Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 385 No money and not short of money 5

Liu Lu was a fairly reliable maid in her original memory. After An Ran observed her for a while, she felt that she was indeed reliable, so she left the matter to Liu Lu.

Liu Lu nodded and said, "Change."

After a pause, Liu Lu couldn't help but said a little doubtfully: "Madam, I have changed all the copper coins, silver and even non-gold jewelry in the house into gold. Now the family can't get out a penny. This... there is something at home. I have to spend time, will it be troublesome?"

No wonder Liu Lu had such doubts, because not only did her master exchange all of her private house for gold, but even the pitiful little money from the grand master was allowed to be taken by her wife as long as the government gave her some. Changed to gold, this... Even if the house has no need to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation, sometimes the master and the eldest master always want to buy something they like. This money is useless. If one day the young master or the young lady wants money, the wife cannot get it. Aren’t you going to be disappointed, young lady?

I heard that when my master returned to his natal family at the beginning of the year, he borrowed some money from his natal family on the pretense that he had no money to reward his concubine. Those people were clamoring for excuses. This... Liu Lu really didn’t understand, Mrs. Why do this.

Well, it was true that those concubines were clamoring for money, but later the prince rejected it, so there was no need to send it at all. I don’t know why the wife used this excuse to go back to her parents’ house to borrow money.

An Ran said calmly: "It's okay. I'll just change it for some money in a few days."

The reason why An Ran changed all the copper coins and silver into gold was because shortly after the New Year, the imperial court at war with the Silver Kingdom in the west won a great victory. Since the Silver Kingdom had many silver mountains and copper mountains, it would compensate a large amount of silver. At the same time, the imperial court had There are a lot of sources of brass. When the time comes, both copper and silver will depreciate, but the price of gold has been rising. Now the gold-to-silver ratio is one to ten, and it will rise to one-to-twenty-thirty during the peak period. The silver to copper ratio has also reached one to one during the peak period. Two to three thousand yuan, so she only needs to last two or three months to make a lot of money.

In fact, the money she got was just for the sake of appearance, so that she would not take out a lot of money in the future and the servants would think it was strange, so she left the matter to Liu Lu, otherwise she would have done it secretly herself. In fact, she also borrowed some loan sharks from outside to do this. She must seize this opportunity and make a big fortune. After all, although the interest rates of loan sharks are high, the loan period is short, so she can still afford it.

Either it's not that there are not many opportunities to make a fortune in the memory of the original body, or else, with the memory of the original body like her, it is equivalent to the nature of rebirth, and with the foresight at hand, it is not difficult to complete the task, otherwise why is this green? The task.

Just as An Ran thought, news came from the court in a few days that the Silver Kingdom, which was good at provoking border provocations, was defeated and compensated a large amount of silver. At the same time, the two countries would start border trade. In the future, a large amount of silver and brass from the Silver Kingdom would flow into the Wei Dynasty. There were rumors in the market that silver and copper coins would become worthless in the future.

Rumors always fermented very quickly, and the rumors became more and more sinister. As a result, the copper coins and silver on the market devalued, and the price of gold soared. There were few gold mines in the Silver Country. At its peak, one tael of silver could be exchanged for three thousand coins. For copper coins, one tael of gold can be exchanged for thirty taels of silver. You must know that before this, one tael of silver was exchanged for one thousand copper coins, and one tael of gold was exchanged for ten taels of silver.

At this time, An Ran asked Liu Lu to exchange the gold into silver, and then exchange all the silver into copper coins.

Liu Lu saw that the price of gold had increased, and her master's small private property had increased several times in an instant. She couldn't help but admire An Ran's foresight. However, while gold was still rising, An Ran was preparing to sell the gold, which still puzzled Liu Lu. , said: "It's still going up. Will I lose money if I change it to copper coins at this time?"

"Just lose a little bit, but I think no matter how much silver and copper coins come from abroad, they won't be able to come so much in a short while. It always takes time to mine their silver and copper mines, right? How much is the annual output? Have those people outside asked? As long as the output is not very large, even if the silver country is full of silver and brass, only so much can be shipped to our country, and it will not make any difference, so I think this matter will be speculated for a while. In the end, the price will stabilize and will not rise so much. Now that there are rumors flying around and gold has risen so much, quickly exchange the gold for copper coins and store them there, including the gold jewelry at home, which can be exchanged for copper coins. It’s made into copper coins. It doesn’t matter if you don’t wear any jewelry. It won’t be too late to buy again after the price stabilizes after a while.”

What An Ran said made sense, but Liu Lu was still a little embarrassed and said: "You almost exchanged one hundred taels of gold before. It would be better to exchange this for silver, but it is only three thousand taels of silver, but if you want to exchange this for copper coins, it will be better." There are nine thousand guan, this...nine thousand guan copper coins, the weight, the area, and there is no special warehouse, I'm afraid it won't be able to put it, so why don't we just exchange it for silver?"

An Ran shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not cost-effective to exchange it for silver. I'll do the math for you. You'll know after listening to it. One tael of gold can now be exchanged for 30 taels of silver. If the price stabilizes in the future, it will become one tael of gold. 15 taels of silver, then 30 taels of silver can be exchanged for 2 taels of gold. But if I exchange one tael of gold for copper coins, at the current price, it can be exchanged for 90 taels of copper coins. In the future, when the price of copper coins stabilizes, if it is 1 and a half If you exchange one tael of silver, these 90 copper coins can be exchanged for 60 taels of silver and 4 taels of gold. You can get twice as much money as if you only exchanged it for silver. Therefore, it is not cost-effective to exchange only for silver. You must exchange it for copper coins. It is for storing things. Don't worry about the place, just put it in my room. When the price stabilizes in the future, just exchange it for gold. Anyway, I estimate that in less than a month, this rumor will be disproven, and then the gold price will stabilize. "

Liu Luyou wanted to say, this is all based on your speculation that the price of silver and copper coins can stabilize again. What if the price never rises?

But because An Ran got it right, Liu Lu didn't dare to say that her guess would be wrong. However, she still didn't dare to exchange the more than one hundred taels of silver she had saved over the years into copper coins, fearing An Ran's estimate. Wrong. If the price of copper coins did not rise as my master expected, but kept falling, wouldn't it be a loss if I wanted to exchange it for copper coins?

Because she didn't dare to say anything, Liu Lu immediately followed An Ran's instructions and exchanged An Ran's one hundred taels of gold for nine thousand copper coins and kept them in An Ran's room.

Seeing someone moving boxes into An Ran's room, Mrs. He Er and others received the news and couldn't help but be curious and came to inquire.

An Ran asked Liu Lu to do this so that he could use the money for his children in the future, so that Liu Lu would not feel strange about where he got the money. However, there was no need to publicize this matter to the outside world, lest Mrs. He and others, especially Mrs. He San knew that she was rich and would come to "borrow" (take) money in the future, which would be bad. So now seeing Mrs. He Er and others coming to inquire, she told Liu Lu what she had told her. He used the rhetoric that people outside said and said: "The clothing store in my trousseau is losing money. I have cleared the warehouse and plan to find a new place to open in a few days. I will temporarily store the materials here. "

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