Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3278 I want to wear it back 27

If even the development of science and technology in the West has been distorted, I hope the scientific research institutes she sponsors can make some progress.

If it doesn't work, she can only intervene directly, which is a direct intervention, and the character is a bit OOC. After all, she is a monk, how can she even know such advanced technology? This doesn't fit the character.

Therefore, she could not take action unless absolutely necessary, and could only follow the indigenous people to study on their own.

Fortunately, the current research on firearms by the Academy of Science has made some progress, and the firearms are a little more powerful than the previous firearms. Although they are still useless against martial arts masters, they are still somewhat useful against people who are not talented and cannot develop much internal strength. .

An Ran compared the progress she knew about in the West, and found that it was still a little behind. This was normal. After all, these technologies here had just begun to be studied, while the entire scientific system in the West had begun long ago. Nowadays, talents I have accumulated a lot, and I naturally research very quickly.

However, there is no need to worry about the Western countries coming to the East and attacking the East. That time has not yet arrived. After all, the Central Plains countries are in the far east and are far away from the Western countries. Even if navigation technology slowly develops, the other side will first look for invasions from nearby, no Maybe even those who are close by have not yet invaded and colonized, but they have gone thousands of miles away to cause trouble.

So Enron doesn't have to worry yet.

Now An Ran has reached the Golden Core Stage. Although it is difficult to reach the Nascent Soul Stage. After all, there is no spiritual energy in this world. It would be much slower to just rely on spiritual stones to pile up, and it would also cost spiritual stones. However, in order to complete the task, An Ran I can only continue to use it.

Speaking of which, she spent a lot of life points for this task. After all, the spiritual stones were bought with life points. If the rewards of this task were not so rich, she would really be reluctant to part with it.

Fortunately, she has broken through the golden elixir stage and has at least four to five hundred years of life. Such a long time is enough for her to take her time.

Yang Lan and others are also old - compared to the average life span of this era - fortunately, An Ran nourishes their spiritual energy, so they are still in good health, and it is estimated that it will not be a problem to live to seventy or eighty years old.

But... they will still die after all, and after a while, they will be older. If she asks them to help her with something, they will not be able to help her.

Yang Lan and other first group of people were rescued by An Ran with his own hands, and they were also the people who were closest to An Ran. If these people disappeared, it would be quite troublesome for An Ran to find someone to do things in the future. Fortunately, An Ran now has a golden elixir cultivator. For, if you really want to do something in the future, it will not be difficult to control who can help you.

So seeing that Yang Lan and others were getting older, An Ran worried about the manpower problem in the future, but after only worrying for a while, An Ran put it aside and prepared to take it step by step.

However, Yang Lan and others also realized this problem and offered to help An Ran find someone to take over the secular affairs.

An Ran refused and said: "It's no different now than it was a few decades ago. It was a troubled time at that time. I saved you, but you don't want to get married anymore. In addition, you are grateful, so you follow me and help me wholeheartedly. But now , it is a peaceful and prosperous age, and every household has enough food and warm clothes, who would be willing to help me like this. Of course, there must be someone willing to help me with things. After all, who wouldn’t be willing to hear that the gods are looking for someone to do things? But, already I am not as pure as you, and will be mixed with worldly interests. Some people may even use me as a backer, use my banner to dominate outside, and affect my reputation. I don’t want to waste time identifying who. Who is good or bad, so forget it, I don’t have much to do now anyway. The only regret is that there is no spiritual energy in this world. Otherwise, if I teach you some methods, you can live longer. This question is solved."

At that moment, An Ran gave Yang Lan and others a life-extending pill, and said: "This is a life-extending pill, but as an ordinary person who has not practiced cultivation, if he takes it, he will at most be free from illness and disaster, and live a long life." I want to live longer, but I can’t.”

Yang Lan and others said: "We are very satisfied to live a hundred years. The current prosperous age was also brought about by you, Immortal Chief. Without you teaching everyone martial arts, and without you setting up illusions and driving away the barbarians, how could we have done it?" In today’s prosperous age, we can see such good days for a few more decades, it’s already very, very good.”

In fact, An Ran is right. Although the world is peaceful now, it is not too hard for everyone to practice martial arts, farm and so on. Everyone can live a good life casually, but there are still many people who want to live forever.

Because many people know that the illusion of the ghost village was created by an immortal, so in recent years, countless people have wanted to contact An Ran and get the method of cultivation from her to live forever. They told An Ran that there is no such thing in this world. If they can't practice spiritual energy, they don't believe it at all. After all, if there is no spiritual energy and they can't practice, how can the immortal master practice?

It is said that something comes from the upper world. There is spiritual energy in the body, so it automatically increases like cultivating internal energy. Who are you kidding? No one believes it anyway. Even if it is true, people will choose not to believe it. Just think Get in touch with An Ran so that you can inherit the immortal magic.

You must know that Song Qin and Mr. Liu were already tempted by An Ran's magic, and it was impossible for others not to be tempted.

Although Song Qin and Mr. Liu have disappeared in the long river of troubled times, there are still many latecomers who hold the same idea. After all, who doesn't want to live forever? From ancient times to the present, there are many people who want to live forever.

It's a pity that Yang Lan, Fourth Sister Yu and others who have direct contact with An Ran are not good enough, and their martial arts skills are high, and they also have the defensive charms given by An Ran. It is difficult to kidnap them. Often, the person who takes action has not succeeded yet. Discovered by Yang Lan and others, they were made worse than dead.

In this way, no matter whether they are soft or hard, no one can do anything to them. It is simply impossible to ask them to take them to the immortal leader.

Moreover, Yang Lan, Yu Sijie and others lived in the old village. Except for the woman who suffered with them at the beginning, there was no one else. Later, after the world became peaceful, no one joined them anymore, which made people want to sneak in and attack Yang Lan and Yu Si. It is impossible for my sister and others to do anything.

It is normal for Yang Lan, Fourth Sister Yu and others to refuse to accept the offer, because they still remember the betrayal of Song Qin and Gao Ping back then. They do not want to betray An Ran again and let An Ran take them back from the past. The village pops up, causing them to lose this safe place.

Although the world is peaceful now, it is reasonable to think that the outside is safe, but this safety is not that safety. The safety they talk about is actually an environment where no one will disturb them, because they have been hurt, and they still like to live in this paradise where no one will disturb them. , the thought of being ejected, and the peace would be lost by then, Yang Lan and others could not accept it, so naturally they would not be easily coaxed into bringing the other party to the old village to see An Ran.

So even if they don't live in the old village and can't be found by outsiders, even if outsiders can find them, they won't be deceived.

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