Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3301 Everyone has a system 13

In fact, it’s not that the top management of the base in City A has no vision and sent people to open up the transportation between the two places early. In fact, the base in City A has already sent people to clean up the zombies on this road. It’s just that from the base in City A to the arsenal in the neighboring city, there is a gap in between. We need to pass through the city center of City A. There are many zombies in the city center, so everyone is slow to clean up.

Of course, if you don’t want to go through the city center, you can also take a detour, but if you take a long detour, it is not cost-effective, because you have to go around in a big circle, and then the team will consume a lot more fuel. What should I do if I run out of oil? You must know that in the end of the world, gasoline will be used less and less, and it cannot be wasted carelessly.

Also, if you take a detour, those roads are not as wide as the main roads in the city center, and the quality is not as good as the roads in the city center. I am afraid that they will not be able to hold up after a long time. After all, the ammunition is very heavy.

Therefore, the base in City A had sent people to clean up the city center before, just to open up the most difficult section of the road.

After such a long time, it has been cleared - thanks to many players who like to earn points. They like to go to places where there are many zombies to fight zombies to earn points, and the city center obviously meets this condition - clearing the roadblocks, this It was just put on the agenda.

Regarding Zombie Rising, this is not just the imagination of the base and Enron, but it is really possible.

It is normal for this kind of thing to happen - there are so many people gathered in the base of City A, and the zombies must be able to smell such a strong human smell. In this wide place, the human smell can carry far away with the wind. Zombies can smell it from far away, and then they will come to the base of City A due to the motivation of eating.

Although the people at the base have eliminated a lot of zombies, City A is a big city with a population of tens of millions. Even if the people at the base have eliminated a lot of zombies, it is impossible to eliminate so many zombies in a short time. Insufficient, because there are not enough survivors in the military, and ordinary people are afraid of danger, and not many people are willing to join the rescue team. Therefore, the rescue team is short of manpower and cannot eliminate all zombies at the same time; secondly, more importantly, there is the problem of ammunition. There are not enough Ammunition can eliminate so many zombies, so even though An Ran and the others go out to clean up zombies every day, they are actually cleaning up in a targeted manner, such as searching for survivors around them. During the search, they clean up the zombies along the way; they need to open up the way to the arsenal. roads, so we cleaned up the zombies on the main road in the city center.

In other words, there are still many zombies that have not been cleaned up in the entire city A. These zombies smelled the smell of a large number of living people in the base of city A, so they naturally came here. From the satellite view, there were many zombies at this time. They gathered around the A city base.

So it is urgent to open the passage to the arsenal quickly and get a lot of ammunition. Once you get a lot of ammunition, you can kill all these zombies. Don't worry about not having enough ammunition, just save it.

Although the cleanup was troublesome, the road to the arsenal went smoothly. Five days later, the task was completed. When the prompt sounded, one of the anonymous players loaded up the ammunition obtained from the arsenal and came back. On the way, while resting, prepare to kill Enron.

This person is also an old player. He has completed a mission. He has a prop that can confuse people's vision. He wants to confuse other people's vision, and then kill An Ran in public without them seeing it. .

He had seen it on the ranking list. This Lu Anran had a lot of points, and he could advance a lot by killing him.

Although this woman Mucang is very good at magic, he might not miss it if he is not careful, but he got a powerful one-time attack item in his last mission. He thought he could try it. Anyway, if it failed, it would only be frozen for a month. Not being allowed to enter the game is not a big deal. On the contrary, if you win, you can get a lot of points.

Soon, taking advantage of the fact that others couldn't see him, the man planned to use a restraining tool to immobilize An Ran, and then throw a small ball.

This small ball is a disposable prop. It is said that after the target is selected, it will release a high voltage of 10,000 volts to electrocute the target. In this way, no one will be alarmed at all. When the rescue team arrived, they saw that An Ran died suddenly, and the cause of death was strange. Although it would be strange, since the murderer could not be found, we had no choice but to leave it alone.

Although it is a game, there is no way to hit the target by selecting it. Otherwise, other players don't have to worry about whether the Mucang method is good or not, they can just select the zombie and hit it.

Therefore, in order to hit An Ran, it is natural to use immobilization props to immobilize the person first, and then use this small ball to kill him.

The reason why he didn't kill An Ran directly with Mucang was that he was afraid that Mucang would be injured and not expose his identity as the murderer; secondly, he was also afraid that Anron had self-defense tools and Mucang's attack power was too weak to kill him. , so he used this small ball.

The attack power of this small ball is quite powerful, much more powerful than the immobilization prop made by the anonymous person before. Logically speaking, it will definitely succeed.

This person had a good idea. If An Ran didn't have defensive items on his body, he would have succeeded.

But Enron had earned a lot of points in the past few days. He was afraid that these players would have bad intentions towards him, so he spent all his points early and exchanged them for a powerful self-defense item. In addition, in addition to the self-defense items in the game, he also carried a defensive talisman with him. , this is something produced in her own system, so it is placed on the second level. If the items redeemed by game points cannot bear it, there are defensive talismans that can; and if the items redeemed by game points can bear it, the defensive talisman can. Save it.

At that moment, An Ran listened to the prompts from the game system. After the anonymous person attacked her, the props that she exchanged with game points were destroyed, and even the defensive talisman was destroyed. With a layer of protection, I'm afraid the opponent will really succeed.

Seeing that the other party used a prop that can confuse other people's sight, the attack on himself will not be discovered by the rescue team. In other words, if he attacks the other party, he will also not be discovered by the rescue team. He immediately misses this one and is horrified. Then, the anonymous person who was about to escape froze, and then used Zhang Honglei Talisman to electrocute the opponent to death.

The reason why there were two players, both named Anonymous, and she hit the wrong person was because the sight-confusion prop used by Anonymous had a range of use, so the other player was very close to An Ran, and the other player took out a small The ball hit her and she saw it.

The player who was about to escape couldn't help but be surprised to see that An Ran was not only not beaten to death by the ball, but was still able to move - he also didn't know that An Ran was wearing a puzzle-breaking necklace, and the thing he was holding was useless to An Ran, so he just Those who want to run away think that An Ran is stabilized. Even if he fails to kill anyone, he will definitely escape if he runs away. Once he escapes and leaves the base of City A, he will be like a fish entering the sea, and An Ran will not be able to find him.

Unexpectedly, An Ran was not immobilized and could still fight back, so he never understood why until his death.

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