Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3279 I want to wear it back 28

If you don't find Yang Lan and others, find the girls who were later rescued by Yang Lan and others, and use them to threaten An Ran to show up, it would be almost impossible. First of all, An Ran doesn't have that deep relationship with them. Using them to threaten them is also a threat. Secondly, those girls were the ones who conquered the world back then, and now they are in high positions. I want to use them to threaten An Ran. How can I get it? Besides, this is still the era of rule of law. If you want to do these things, you must never expose them. Otherwise, it is a dead word, so there are very few people who dare to take risks and can take risks.

As time went by, when Yang Lan and the first group of people who followed An Ran got older and gradually stopped showing up, many people said that they might have passed away, and it became more difficult to find An Ran's people.

Although they all know that there is a ghost village in this world, they can't get in without the jade token, and they don't know where the place is, so even if they covet it and can't get in, there is nothing they can do.

So even though many years have passed, I still have the determination to find An Ran and see if he can practice the art of immortality, but I have tried my best to find him.

Among them, there are many newly wealthy and powerful families.

Although there is no emperor in the Central Plains country now, and under the new social system, the society is relatively fair, but no matter how fair the society is, there will still be wealthy and powerful families.

Ordinary civilians, after hearing about immortals, may want to live forever, but they know that they cannot find immortals, so they may forget about it. But in these rich and powerful families, once the head of the family has a good life, he wants to live a better life. After a long time, I naturally wanted to find an immortal and get the magic of immortality.

In the past, when people sought immortality, they had never seen an immortal. If they couldn't find it, they would forget about it. Now, in their world, there is obviously an immortal. There is an immortal. Naturally, they can't bear to do it when there is an immortal. It’s normal for people who don’t have the magic of immortality to try their best, and many of them take desperate risks and embark on illegal and criminal activities.

In this regard, An Ran is happy to see this happen, because An Ran does not want to see the class slowly solidifying in this world. Since some people are looking for death, An Ran is happy to play with them.

So from time to time, some wealthy and powerful families were exposed for illegal and criminal activities, and were eventually punished.

Because every once in a while, there are always some people who like to seek death, so from time to time, a group of wealthy and powerful families will leave, leaving behind the power or market (because some people who seek death are powerful people, But sometimes the people who commit suicide are rich people) and there will naturally be people to fill the vacuum. This ensures to a certain extent that people at the bottom have a way to rise, which is conducive to social stability.

Although there are always people who seek death and fall, no one who is late will remember this lesson. There are still people who continue to commit suicide one after another. It is not that the latecomers cannot remember the lesson, but that immortality is too attractive and people cannot bear it. Live and die.

Especially those in power in some families who have not handed over power to the next generation even when they are old, but still hold it firmly in their own hands. Such people generally have a strong desire for power, and the more powerful they are, the less they want to die. , and wanted to borrow another five hundred years from heaven to keep control of everything, so he wanted to find the art of immortality. He also wanted to be able to be a master after living forever, instead of going to the underworld to report, and everything would disappear.

Therefore, it is easy for such people to commit suicide. When they get old, if they don't want to die, they will easily find ways to find An Ran, until they finally commit suicide.

Not mentioning the people who went to die one after another, they said that time passed very quickly. Although An Ran gave him the life-extending pills, Yang Lan and other people who had been in contact with An Ran still passed away one after another. In addition to An Ran's training place, the old village There is no one else.

An Ran sometimes looked at it and thought about the people who accompanied him, leaving one by one, which made him feel a little sad, but there was nothing he could do about it, this was something that all monks would encounter.

Otherwise, for those who are new to the immortal path, some people will ask the monks to cut off their mortal ties. They are afraid that some people will miss the mortal world and be affected by the people and things in the mortal world, causing the monks to have inner demons and unable to break through the realm.

That is to say, An Ran, who has practiced countless times in countless worlds, is no longer afraid of inner demons, so he does not cut off the worldly ties.

After Yang Lan waited for the old man to leave, An Ran's worldly connections were reduced, so she concentrated on practicing without any distractions. She didn't care much about the affairs of the Academy of Sciences, and handed a batch of jade tablets to the dean of the Academy of Sciences, asking her to recruit If someone passes the assessment, a batch will be sent out. If someone is a spy and sends her a message, she will receive it and deal with it when she has time, but she almost never shows up again.

As she concentrated on her cultivation, time passed very quickly, and not long after, there were rapid changes outside.

Soon, Westerners discovered this big Eastern country. Compared with reality, because everyone in the Eastern big country has martial arts and advanced social systems, although they discovered it and were curious, no one dared to do anything to the Central Plains country for a while.

But they soon discovered that in the Central Plains countries, although everyone practiced martial arts and had high individual force values, thermal weapons were not powerful. Even if they fought alone, they could not defeat the people of the Central Plains countries. But if they sent an army and brought enough guns, Cannons may not be able to defeat them.

So as their understanding became deeper and deeper, the Westerners, who coveted this vast land and market, wanted to turn the Central Plains countries into their own colonies. After all, how much money would it cost to turn such a large area into a colony?

Unlike now, if they trade fairly, they earn too little! This obviously dissatisfied them. After all, they preferred to trade without capital, so they naturally wanted to use force to turn the Central Plains countries into their own colonies.

But you can't hit people as soon as you come up. You still have to show your skills - that is, find a reason to hit people.

So they started to stir up trouble, repeatedly causing troubles over trade issues, accusing the Central Plains countries of being bad in trade, and making the Central Plains countries confused.

However, the Central Plains countries have been in the imperial dynasty for a long time. After seeing these red-haired devils saying such nonsense, they are too lazy to pay attention to them. Anyway, if you think it is not good to trade with our country, then I will not do your trade. Anyway, our country’s market Dad, we can live well without you, just like we lived before you came.

As a result, they are not on the same channel as the people from the Central Plains countries at all. They just want to stir up trouble, so how can they just let it go just because you ignore them? No, because of trade issues, they have been stirring up trouble for a long time. , they began to threaten them with force, saying that some Central Plains country had done something to them and they wanted to retaliate with force.

After this combination of punches, the common people in the Central Plains countries, who had been comfortable for a long time and had never been dealt with like this, were confused and couldn't figure out what these red-haired fans were thinking.

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