Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 361 The imperial concubine was counterattacked 19

A country can't live without a king for a day, so this battle is destined not to drag on for too long. One day a month later, the eldest prince was poisoned to death. People from the eldest prince's faction jumped up and said that it was someone from the third prince's maternal family who did it. Naturally, the third prince's wife did not admit it. At the same time, she secretly rejoiced that her family had a chance to win. However, it was a pity that the third prince's wife was not happy for long. Soon, something happened to the third prince and he was also poisoned. This time, the third prince's wife was also poisoned. Everyone said that it was someone from the eldest prince's faction who did it, but just like before, the people from the eldest prince's faction naturally didn't admit it.

This matter will definitely not be settled like this. The bickering between the two factions continues, but the bickering is a bickering. Now that the eldest prince and the three princes are in trouble, Emperor Yongping only has one prince left, the second prince. Although he is a sick man, At this time, I can only make do with it.

So under circumstances that no one expected, the Second Prince, who had neither backing nor many supporters, came to power - and what people didn't know was that many of the Second Prince's few supporters were from An Ran.

After the dust settled, An Ran was naturally happy with the result, but Fang Huike was disappointed.

After discussing with her family that day, Fang Hui decided to support the eldest prince.

It's normal for Fang Hui to want to support the eldest prince. After all, the third prince's maternal family is too powerful. Fang Hui wants to support the third prince. When the third prince becomes emperor in the future, the third prince's mother and concubine will definitely not treat her as their former favorite with the support of her natal family. The concubine takes it seriously, and she might even cause trouble for herself because of the fact that she is favored now. But if the eldest prince ascends the throne, the eldest prince will not have a powerful maternal family, and his natal family background will be much stronger by then. , she can control the eldest prince, and then in the palace, although she is not the queen mother, as long as she can control the eldest prince, she is almost as good as the queen mother, and then she can continue to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Who knew that the eldest prince would be killed, causing her investment to go to waste. The only good thing is that the tricks she did against the third prince were not discovered by the people on the third prince's side, otherwise she would not be able to do it in the future. If she couldn't eat it, she had to walk away - at this time, she thought that the third prince would be the one to take the throne, so she thought this way.

As a result, things took another turn, and the third prince also died. Now it was better, and the second prince took over.

This made her a bit happy. After all, the third prince had nothing to do with her, so it didn't matter if the second prince ascended the throne. Although the second prince was not close to her, at least she didn't have a powerful maternal wife around her, so she still had something to do. Space, so can Fang Hui be unhappy?

In fact, not only Fang Hui thinks this way, but other ministers also think so. They all think that the second prince has a blank sheet of paper around him. He has more supporters than the eldest prince and the third prince. He has a better chance of rising to the top, so he is interested in a position where he can be close to the second prince. ,very intense competition.

Fortunately, An Ran has arranged capable people around the second prince. Otherwise, the second prince himself is too young, no matter how smart he is, he cannot understand politics, and the second prince’s mother-in-law has no ability. Suddenly, she encountered this group of people who were swarming up to fawn. People are probably in a state of confusion and don’t know what to do.

But because someone from the An Ran faction gave some advice, even though the second prince was young, he still didn't cause any trouble, and no one took advantage of him.

Seeing that the second prince acted in a disciplined manner despite his young age, the ministers could not help but be surprised. They secretly thought that this prince, who had been ignored all this time, did not expect that he could be so mature and prudent at such a young age. If given time, he would really be something extraordinary.

And because there were people from An Ran around to give guidance, Fang Hui wanted to get close to him, and it was difficult to win the favor of the second prince. However, Fang Hui did not suspect that anyone was playing tricks, she just thought that since the second prince was proclaimed emperor, there were many people around him. There are too many people to fawn over, so it’s normal for me to be unable to join in for a while.

The only thing that made her unhappy was that the second prince's mother and concubine were not here, so there was no queen mother in the palace. There was no queen mother, so it would be nice not to have to pay personal greetings every day in the future. However, she didn't know who around the second prince had the bad idea about what the harem needed. Some people maintain that the highest-ranking person in the palace is the Imperial Concubine. It is better for the Imperial Concubine to temporarily hold the Phoenix Seal. When the emperor gets married and there is a queen in the palace, the Imperial Concubine can then return the Phoenix Seal. That’s it.

This suggestion made her angry and her liver ached, but the little emperor felt that it was quite right. He felt that it was impossible to have an unmanaged harem, so he agreed!

It was normal for Fang Hui to be so angry that her liver ached when she heard the news, because in the past few years, she was the most proud person in the palace. Although she was not the queen, her status in the palace was comparable to that of the queen. No one else I dare not ignore her.

Moreover, it was clearly agreed before Emperor Yongping passed away that she would be made the queen. Even if Emperor Yongping passed away, it stands to reason that she would become the queen mother and the person in charge of the harem.

Well now, Emperor Yongping just passed away, because Emperor Yongping was a little slow and did not issue the imperial edict. As a result, although everyone knew that she was the queen, because there was no confirmation of the imperial edict, she wanted to tell the young emperor now. , she is the Queen Mother, and she is the one who should hold the Phoenix Seal. It is difficult. After all, she is not stupid. She knows that she has no name for saying this. If she really says it, a lot of people will criticize her, and maybe the minister in front of her will attack her. If you say that you deceived the emperor and ignored your superiors, and you want to punish yourself for your sins, that would be bad.

So seeing An Ran take charge of Feng Yin, Fang Hui was so angry that her liver ached, but there was nothing she could do. This helpless feeling reminded her of the day when she sent people to deal with An Ran, and An Ran would only say harsh words in her own room. , but didn't show any signs of action, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking that things have really changed. At that time, he said that Sun Anran could only say harsh words, but now he is not as good as her, because she doesn't even dare to say harsh words. , after all, she is a cautious person, unlike Sun Anran, who is so nervous and dares to say whatever she wants. She is afraid that she will say something cruel like Sun Anran and spread it outside, so she should not bring any trouble to herself. After all, she planted spies in other people's palaces, and now it's her fault. Naturally, she is also worried about others planting spies in her own palace, and her words will be spread out.

Fang Hui didn't know who made this suggestion, but An Ran certainly knew who it could be, and it wasn't someone who helped make it.

Not only Fang Hui didn't know, but Jin Xia didn't know either. When Jin Xia saw such a big pie falling on his young lady's head, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, thinking that it was great that the emperor died. Not only did his young lady's life not change after the emperor died, It's bad, but it's getting better, so he happily said to An Ran: "Miss, our life is really getting better and better."

An Ran smiled and said: "The days are supposed to get better and better."

Jin Xia secretly thought, that's not necessarily true. Although it stands to reason that as long as everyone works hard, life should indeed get better and better, but the reality is always cruel. Some people still get worse and worse, such as Fang Guifei. Isn't that the case? She was so proud before, but what about now? Since the death of the late emperor, her life has been difficult. Compared with before, her life now is like flying down the river three thousand feet.

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