Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 309 Apocalyptic Insect Disaster 26

After briefly talking about Han Wen, Li Juanjuan glanced at Tiantian who was writing seriously on the side and said: "You spend the whole day either practicing or teaching your children to read and read, and you don't even go out to play. Don't you feel too bored?"

Yes, An Ran would teach Tian Tian how to read and write when she wasn't practicing. An Ran had been through many worlds, and with what she knew in her mind, teaching Tian Tian was a complete case.

No matter whether the world will be peaceful in the future or whether they can survive, in short, as long as she survives for one day, she will naturally cultivate Tiantian well. This is not only to get a good evaluation from the original body - she also knows that bringing Tiantian with her The better she is, the happier the original body will be - this is also her own idea. Tiantian is so cute, she will naturally train her well. If she is lucky enough to have peace in the future, she does not want others to be literate by then, and she has not taught her Tiantian, Tiantian is illiterate.

At this time, after listening to Li Juanjuan's words, she said: "What's so boring about this? There are wars and chaos everywhere now. It's not safe to go anywhere. It's better to stay at home."

Safety comes first, this is the standard that An Ran has set for this mission, so boredom doesn't matter, she is satisfied as long as it is safe, and she is not afraid of boredom as long as she can complete the mission.

Seeing that An Ran was not tempted by such tactful persuasion, Li Juanjuan immediately smiled and said, "Why don't you go to my place and have some fun."

An Ran refused without thinking: "No, I don't want to go out."

Li Juanjuan turned her attention to Tiantian and said, "Even if you are not bored, your child will feel bored if she doesn't go out to play every day. You should take her out for more walks and have more contact with people. It will be better for the child's development."

She doesn't want to go out, let alone let her child go out, what should she do if there is danger? So An Ran shook her head faster and said: "What you said makes sense, but that was before the end of the world. Now in this war and chaos, safety is more important than the development of the child, so I need to take her out to play. , if something happens...if something happens to the child, how can we talk about development!"

An Ran's words made sense, and Li Juanjuan couldn't help but be speechless for a moment, but thinking of the purpose of her visit today, she couldn't return without success, so seeing that An Ran was not going to go out to play, Li Juanjuan could only say directly Having realized his purpose, he said: "There is a space power user. I heard that Sister Ji is a dual-system power user. I admire her very much. I want to see you, so please ask me to invite you out to play together."

After An Ran heard this, she couldn't help but frown and secretly admired her. If she wanted to see her, she could just come to see her. She didn't say not to see her. What was she asking her to do out there?

His intuition felt something was wrong, so An Ran shook his head and said: "If she wants to see it, just come to me like you did. Why do you want me to go out? Don't you mean worshiping me? You worship me and let me go out, instead of Is she coming?"

Li Juanjuan said hurriedly: "No, she just wants to be more convenient. Isn't it because your place is heavily guarded? Isn't it easy to see you? The little girl is a space superpower, and she is also a being who is supported by others. She doesn't want to be treated as one level. There were no inspections on the floor, so I didn’t want to come over.”

Yes, in order to prevent anyone from harming Anron, Enron's security work was arranged very well in the team. People outside had to go through layers of inspections if they wanted to see Anron.

Li Juanjuan wouldn't have come to An Ran if it wasn't for the occasional break, because it was too much trouble.

An Ran couldn't help but was speechless after hearing this, and said: "Aren't you my admirer? You can't bear this little trouble? Then forget it."

Li Juanjuan saw that An Ran just didn't want to go out, so she had no choice but to leave and told the little girl about the situation.

After listening to Li Juanjuan's words, the little girl saw that the matter was not completed, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes. She thought that she never expected that Ji Anran would be so difficult to deal with.

Although she thought this in her heart, the little girl in front of her still smiled and said, "Didn't Sister Juanjuan say that she has a very good relationship with Mrs. Lei? Then why doesn't she come?"

Li Juanjuan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed after hearing this.

That's right, the reason why she went to find An Ran was because when she was chatting with this little girl before, the little girl accidentally mentioned An Ran and said that she heard that Mrs. Lei was a dual-power person. She has space powers and water powers. She really makes those space powers look good. I admire her so much. I really want to meet her.

So out of a show-off mentality, Li Juanjuan couldn't help but tell the little girl that she knew Mrs. Lei and had a good relationship with her. If she wanted to meet her, she could help introduce her. When the little girl heard what she said, she naturally He agreed with bright eyes and asked her to help introduce him. This was the reason why Li Juanjuan went to find An Ran before.

But when I heard this little girl asking this question, my face couldn't help but feel hot. At the same time, I felt a little bit strange about An Ran, thinking that they could be considered friends after all, right? You don't give yourself any face at all and let others laugh at you.

Li Juanjuan didn't want to be slapped in the face, so she immediately said: "She is used to staying at home and is not used to going out. Please wait for me to persuade her a few more times."

The little girl said: "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

It's weird if you're not in a hurry.

Yes, this little girl is not an admirer of Enron at all, but was sent by someone who wanted to rob Enron's supplies. After all, compared to a tall man who came to contact Li Juanjuan, such a cute little girl is more trustworthy. To people.

So Li Juanjuan went to go out to play with An Ran. This was not because Li Juanjuan wanted to harm An Ran. Although Li Juanjuan was disliked by the people in the team because of her upgrade in An Ran's space, and she was dissatisfied, she could not want to take revenge on An Ran because of this. They wanted to kill An Ran, so Li Juanjuan was also tricked - those who wanted to rob An Ran couldn't find a place to start. They heard that Li Juanjuan had a good relationship with An Ran, so they approached Li Juanjuan.

The person who tricked her is also a space power user. He said that he admires An Ran, a space and water power user. He also heard that she and An Ran are good friends. Can you ask her for help and make an appointment to meet her.

Because the person who tricked her was a cute-looking little girl, not a very evil person, so Li Juanjuan didn’t know that she was being tricked, and thought it was really the case, just to show off her relationship with Lei Qing, a famous superpower team member. Okay, so I ran to find An Ran and wanted to invite An Ran to sit in her team.

Unexpectedly, An Ran refused to leave, and the other party always urged Li Juanjuan. For the sake of face, Li Juanjuan came to beg An Ran again and again to give her face, and went to see her, which aroused the feeling that Li Juanjuan had come to see her for the first time. An Ran suspected that something was wrong. After all, under normal circumstances, she would have refused once or twice, so that would be fine, right? Then why did that person keep trying to go there by himself? This is definitely not what an admirer should look like.

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