Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3083 Doomsday Salvation 9

Of course, if you have supplies, but like Zhang Xiaoxue, pretend you don't have them, write an IOU that you are not prepared to repay, and want to get nothing for nothing, Anron will not give it to you.

As I said before, she will save people, but not those with bad intentions.

Not to mention, there are quite a few people who want to take advantage of this.

No, someone on the fourth floor heard that Zhang Xiaoxue had no money and had received supplies from An Ran, so they came to An Ran and said in tears that they had no money, so they wrote an IOU and asked An Ran to lend them supplies.

An Ran had known that they had supplies and money, so when he heard what the other party said, he knew what the other party was planning, and he said coldly: "You don't think that I just sell supplies to those people every day. Why don’t you ask about the situation of each house on each floor?”

At that moment, An Ran took out a notepad, turned to the page on the fourth floor, and read: "Fourth floor, Ding Aihua's household, six people. Rich in materials and money."

After looking at the notepad, An Ran closed it, then looked at the woman, and deliberately raised her voice so that everyone in the building could hear it, so as to be on guard against this top family on the fourth floor in the future, and said: "Okay, now Please tell me, even though you have plenty of supplies and money, you still come to me and don’t plan to spend a dime to buy supplies. You only plan to write an IOU. This is because you want to take advantage of the large number of people in your family to avoid defaulting on the debt in the future and occupying the money in vain. It's cheap for me, right? Your daydream is quite beautiful."

Ding Aihua came from the fourth floor. She was bursting into tears just now. Now that An Ran had exposed her ruse, she couldn't help crying anymore and left with an ugly face.

After everyone heard about this, when they met the Ding family again, everyone was wary of them.

The Ding family thought they were smart, but they never thought that they would lose everyone's trust just because of this little thing. If they encounter trouble in the future, they wonder if anyone will help them at the critical moment. After all, they are afraid of being cheated by them. ah.

And just when An Ran was helping everyone, the letter she sent to the epidemic prevention center had been read by the above. Fortunately, the other party did not ignore it. Instead, with a mentality of trusting others, she reported it to the higher ups. It is estimated that the country will Studying whether volcanic ash contains viruses can be seen from Enron's rapidly rising number of life-saving points.

Maybe the country won't be able to research an antidote for a while in the future, but at least now we know that there is such a thing. The country can deal with this matter in advance before the virus becomes active. For example, sending people to clear the volcanic ash during the volcanic winter period will reduce the impact in the future. .

This is probably why An Ran has a lot of points for saving people now, because her actions will save countless people.

An Ran looked at the rapidly growing numbers and couldn't help but feel happy.

Afterwards, Anron saw that everyone basically bought food from her, so she went to the supermarket and exchanged the money collected for various supplies. After all, as time goes by, the prices of various supplies will increase, so you have money in your hands. It just depreciates, and if you don’t buy it, you’ll lose money.

In fact, it is most cost-effective to exchange money for food, but it is not impossible to buy it. You can only buy other things.

Although there is no food for sale in supermarkets, other supplies are still available.

Although everyone also stocked up on other supplies, compared to food, they naturally stocked much less. After all, food is the most important thing. It doesn’t matter if you stock up less on other clothes and the like. The worst is that you still have to wear those clothes every year. Anyway, the clothes nowadays are of good quality and will not break down after being worn for many years. A few pieces of clothing will last until the end of the world, especially denim clothes, which will not break down after being worn for a long time.

Therefore, there are still a lot of other non-food supplies. In this way, supermarkets still exist, and Enron can buy things he wants to buy.

An Ran stocked up on random occasions. He stocked up on supplies that he felt might be in high demand in the future. Anyway, he had space, so he wasn't afraid of running out of room to put them.

Although the price of these materials will definitely not be more expensive than food in the future, it will still be more expensive than the current price. It is not a loss if you buy it. At most, you will make a little less.

After spending almost all the money on hand and only a little was left, An Ran stayed because he still had some left over to buy food supplied by the state in a few days.

Seeing An Ran come back with large and small bags, many people asked her enthusiastically what she bought, obviously expecting An Ran to say that she had bought food.

Unfortunately, An Ran's answer disappointed them: "I bought some daily necessities, such as paper, toothpaste and the like."

Everyone was really disappointed when they heard that An Ran bought daily necessities, not food. Originally, if An Ran said that she bought food, they could ask her where they could buy food. At the worst, they could buy some food from An Ran. Ah, it turned out that they were daily necessities, which they did not need for the time being. There was no news of food, which naturally disappointed them.

This lasted for a few days. Just when some people had no supplies and were about to be unable to survive, the country began to supply food. As long as you spent a little money, you could buy food from the country.

Due to the country's liberalization of supply, the rapidly rising food prices in the market have dropped slightly.

It only dropped a little. People saw that the country's supply was small, and realized that people would not have enough to eat, and it would be difficult to produce food in the future, so the price still would not drop too much.

Fortunately, the season of volcanic eruptions is in the autumn, and the food in the Kingdom of Jin is being harvested. When we see the volcano erupting and the volcanic ash is coming, we rush to harvest everything that can be eaten in the ground before the volcanic ash comes. In this way, at least this year's food will be returned to the warehouse, and there will be more guarantees.

An Ran bought all of his supply for this month, and after putting it into the space, he began to search for houses on the market to see if there were any cheap ones.

After almost a month, the prices of houses on the market have dropped significantly, but for An Ran now, they are still a bit expensive and require her to pay too much food, which is not cost-effective, so An Ran plans to wait a while, anyway, every day passes. , the house price will drop a little bit instead of rising, so she can afford to wait.

While An Ran was looking for a house, the time for An Ran to rent a house came. At that moment, An Ran told the landlord, checked out of the house, and left with a suitcase.

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