Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3371 Ancient Orphan 35

After hearing this, the fifth prince couldn't help but hesitate and said: "What, can I practice it? Can your family's secret book be passed on to others?"

After all, relying on others for protection is not as good as having the ability yourself.

What's more, he thinks it's so cool that An Ran can fly, and he wants to learn it.

In the past, An Ran was very good at beating people, and he didn't feel much about it. After all, he didn't like fighting, but today, seeing this light skill, he was really envious.

An Ran said: "There's nothing that can't be spread. However, your bones are not very good, but if you are willing to endure hardship, it's not impossible to practice. But, can you endure the hardship?"

The fifth prince thought that An Ran would get up early every morning and run several laps around the palace circuit. Then he thought about himself. He was exhausted after running around with her. Then after breakfast, he would start meditating. Sometimes he would meditate for a whole day. All day long.

The fifth prince felt that if he practiced on his own, he might not be able to bear the intensity. Forget about running, who could bear to sit all day long?

So when An Ran said this, the fifth prince immediately gave up the idea of ​​practicing martial arts. He thought, forget it. As long as An Ran is good, he will not practice. Otherwise, with this intensity, he will not be able to withstand it.

If he was the kind of person who endures hardships and stands hard work, he would have competed with other princes for the throne. It is precisely because he does everything carelessly and just gets by that he has no ambition.

The fifth prince gave up, which was within An Ran's expectation, so he didn't find it surprising.

Just when An Ran and the two were hiding in the house and were relatively safe, something finally changed in Jingli.

The third prince launched a copycat version of the Xuanwu Gate Revolution and also wanted to seize the throne.

But... although the third prince had good abilities, he was obviously not as powerful as Li Erfeng, and he was not as lucky as him. His copycat version of the Xuanwu Gate Revolution ultimately failed.

In fact, it is normal. Since the Xuanwu Gate Incident occurred in history, many emperors have realized that in addition to preventing ministers from usurping the throne, even their own sons cannot rest assured. If they are not well prepared, they will end up in trouble in the future. Erfeng's father followed the same path, so since Li Erfeng succeeded, other emperors knew to be on guard against this. If any of their sons wanted to do such a thing, they would suppress the other emperor.

This is also the reason why the emperor dealt with the eldest prince and several other princes.

The third prince actually knew that he was not as well-prepared as Li Erfeng in history, but he couldn't bear it any longer, because after the autumn hunt, the emperor deliberately asked him to go here and there, which increased the risk of him being assassinated. If this continued , his life will definitely be lost.

Since the emperor no longer had a father-son affection for him, he naturally no longer had a father-son affection for the emperor. Even though he knew that the preparations were not sufficient at the moment, he was afraid that he would die if he continued to grind, so the third prince still started in advance.

When revolting, the third prince thought, no wonder many princes in history were forced to revolt. Sometimes they really had no choice. If they didn't take action, they would die. In this case, even if the preparations were hasty, they could only revolt. .

If it goes well for him this time, that's it. If it doesn't go well, he will probably be laughed at like those unsuccessful princes in history. He wants to make changes in the Xuanwu Sect even though he has no ability. But like those princes, he is actually no solution anymore.

This time the rebellion really failed as the third prince thought.

There was no way, the emperor still held great power, especially the Forbidden Army, and controlled it very well. Although the third prince also bribed some of the Forbidden Army, and even bribed people from the Beijing Camp to help, he was still not as prepared as his father.

It is estimated that his father, after realizing that these princes were a threat to him, made preparations for how he would deal with being forced into the palace. Therefore, the third prince who is not well prepared will fail against the well prepared emperor. It's normal.

However, the third prince knew that if he forced the palace to rebel, he might end up worse than the eldest prince if he failed. Therefore, before the failure, the third prince, who refused to admit defeat, commanded the Imperial Army who also knew that the fate of the eldest prince would be miserable if they lost. They resisted stubbornly and could not be killed. There were few people, and for a while, the smell of blood floated over the capital.

In the end, the third prince failed.

The third prince, who did not want to be caught and executed by the emperor, committed suicide directly.

Many of the Imperial Guards who followed him also committed suicide, leaving only a small number who surrendered under the illusion that they could escape.

Although the emperor was furious because of the third prince forcing his way into the palace, seeing that the third prince was dead, he didn't know if it was because he thought of the father-son relationship again after his son's death, and he treated the third prince and his family lightly again.

Instead of dragging the third prince to have his corpse whipped, he was given a proper burial.

He didn't kill the third prince's family, he just deposed him as a commoner, and everyone in the house became commoners, so he let them go.

The emperor probably also thought that death is the most important thing, and when a person dies, everything disappears.

The eldest prince was deposed and the third prince died. All of a sudden, the two extremely competitive princes disappeared. The remaining princes had a greater chance of success. So after the third prince died, the other princes The battle for the throne was not intimidated by the tragic failure of the third prince to seize the throne. On the contrary, it became more and more intense.

Among them, the second prince gradually became favored by various families.

It's easy to do this.

As the eldest son, the eldest prince was the most likely to be crowned prince. After all, there are direct descendants and there are no direct eldest sons. As the eldest prince, some people believe in the saying "There is no direct eldest son." If you follow him, you will naturally have certain rights. The advantages.

However, now that the eldest prince has been deposed, the second prince has become the "iron-directed eldest son" in the sense of inheritance, so it is normal for him to be favored by various families.

In fact, in addition to having no direct lineage, there is also the theory of standing up to a virtuous person. However, isn’t the third prince quite capable? Now that he is dead, others will not dare to come forward and say who meets the term of having no direct lineage to establish a virtuous person, lest Mucang will fight. The first bird, after all, "having no direct descendants" is safer and in line with etiquette.

I don’t know if the death of the third prince made the emperor a little sad. Now the second prince and the fourth prince were released. The second prince can continue to move outside. This is also the reason why the second prince is favored by various families at this time. , because if you have to be imprisoned by the emperor forever, even if it is not under house arrest, it is almost the same, and the possibility of ascending to the throne is low. After all, the emperor still has considerable control. It is not easy for the people who are imprisoned by him to ascend to the throne. thing.

But now that the second prince has been released, there is no need to worry that the emperor will keep him under house arrest, so it is normal for some people to be optimistic about the second prince. After all, among the remaining princes, the fourth prince is pretty good, but not as good as the third prince. Moreover, he is not the eldest son; needless to say, the fifth prince is a useless person; the sixth and seventh princes are quite capable, but they are young and their power has not yet formed a climate, that is, the second prince has formed a climate, and is The "eldest son" has the hope of rising to the top, so it is normal for everyone to choose him to follow him.

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