Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 362 The imperial concubine was counterattacked 20

There are many people who did not expect An Ran to turn around, not just this summer, but also many people, such as the people in the imperial dining room who listened to Fang Hui's orders and attacked An Ran and fed An Ran bad food and bad food, and those who gave An Ran rotten food. Everyone in Ye Zi's Ministry of Internal Affairs became frightened when they saw that An Ran had turned over.

At that time, they laughed at An Ran's harsh words but did not take any practical actions. Now, they are better. They have turned around. I am afraid that their harsh words can actually be translated into actual actions. So, can everyone not be afraid? ?

If there was no movement at that time, they could still take chances and think that Princess Sun Huanggui might not do anything to them. But at that time, Sun Anran had publicized what they had done everywhere, and they had publicized it in this way. Is it possible that Enron, which has become more developed, will let them go? After all, people have been saying that before. If I didn't deal with them then, I couldn't deal with them. Now that I can deal with them, if I still don't deal with them, wouldn't it be a loss of face?

It's not that they thought too much, but the reality was indeed not optimistic. One of the most obvious signs was that they knew the situation was not good, so they sent people to Princess Sun's palace to plead for mercy. No matter how many gifts they gave, they would not be confiscated.

If the gift is accepted, there should be room for change. But if the gift is taken away, it is even more terrible. I am afraid that there is no room for change. So it is no wonder that these people feel that their good days are over.

The people who did not want to be driven away by An Ran from such a good place like the imperial dining room started to bite each other one by one, biting Fang Hui out, and swore that it was Concubine Fang who ordered them to do these things. An Ran was able to let them go, seeing that they were also forced to do so by the powerful Concubine Fang at the time.

These words reached Fang Hui's ears, and she almost burst into anger, but she didn't have any power now, unlike when she had the emperor's backing, so she could do nothing to these people, so she could only let these people tear her out.

But how could Enron let these people go, so as these people expected, their good days had indeed come to an end.

Enron's decision to deal with them is not simply to retaliate against what happened before, but to keep such black sheep in the past. After all, why should they be kept here? Will they continue to bully other vulnerable groups in the future?

So not long after An Ran took over Feng Yin, she cleared out the bad apples in the Imperial Kitchen, the House of Internal Affairs, and other places that she had long recorded as having bad behavior. Among them were those who had caused trouble for her at that time, and those who had not. It's troublesome, but he has bullied other people who have fallen out of favor with his concubines, and people can't help but applaud him.

Even Jin Xia was overjoyed, and immediately said to An Ran: "Those guys, I wanted them to get out a long time ago. How arrogant they were to us before, now it's better, let's see if they listen to Concubine Fang Gui and bully us again. They knew something was wrong before, so they tried to bribe me with money, and wanted me to say good things in front of the lady. Huh, now they know they are afraid, why did they go there before? "

Moreover, she would rather not have the money but watch them collapse, because that would make her feel like she was weak and angry.

An Ran nodded and said: "I told them to get out, and I will naturally do what I said."

After listening to An Ran's words this summer, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she secretly thought that the young lady started to talk nonsense again. If it weren't for the young lady's good luck, pie in the sky, and the little emperor agreed to her taking charge of Phoenix Seal, how could there be such a good thing? It is not the young lady's own ability at all. Okay.

It's just that the young lady does have this ability now, so she won't complain about An Ran this summer.

"But they are all little miscellaneous fish. The suffering we suffered at that time was certainly at their hands, but they also obeyed orders. The one we really want to deal with is Concubine Fang Gui." An Ran said.

The market is basically stable now, so An Ran is not afraid of what will happen if what she said reaches Fang Hui's ears. Anyway, she can't do anything even if she wants to, so she can say whatever she wants. .

Since An Ran had no intention of keeping it secret, the words finally reached Fang Hui's ears. Even though Fang Hui was now in decline and there were fewer people providing her with information, money can make all the difference, and some people who are blind to money can, as long as After Fang Hui gave her enough money, she would still tell Fang Hui what she knew.

Fang Hui's income has been greatly reduced now, so she can no longer spend money and money in the palace as before. However, because she has been paying attention to An Ran's activities, she is not reluctant to spend money on An Ran. In this case, An Ran is so half-hearted. Speaking openly and not keeping it secret, it is normal for Fang Hui to receive the news.

When Fang Hui heard An Ran's words, she was not in the mood to complain like before. An Ran only said harsh words and could not do anything anymore, because she could not do much now, so once she said it, she might really be like her. As he had said shamelessly to the palace maids around him before, he really did what he said. If this happened, wouldn't he be like the people in the imperial kitchen and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who were about to be unlucky? In this way, Fang Hui was not in the mood to complain about An Ran's arrogance. Instead, she immediately became vigilant and thought about how to deal with the current situation.

Fang Hui felt that she couldn't solve the problem by herself, so she asked Grandma Fang to call her parents' family to hear their plans.

Afraid that she would no longer be useful, the Fang family was ready to treat her as an abandoned child, so Fang Hui said bluntly, "Now that the little emperor is still so young and still has great achievements, you should ignore me and let me be manipulated by her in the palace." If you go down, there will be no one in the palace to help you manage the relationship with the little emperor."

The Fang family really wanted to give up on Fang Hui. After all, Emperor Yongping died, and Fang Hui couldn't win over the young emperor. In addition, she offended Concubine Sun, who was currently gaining momentum. She didn't know what would happen in the future, so The Fang family generally believes that Fang Hui is useless, and now that Hui has lost Emperor Yongping as her source of income and needs to rely on family support, the Fang family can no longer spend a large amount of money for her to squander in the palace and do useless work. .

But Fang Hui's words made the Fang family hesitate again. After all, the little emperor is only seven or eight years old. Who can decide what will happen in the future? What if Fang Hui works hard and can defeat the little emperor? In that case, they have to give up now. If Fang Hui loses, it will be a loss.

The Fang family hesitated and discussed it again, but they did not mention giving up on Fang Hui. They only said that they would continue to provide her with financial, human and material support and would not watch her being persecuted by Princess Sun Huanggui.

With the guarantee from her family, Fang Hui breathed a sigh of relief. If she was in danger in the palace, and her mother's family would not help her, then she would really be in trouble and be punished by An Ran. And she, She didn’t want to think that she, a time-traveling woman who was a white-bones woman in the workplace, would be defeated by an NPC in a book, or a brainless vase NPC whose brain was not as good as hers. That would be too embarrassing. She didn’t want to be slapped in the face. After all, she had just entered the book. At that time, she vowed to slap the heroine and the author of the original book in the face, but now she was slapped in the face. Even if no one knew, she couldn't stand it just because she felt embarrassed. So she definitely couldn't be slapped by Sun Anran. Get on with it.

But some things were not her fault.

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