time, An Ran asked casually.

Li Juanjuan couldn't help but smile awkwardly after hearing this, and secretly thought that she was busy. It was because Anron's space reached three cubic meters and she felt uncomfortable, so she didn't want to come over and play with her.

But he still responded: "Well, I'm busy practicing, and I finally got some free time today. I wanted to hang out, so I came over to see you. How are you? How are you doing lately?"

An Ran nodded and said, "It's okay."

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