Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3277 I want to wear it back 26

The idea of ​​not invading other countries is right. Enron has no objection to this. However, if you think that your own land is the best, that is not necessarily the case, because God knows the various mineral resources needed for the subsequent technological development. Do the Central Plains countries in this world have many underground resources? If not, then although this land is good, it is definitely not the best.

In particular, the current development of these people in the Central Plains countries is the same as what An Ran was worried about before. They begin to think that martial arts is the most powerful, more powerful than any weapon. No weapon is as powerful as martial arts. No one intends to develop technology, one or two , all like to practice in silence, especially those with good talents, who practice day and night. No one is interested in other things in the outside world, they just want to be the best in the world.

Wen can't be first, Wu can't be second. Wu is different from Wen. Wen can't compete for first or second, but Wu can!

Because martial arts is flourishing, there are many competitions from official to private.

There are many competitions like this, with big prizes, and you can get a good reputation if you get first place. These things have further stimulated everyone's interest in practicing, leading to people only liking practicing and not being interested in other things. They even think that martial arts is the most powerful thing in the world. , which is normal.

Because in the past, the Central Plains countries sometimes had nothing to do with cavalry and were very troublesome to them. Since they gained martial arts, they are no longer afraid of cavalry. In the future, they will no longer be afraid of even the barbarians in Mobei who have always been a headache for them. Under the influence of this kind of thinking, there are also Who thinks that there can be something more powerful than martial arts in this world? No one thinks so. So even if firearms have appeared in the West at this time, there are people in the Central Plains who have seen such firearms, but no one will Keep this thing in mind, because firearms can't do anything to them - the initial attack power of firearms is indeed not good, so it's no wonder that everyone doesn't take it in mind.

If things go on like this, you can imagine how the world will be turned into by An Ran. This is not the result that An Ran wants to see. She does not want to trap the world into this.

So An Ran gave Yang Lan and the others a task, asking them to organize some people who were not very talented in cultivation but had good minds to engage in scientific research. She would pay for it. Anyway, she had been running around these years, and sometimes she saw some people who were full of evil deeds. People directly took action to solve the problem, and the money was also confiscated directly. At that time, it was considered that if such a thing happened in the future, we would intervene and the money would be needed at that time, so the time to use it was now time to save for this matter.

Due to Yang Lan and others' previous experiences, they did not dare to contact or were disgusted with contact with the opposite sex, so the people they found were naturally girls.

She was the kind of girl who had good academic performance in school but was not talented in cultivation. They were poached by them and went to the now useless new village to do scientific research.

But he said that since the girls rescued by Xincun grew up, some went out to conquer the world, some managed the world, and some were only addicted to cultivation, and a small number wanted to get married and start a family. In addition, the world was peaceful. The new girl came over, the old man grew up and left, and there were no new ones, so it was almost emptied.

Now that it is cleared, there will naturally be room to build a scientific research institute.

The reason why Enron set up the scientific research institute here is naturally to keep it secret. If any advanced things are invented in the future, the scientific and technological achievements will not be stolen.

Enron did not directly promote scientific and technological research, but planned to take a look at their research results first. Real-world technologies are slowly developed by people. If it is possible in the real world, it cannot be impossible in this world, even if the research cannot be very powerful. At least there will be some progress, and that will achieve her goal.

Of course, An Ran would also make some requests. For example, An Ran made a request right now, saying that he wanted to see if Western firearms could be improved even more. He said that Western firearms are not powerful at all at the moment, and he is not a martial arts master at all. opponent.

Yes, although An Ran does not interfere with everyone's research, she will focus on the research of military technology, lest in the future, when Western military technology develops and navigation technology becomes advanced, they come to the East and attack the Central Plains countries, and these martial arts masters from the Central Plains countries will not be able to do anything. If you are not prepared, you will fall to advanced guns.

Not to mention that An Ran arranged people to do research, but to say that as time went by, martial arts in the Central Plains countries became popular and even affected the surrounding countries. Seeing how powerful the people in the Central Plains countries were, they all came to learn martial arts, which led to many people in the surrounding countries becoming more and more powerful. .

People from the surrounding countries are not as honest as the Central Plains countries. Seeing that they are good at martial arts, they start to invade other small countries that have not practiced martial arts. In the cold weapon era, such a country where the whole country is a martial arts master will not attack other countries that have not practiced martial arts. The countries that have gone through force are dimension reduction strikes, which have made many countries around the Central Plains countries grow a lot.

Although they have grown up a lot, none of them can develop as powerful as the Central Plains countries, because the Central Plains countries have a very large territory. If all the surrounding countries develop so big, then the entire planet will belong to these countries.

Moreover, these people lower their dimensions and bully small countries that have never practiced martial arts. Sometimes they can only bully for a while. When those small countries know that they have learned martial arts from the Central Plains countries, they will send people from all the way to the Central Plains countries to practice martial arts and teach them when they return. If your countrymen practice martial arts, unless you kill all their countrymen, otherwise the other party will one day counterattack if they practice martial arts.

There are also people from the neighboring countries of the Central Plains country who have learned martial arts. Martial arts, like ripples, slowly ripples from the Central Plains country and slowly spreads to far, far away places. It is said that it has spread all over the world, but many countries already know this.

So not only everyone in the Central Plains countries practices martial arts, but also in the countries where martial arts has been introduced. After all, who is not obsessed with this kind of thing that can improve one's own strength? Just imagine that before, you could only lift more than a hundred kilograms of things, but now With internal strength, he can weigh hundreds of pounds. How can he not be tempted? Especially women who don't have much strength will undergo earth-shaking changes after gaining internal strength, which makes people easily obsessed.

As a result, not only the Central Plains countries, but other countries also fell into this national cultivation frenzy. An Ran was completely stunned when he saw this development.

Now she is really worried that teaching people to cultivate their inner strength will delay the technological development of this world.

Is this called doing bad things with good intentions?

I just hope that this trend spreads slowly and waits until Western technology is almost fully developed before it spreads.

By then, Western technology will be very powerful. Although people like martial arts, they should not be obsessed with it, and they can continue to study technology.

As long as the speed of technological development in the West is not distorted, the technological development level of the entire planet will not lag too far behind. She does not want the entire planet's technological development to lag too far behind. If aliens come one day, the planet will not be able to resist at all. No.

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