Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3084 Doomsday Rescue 10

The reason why An Ran no longer needs to rent an apartment is because not long ago, An Ran found a job that included room and board but no food.

The reason why I found such a job that included room and board but not food was that the job itself was dispensable to Enron. It was mainly so that I no longer had to rent a house. In addition, I could get in touch with some people and be able to provide help to others. Otherwise, If you stay in this building all day and have no contact with anyone except the residents of this building, how can you launch a rescue operation?

I have to look for opportunities to meet more people.

Although I don’t know how many companies have closed down since the volcano erupted - in fact, it will not affect operations for the time being, but many company leaders are not optimistic about the prospects and have directly closed down the company to reduce losses. Among them, food-related companies, Most of them went bankrupt - but at the same time, a large number of people returned to their hometowns from first-tier cities, so some companies that still needed people naturally lacked manpower and quickly recruited people. Enron entered such a company that did not go bankrupt, but because of its employees A company that has left a lot and can only hire people.

The company Enron found was an environmental sanitation company.

No matter how the volcano erupts or the doomsday comes, at least the order is not out of order, then people will definitely need to clean the streets. Therefore, because the sanitation company is paid by the state, not only has it not closed down, but on the contrary, it has to recruit more people. Because volcanic ash is always falling on the streets and needs to be cleaned up.

Of course, Enron didn't work as a sanitation worker in the past. After all, that kind of work was left to the elderly who couldn't find a job. If young people did it, they would be robbing the elderly of their jobs.

An Ran used to work as a clerk. The previous clerk resigned and returned to his hometown due to the volcanic eruption, so the sanitation company hired one.

The salary is not high, but the key is to be able to come into contact with a lot of people. If nothing else, there are so many sanitation workers in the company, and you can get to know a lot of people, and many of these people are from the bottom of society, and they happen to belong to Enron and need help. crowd.

This sanitation company provides accommodation, which actually means living in the office.

It is said that there will be no containment before the end of the world, but isn’t this the end of the world? In order to save money, employees no longer want to rent a house and want to save the rent to buy supplies, so the company allows employees to sleep in the office.

So everyone spread their bedding on the ground and slept like that.

Anyway, there is floor heating on the ground, so it won't be cold when sleeping on the ground.

An Ran's office was small and could only sleep two people, so An Ran slept with another girl.

The girl, like An Ran, slept in the company for the first time today. Like An Ran, she had rented a house before. Now she has canceled the rent and is planning to sleep in the company from the beginning of the new month.

When the two were sleeping and chatting at night, the girl named Sun Juan said: "Actually, it is better to sleep in the company, not only to save rent, but also for supplies. I used to go to work during the day and go back at night. I was always afraid that someone would do it when I was not at home. Entered my room and stole my supplies. I had to spend some supplies for this and asked the old lady next door to look after me. It was too troublesome. Now I'm fine. I sleep in the company and the supplies followed me to the company. , I can look at the supplies and feel more at ease.”

Sun Juan, like An Ran, was dragging a large suitcase with all the supplies inside.

What Sun Juan said is true. The reason why many migrant workers go back is because they dare not go out to work. They are afraid that if they go out to work, the supplies they buy will be stolen at home.

In this way, since I can't work safely, I might as well go back to my hometown.

Before the end of the world, no one would steal supplies. After all, it would be pointless to go through so much trouble just for this little thing.

But now, the price of supplies has risen to sky-high prices. For this little thing, it is worth the effort to steal it.

Even if the state steps up patrols, it still can't stop someone from sneaking in and stealing things while other people's homes are empty.

In this situation, many people like Sun Juan want to keep the supplies in front of them to avoid being stolen.

But when I have to go to work, how can I keep the supplies close at hand? The only option is to sleep in the company.

The company has also seen everyone's difficulties. Many people are afraid of going to work and their supplies will be stolen, so they simply don't go to work and prepare to go home. In order to retain people, they can only agree to let everyone sleep in the company. This can be regarded as a benefit. After all, at least you don’t have to rent a house.

Sun Juan also shared her collection with An Ran, a bag of potato chips.

"I used to love eating potato chips, but when the volcano erupted, I didn't have much money, so I didn't dare to buy potato chips. I only dared to buy something to fill my stomach. Alas, after eating this bag, I still can't eat potato chips." You know when you can eat again."

Since Sun Juan shared potato chips with her, An Ran naturally couldn't take advantage of others, so he also shared some snacks with her.

After listening to Sun Juan's words, she said: "Don't worry, I will make it myself when the time comes. It's hard to say anything else. I think the country will only have to grow potatoes in greenhouses and use sunlight instead of sunlight. After all, potatoes can be used as a staple food." , and it can be used as a vegetable. I’m afraid the country will vigorously promote it at this time. As long as there is a supply of potatoes, we can make our own potato chips."

What An Ran said was not false. In his original world, the country had vigorously promoted the cultivation of high-yielding crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. Although the harvest was much less than before the apocalypse, it was good to be able to supplement it.

After hearing An Ran's words, Sun Juan couldn't help but feel alive again, and said, "That's what you said, so I'll be relieved."

Generally speaking, working in a sanitation company is very easy. After all, that's all the clerk's job is, and it's not very heavy.

After get off work, I eat and sleep - in fact, An Ran is naturally practicing cultivation - because food and accommodation are all in the company and there is no commuting time, so it is good to rest.

Even if I live with others, An Ran can't take out vegetables and other things from the space to cook, so I can only eat dry food.

Of course, even if you want to cook, you just don't have the equipment. After all, the house rented by the sanitation company is a commercial and residential building without a kitchen.

In order to improve the situation of eating dry food every day, An Ran would occasionally make some instant noodles and put braised eggs and ham in them. After all, there was nothing else in the company, so there was always water.

Speaking of water, it was naturally polluted by volcanic ash and acid rain. Fortunately, the volcanic ash drifted over five days later, giving Jin Guo some time to react. During those few days, the storage equipment was activated as much as possible and a lot of water was stored.

But after all, there are too many people in first-tier cities and there is still not enough water. So now water is not supplied casually in the past. Instead, water is supplied by quotas, and water is provided on a per capita basis. A person is limited to how much water he can receive in a day. This way.

Because An Ran came to work at the sanitation company and registered his ID card, he was naturally qualified to receive water from the sanitation company.

Of course, in the long run, it is obviously unrealistic for large cities to use the previous reservoir water supply, and it is very likely that groundwater will be used in the future.

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