Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3372 Ancient Orphan 36

Although some people are optimistic about the second prince, after what happened to the third prince before, the second prince can be said to be a bit dissatisfied. He is afraid that a lot of people will support him, which will attract his father and other princes to target him. He does not want to fall into this situation. The eldest brother and the third child ended up like each other, so for now (on the surface) they avoided suspicion with everyone and lived in seclusion in their own homes.

He has now discovered that living in seclusion is not enough. He also has to cut ties with other people. Otherwise, his father will not understand it. There are ways to call him out and have people assassinate him like he did to the third child. I was so anxious that I could only force the palace to survive.

Speaking of which, my father's method is not very clever, but it is quite effective. If I don't deal with it well, I will be the next one forced to take action.

As for the father, he was quite innocent because he did not attack his son directly.

Thinking of this, the second prince's feelings for the emperor, and as time passed, the emperor's actions towards the eldest prince and the third prince became lighter and weaker. I deeply realized that in the Tian family, there was no father-son affection at all, but only Calculation, the poison of man and tiger will not eat his son, but his father, in order to prevent problems with the throne, obviously no longer has any feelings for his son.

That's right. People have so many sons. If they have more sons, they are no longer rare. Even if several of them die, there will still be many. What are you afraid of?

Maybe he will only be afraid one day when his son is almost dead.

However, it is not easy to kill most of the princes and prevent the emperor from doing this to the remaining sons, because the other princes are not fools, even if they themselves are fools, their mothers, concubines and maternal family, Not a fool either.

Take Lao Wu, for example, he has always been quite silly and sweet, but his maternal Wang family is quite powerful. No one has ever found anything wrong, and he has never been caught when he attacks others.

His mother-in-law was quite capable. Apart from getting him a wife, she probably made some jokes out of impatience. Normally, she was still very scheming and sent many people to take good care of Lao Wu.

For example, the last time the third son was assassinated, there was a prince. Due to poor care, in that incident, he was killed or injured by the assassin. Those who were not injured, and many of his capable guards (dead soldiers) also died. , but as for Lao Wu, nothing happened at all, and not even a few of his guards died.

Seeing that Lao Wu was so inconspicuous, in the end, the losses in this assassination were the least, which was enough to show that Lao Wu's strength was actually quite good, but he just didn't notice it at ordinary times.

——The second prince didn’t know that it was because of An Ran’s strength that he made such a guess.

With such strength, it would be difficult to kill Lao Wu.

The same goes for other princes.

And if he couldn't kill most people, it wouldn't be able to deter his father. After all, he still had several sons, so his father was not afraid of killing his sons.

Therefore, this plan will not work.

Since most of the princes could not be killed and they could not be forced into the palace, what else could the second prince do in order to survive? He could only try to distance himself from those people, for fear of being targeted by the emperor, like he did to the third child. From time to time, he would be taken out for a walk while hiding in the Prince's Mansion.

Now that the autumn hunting has passed, although he can no longer be allowed to hunt in the autumn, his father can get him some imperial errands and let him go on inspection tours in other places. In this way, on the surface, he seems to value himself, but secretly, he travels far away. Traveling across mountains and rivers, assassination is simply not easy.

And he didn't want to die, so seeing that he was the most popular at the moment, he was very worried, fearing that the emperor would treat him like the third child.

The second prince's coward policy seemed to be working, and the emperor didn't bother him for the time being.

But what can be expected is that once the second prince shows his intention to run a business, the emperor will probably kill him.

In fact, the emperor never thought about killing all his sons. After all, they are his own blood, right? As long as they are honest and don't run any influence, then he can be a loving father.

But these sons are not easy to worry about. One or two of them are trying every means to expand their power. He doesn't want to be the second Erfeng's father, so he has to be careful.

Just like before, he thought that Lao Wu was the least to worry about. However, in the last assassination incident, Lao Wu's power was best preserved, and his subordinates even killed many assassins. What does this mean? It means that Lao Wu is hiding his power!

Even a son like Lao Wu, whom he thought was stupid and sweet, was like this. Who else could he trust?

——The fifth prince probably never thought that An Ran killed so many assassins. He just thought that his life was saved, which was great. However, in the eyes of other princes and his father, he was unfathomable. You know what he would do to them. To create such an impression, he was afraid that An Ran would kill a few fewer people and get slightly injured to dispel their doubts.

The reason why we didn't do this at that time was because there were other princes who didn't have any trouble. Since there were other princes who didn't have any trouble, then nothing happened to him, and it wasn't abnormal at all, so I didn't expect this.

And since the emperor was afraid of the fifth prince, he would naturally pay attention to him.

The emperor, who had never arranged any errands for the fifth prince, suddenly gave him an errand today, asking him to supervise the construction of the imperial mausoleum.

Although they are not too far away, they have left the capital. In the suburbs of the capital, if one is not careful, one can encounter assassins sent by other princes.

Although the fifth prince has always been known for his lack of ambition, the dead are the safest, so no matter whether he is ambitious or not, others will find trouble for him. If he leaves the capital, they will also send people to assassinate him.

Especially in the previous assassination incident, the fifth prince escaped unscathed, which has made many people more vigilant. I am afraid there will be many people sent to assassinate him this time.

The fifth prince was still unaware of the emperor's sinister intentions. He only thought that the emperor did not mean it, but he did not expect that doing so would put him in danger. After all, he felt that he had no ambition and was not taken seriously by others, so his father should not be afraid of him. Naturally, he would not harm him intentionally.

In fact, the emperor didn't want him to die this time. He just wanted to test his strength and get a feel for it. That's why he was in the suburbs of Beijing. Otherwise, if he wanted to kill him, he would have to send him to other places as an imperial envoy. , then any bandit who is deployed can kill him.

Now in the suburbs of Beijing, although there may be dangers, it is close to the capital - about a hundred kilometers - if Lao Wu encounters a danger that he cannot withstand, he can have his subordinates inform the Wang family in Beijing, and the Wang family must rush If you are fast, you can save Lao Wu. After all, the people around Lao Wu are very skilled. After dealing with others, it will not be a problem to hold on for a few hours.

Because of this consideration, the emperor found the fifth prince an errand in the suburbs of Beijing, just to test his abilities.

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